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#1 2012-03-23 19:06:23

From: varese, italy
Registered: 2008-12-22
Posts: 1,230

tunnelling - connect pc over public network

hi to everybody,

i have a problem.

introduction: i want to share my printer connected (through Arch) with a Winz computer.
following our wiki i choice to use the IPP protocol. IPP way require an URL but.....

the problem: i haven't it, because i want to share my print over entire WWW (or better, i'm on FastWeb, an italian ISP which is see as MAN, so my IP (that change everyday is 10.32.x.x))

how can i solve this ?


Last edited by nTia89 (2012-03-24 16:08:11)

+pc: custom | AMD Opteron 175 | nForce4 Ultra | 2GB ram DDR400 | nVidia 9800GT 1GB | ArchLinux x86_64 w/ openbox
+laptop: Apple | MacBook (2,1) | 2GB ram | Mac OS X 10.4 -> DIED
+ultrabook: Dell | XPS 13 (9343) | 8GB ram | 256GB ssd | FullHD display | Windows 8.1 64bit ArchLinux x86_64 w/ Gnome


#2 2012-03-24 15:18:43

From: varese, italy
Registered: 2008-12-22
Posts: 1,230

Re: tunnelling - connect pc over public network

or the essence: how can i broadcast my printer over the network, with avahi ? with samba ? with VPN ? with PPTP ?

i need a "tunnel" between my linux machine (server) and one windows machine: VPN ? PPTP ?

Last edited by nTia89 (2012-03-24 15:35:54)

+pc: custom | AMD Opteron 175 | nForce4 Ultra | 2GB ram DDR400 | nVidia 9800GT 1GB | ArchLinux x86_64 w/ openbox
+laptop: Apple | MacBook (2,1) | 2GB ram | Mac OS X 10.4 -> DIED
+ultrabook: Dell | XPS 13 (9343) | 8GB ram | 256GB ssd | FullHD display | Windows 8.1 64bit ArchLinux x86_64 w/ Gnome


#3 2012-03-24 19:02:03

From: Zurich [CH] & Mannheim [DE]
Registered: 2005-08-13
Posts: 169

Re: tunnelling - connect pc over public network

Maybe OpenVPN is providing the functionality you need:

Best regards


#4 2012-03-25 15:36:33

From: varese, italy
Registered: 2008-12-22
Posts: 1,230

Re: tunnelling - connect pc over public network

yes, also i think it's the right way, but there is another variable which complicates the situation. server hasn't a static IP ! how can i bypass the obstacle ?

+pc: custom | AMD Opteron 175 | nForce4 Ultra | 2GB ram DDR400 | nVidia 9800GT 1GB | ArchLinux x86_64 w/ openbox
+laptop: Apple | MacBook (2,1) | 2GB ram | Mac OS X 10.4 -> DIED
+ultrabook: Dell | XPS 13 (9343) | 8GB ram | 256GB ssd | FullHD display | Windows 8.1 64bit ArchLinux x86_64 w/ Gnome


#5 2012-03-25 16:30:26

From: Zurich [CH] & Mannheim [DE]
Registered: 2005-08-13
Posts: 169

Re: tunnelling - connect pc over public network

I guess the best solution is using DynDNS ( or something similar. There is also a dedicated section in the OpenVPN documentation: … ml#dynamic


#6 2012-03-25 20:20:38

From: varese, italy
Registered: 2008-12-22
Posts: 1,230

Re: tunnelling - connect pc over public network

yes, i have already viewed the how-to
and using NO-IP (is like DynDNS) i haven't had luck configuring it

waiting other ideas ....

Last edited by nTia89 (2012-03-25 20:21:00)

+pc: custom | AMD Opteron 175 | nForce4 Ultra | 2GB ram DDR400 | nVidia 9800GT 1GB | ArchLinux x86_64 w/ openbox
+laptop: Apple | MacBook (2,1) | 2GB ram | Mac OS X 10.4 -> DIED
+ultrabook: Dell | XPS 13 (9343) | 8GB ram | 256GB ssd | FullHD display | Windows 8.1 64bit ArchLinux x86_64 w/ Gnome


#7 2012-03-25 21:00:59

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 19,956

Re: tunnelling - connect pc over public network

The problem is that 10.x.x.x is a private network address -- there is no routing to such an address from the Internet.  Somewhere, there is a computer that is a gateway from the private network to the outside world.  That computer has a routable internet address.  To reach your machine, that machine has to provide port forwarding to you system.  It seems likely you will not convince them to do that.

