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I'll try to give as much information as I can, but if I miss to post anything of relevance, please tell me.
First of all, in console I seem to be able to play sounds no problem. I can even play different mp3s simlutaneously. This seems to me to be indicating that I have alsa set up properly.
In KDE, things are a different matter. The sound system fails to start with the following message:
Sound server informational message:
Error while initializing the sound driver:
device: default can't be opened for capture (Invalid argument)
The sound server will continue, using the null output device.
However, I can still play songs through XMMS. But the problem now is, that I can only play one soundfile at a time. Not only that, but (this is the weirdest part) XMMS arbitrarily stops playing every now and then, with no messages of any kind. The only thing I can do is to press the stop button and then play again.
Finally, this is from hwd:
Sound card : Intel Corp.|ICH4 845G/GL Chipset AC'97 Audio Controller
ALSA module : snd-intel8x0
I'd appreciate any help on this issue.
KDE uses JACK by default. If you want to use ALSA without JACK, then you'll have to set KDE's sound output to ALSA.
Thanks, but I'm not using JACK. I've changed KDE's sound-system from autodetect to ALSA.
In either case, back in my gentoo days, I used to turn the KDE sound system off altogether. Apps under KDE would just use ALSA...
I have to *bump* this one...
Basically it seems like ogg123 and mpg123 play everything just fine. mp3blaster can't connect to sound-device if anything else is connected to it, and finally, XMMS and Amarok both tend to stop playing at times - they give no error messages, and there's no crash- they just quit playing. No one's got an idea?
are you running hotplug? I think phrakture had some problems with this soundcard when he was using it,
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
yes, I am. I could stop using it, I guess, but I'd like to have hal running (which depends on hotplug, if I'm not mistaken). Phrakture, may I ask how you solved the problem?
Thanks for the input, xerxes2.
This worked for me: … ound.state
I had the problem of xmms randomly stopping (probably due to kde wanting to use the sound card...). Previously I had set up dmixer, but didn't fully solve the problem, the solution above seems to be a total fix for me .
yes, I am. I could stop using it, I guess, but I'd like to have hal running (which depends on hotplug, if I'm not mistaken). Phrakture, may I ask how you solved the problem?
Thanks for the input, xerxes2.
I'm not exactly sure if this is realted, but for intel-8x0 cards, hotplug loads the intel-8x0m module as well, which is used for modem sounds... these modules clash and cause a whole bunch of headaches.... if the "m" module is loaded, you can "rmmod" it and add it to the hotplug blacklist file
Thanks for the replies. This thread was created quite a while ago, and I've since gone over to Gnome pretty much, which I think handles sound a lot better than KDE. So no problem anymore, at least for me.
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