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I'm capturing data from a device in a serial fashion, and I want to turn the data into an image. That's no problem.
The trick I want to master is capturing that data to disk in real time, while previewing the video. The preview would need to be about 10-20 fps, while the captured video would be around 500-2000. Although that may sound like a lot, the actual bitrate isn't that high because each frame is 30x30@6bpp.
So my big question is how to turn a stream of image data into a tangible .nuv or .avi of some codec (something that handles high speed video nicely). I've never messed with the JMF, and it's sheer size is rather overwhelming...
JMF is actually kind of simple, once you get to know it. Which I don't anymore... ;-)
IIRC, what you want to do is configure/create a JMF processor that would split the media into two streams. Then send each stream to a player. Yes, I think if you want to write the stream to disk, you send it to a Player object. Go figure.
I suspect there's a better multimedia framework than JMF out there. Sun's APIs are always the ugliest. Check on
I suspect there's a better multimedia framework than JMF out there. Sun's APIs are always the ugliest. Check on
I haven't used JMF. I have a friend who had been messing around with it and wasn't terribly impressed - mainly from a documentation point of view. I got the impression that Sun started off with good intentions for the JMF, but then got a bit bored and so it's in need of a face lift.
Still, I really ought to not spread rumours, since I have absolutely no evidence to back up my claims. But yeah, I would investigate the alternatives. Since the JMF isn't in the core, then you may as well. People often use Sun API because it's already shipped with the JRE and so it's less hassle to deploy your application.
Cool, thanks guys!