You need to find a way for your machine to initiate a connection from behind the firewall.  Commercial solutions like "Go to my PC" work by a target computer initiating connection to their servers.  When you want to talk to your machine, you talk to the Go-to-my-PC server which then forwards data to the pipe that was opened from the target machine.

In your system, you want to set up something called a "reverse tunnel".  Goggle those words and you will have plenty of reading.  this article showed up on my first page.

If you want to get clever, you could set things up so that you could signal the target computer to initiate a reverse tunnel to an arbitrary address by sending it an email with the contact information.

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#8 2012-03-26 08:10:30

From: Zurich [CH] & Mannheim [DE]
Registered: 2005-08-13
Posts: 169

Re: tunnelling - connect pc over public network

That is interesting, that you get a private network address from your ISP. What is telling you then?


#9 2012-04-06 14:34:38

From: varese, italy
Registered: 2008-12-22
Posts: 1,230

Re: tunnelling - connect pc over public network

@ewaller: thanks, i'll read it later

@sandstorm: i get this:

Your IP Address Is:
No Proxy Detected

Read more:

+pc: custom | AMD Opteron 175 | nForce4 Ultra | 2GB ram DDR400 | nVidia 9800GT 1GB | ArchLinux x86_64 w/ openbox
+laptop: Apple | MacBook (2,1) | 2GB ram | Mac OS X 10.4 -> DIED
+ultrabook: Dell | XPS 13 (9343) | 8GB ram | 256GB ssd | FullHD display | Windows 8.1 64bit ArchLinux x86_64 w/ Gnome


#10 2012-04-06 14:45:51

From: Zurich [CH] & Mannheim [DE]
Registered: 2005-08-13
Posts: 169

Re: tunnelling - connect pc over public network

That is an public IP address. So it should work.


#11 2012-04-06 14:53:43

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 19,956

Re: tunnelling - connect pc over public network

sandstorm wrote:

That is an public IP address. So it should work.

Not necessarily.  That is the internet address of the computer that is the gateway between the local area private network and the Internet.  In the case of a 10.xx.xx.xx address, the "Local" network is often very large.

If, on his machine, the output of ip addr reports anything in 10.xx.xx.xx, 192.xx.xx.xx, or 172.xx.xx.xx, it is not possible to initiate a connection to his machine from the internet without cooperation of the gateway.

Last edited by ewaller (2012-04-06 14:57:38)

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#12 2012-04-06 14:53:54

Registered: 2006-08-27
Posts: 947

Re: tunnelling - connect pc over public network

sandstorm wrote:

That is an public IP address. So it should work.

No, it does not. Fastweb puts whole cities behind its nat. So whatismyipaddress see the ip of the fastweb nat.

Last edited by ezzetabi (2012-04-06 14:55:47)


#13 2012-04-06 15:37:24

From: varese, italy
Registered: 2008-12-22
Posts: 1,230

Re: tunnelling - connect pc over public network

output of ip addr is:

[mattia@arch-desktop ~]$ ip addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN 
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:03:6f:e4:76:6a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0

+pc: custom | AMD Opteron 175 | nForce4 Ultra | 2GB ram DDR400 | nVidia 9800GT 1GB | ArchLinux x86_64 w/ openbox
+laptop: Apple | MacBook (2,1) | 2GB ram | Mac OS X 10.4 -> DIED
+ultrabook: Dell | XPS 13 (9343) | 8GB ram | 256GB ssd | FullHD display | Windows 8.1 64bit ArchLinux x86_64 w/ Gnome


#14 2012-04-06 15:52:29

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 19,956

Re: tunnelling - connect pc over public network

Yes, you need a reverse tunnel.  Take a look at this Gentoo article.

Let me add a twist.  This will not work for your initial question, but it might be a way of connecting.  If you want make the "Middle" computer described in the article an arbitrary computer on the Internet, set up a mechanism where you can send an email to your target with the IP address of the computer from which you want to attach.  The target computer uses the address in the email as the address with which to open the tunnel.  when it connects, talk to the port of the localhost.  This works well, provided that both computers are not behind a firewall smile

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#15 2012-04-06 16:11:15

From: varese, italy
Registered: 2008-12-22
Posts: 1,230

Re: tunnelling - connect pc over public network

thanks again and if both pc are in the same NAT. does something change ?

+pc: custom | AMD Opteron 175 | nForce4 Ultra | 2GB ram DDR400 | nVidia 9800GT 1GB | ArchLinux x86_64 w/ openbox
+laptop: Apple | MacBook (2,1) | 2GB ram | Mac OS X 10.4 -> DIED
+ultrabook: Dell | XPS 13 (9343) | 8GB ram | 256GB ssd | FullHD display | Windows 8.1 64bit ArchLinux x86_64 w/ Gnome


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