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#1 2012-04-21 21:31:23

Registered: 2012-02-09
Posts: 9

Cannot stat file & other weird issues

I don't really know where to start with this issue, and may cross-post it on a couple of other forums if the need arises, but I thought I'd start off by asking the ArchLinux gurus for any insight.

I'm having some strange issues with the setup I'm using at work, but it's fairly complex and specific so I'm not sure where to start looking for the solution. I'm running an ArchLinux 32-bit guest via VirtualBox on a Windows 7 64-bit host. The ArchLinux guest is a vanilla install + maybe sudo, rsync, and the virtualbox additions packages. I'm sync'd to my company's ginormous Dropbox folder using the standard Windows client, and I share the entire Dropbox folder to the Arch guest using a persistent auto-mounted vboxsf share defined in /etc/fstab. The guest is running a pretty standard (basically straight out of the Arch Wiki LAMP article) setup of Apache, MySQL, PHP, and phpmyadmin. Because their websites are all backed up to Dropbox, I frequently use mount --bind to mount a local site over /srv/http on my Arch Linux guest for development.

With this in mind, my Apache server is frequently serving up old pages. I know it is the Apache server because clearing my browser's cache completely doesn't change the outcome, and if I open up the page for editing (in Windows or sometimes in Linux... see below) I see the latest version. Some of the time this issue appears to be the Linux Guest's fault (perhaps something Virtualbox is doing wrong?) because if I ls the directory where the file in question resides, among the error output I will get "cannot stat" for that particular file, and it won't be colorized. Other times, I haven't been able to isolate any strange symptoms (other than getting an outdated page in my browser). In any case, I have tried several things while troubleshooting -- clear browser cache, remount the bind, restart Apache/MySQL -- and the only thing that seems to work is rebooting the VM.

My question, in short, is where do I start looking for debugging this? Has anyone experienced anything similar? Anyone have an educated guess where I might look for issues? TIA.


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