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#1 2012-05-09 13:23:35

Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 19

Accessing Host Content through VirutalBox via NETBIOS Name?


I've got Arch Linux installed in VirtualBox and I want to access local resources like Apache installed on my host (Windows 7). Ideally want I to achieve is to be able to access resources via my laptops NETBIOS name, this is because I move around a lot and accessing via IP will be awkward as it will change depending on location i.e. My home network uses the local IP of 192.168.x.x where as another location use 10.60.x.x etc.

Due to NETBIOS being a Windows related service, would it be possible to do this in Arch Linux? I also use Windows XP Mode for testing and accessing Apache via NETBIOS works fine, but obviously that's because it Windows!



Last edited by James2k (2012-05-09 13:23:56)


#2 2012-05-09 15:06:15

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 19,961

Re: Accessing Host Content through VirutalBox via NETBIOS Name?

Two things.

First, you might want to look into Avahi 

Second:  How is your networking on the Virtual machine set up?  If it uses NAT, there is a virtual network between the host and the guest.  That network is independent from the host's physical network to the outside world.  As such the address assigned the guest, and the address of the gateway it uses (the other end of the virtual network on the host) do not change.  What does change is the NAT configuration that allows the host to route data from its real, physical network to the virtual network. 

On the other hand, if you using a bridged network, that means the guest machine receives its address from the same physical DHCP server as does the host.  This would require something like Avahi.

edit: Typos

Last edited by ewaller (2012-05-09 15:07:21)

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