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#1 2012-05-09 19:51:57

From: Denmark
Registered: 2012-01-18
Posts: 539

VPN, gaming and such (hamachi?) - help very much needed

The problem is simple. My friend and i want to do some multiplaying (so to speak), like minecraft. However, again and again we have been disappointed by various server hosts, so I've decided that I'll simply use my computer as server. If I had a static IP and/or access to the router, of course this wouldn't pose much of a challenge, but I'm not that lucky.

To make things even worse, I'm running arch and my buddy is running windows, which don't make things any simpler.

I've tried the Hamachi way, but honestly it just don't seem to work out, so now I'm asking you for your recommendations and where to go next... I mean how hard can it be? It's just data right?

Well, hope you can help.

Best regards.

I am a philosopher, of sorts, not a troll or an imbecile.
My apologies that this is not always obvious, despite my best efforts.


#2 2012-05-09 21:14:20

Registered: 2009-07-03
Posts: 40

Re: VPN, gaming and such (hamachi?) - help very much needed

I had the same problem as you. A friend and I wanted to play Minecraft and for reasons we never worked out, Hamachi Linux didn't like the Windows version. In the end I setup a virtual machine of Windows XP and ran Hamachi and Minecraft on there. My friend connected via the Hamachi IP and I connected via the LAN IP from Arch. I know it's a very clunky method.
If you can provide some more detail on your setup I (or someone else) may be able to suggest something that may work for you. - Out of interest why can't you access the router?


#3 2012-05-09 21:46:01

Forum Fellow
From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-07-21
Posts: 9,839

Re: VPN, gaming and such (hamachi?) - help very much needed

Use a real VPN. OpenVPN has a good reputation, is well documented, and works on both Linux and Windows.


#4 2012-05-14 14:15:24

From: Denmark
Registered: 2012-01-18
Posts: 539

Re: VPN, gaming and such (hamachi?) - help very much needed

tomk wrote:

Use a real VPN. OpenVPN has a good reputation, is well documented, and works on both Linux and Windows.

After considering your suggestion, I've now realized how confused I really am regarding this subject.

In short, I haven't the slightest clue where to begin.

First of all I should make perfectly clear that both me and my buddy have dynamic IP's. This in it self is not a huge problem if you have access to manage your router,  which he kind of have and I don't.

The purpose of it all is for me to host a minecraft server (among other things), which he should be able to connect to.

With openVPN I imagine it is of little importance  which operating system we're running, however, I don't see how it can be possible to establish a connection to each other without third party help, like an actual server on the net, which I don't have access too.

Thus I don't see what the next step is.

I would appreciate it very much if someone would be kind enough to explain the steps involved, if nothing else to better enable me to understand the subject.

Best regards.

I am a philosopher, of sorts, not a troll or an imbecile.
My apologies that this is not always obvious, despite my best efforts.


#5 2012-05-14 15:19:42

Forum Fellow
From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-07-21
Posts: 9,839

Re: VPN, gaming and such (hamachi?) - help very much needed

Step 1: Read the OpenVPN documentation, wiki pages, howtos, etc.
Step 2: Configure OpenVPN.
Step 3: Test OpenVPN.
Step 4: Use OpenVPN.

N.B. Steps 2 & 3 can be repeated as often as required, until a satisfactory outcome is achieved.


#6 2012-05-14 15:24:59

From: Denmark
Registered: 2012-01-18
Posts: 539

Re: VPN, gaming and such (hamachi?) - help very much needed

tomk wrote:

Step 1: Read the OpenVPN documentation, wiki pages, howtos, etc.
Step 2: Configure OpenVPN.
Step 3: Test OpenVPN.
Step 4: Use OpenVPN.

N.B. Steps 2 & 3 can be repeated as often as required, until a satisfactory outcome is achieved.

So what you are saying, after careful consideration I'm sure, is that what I want to do can indeed be achieved without involving any third party server?

I'm sorry, but that just don't make sense. It's like two people throwing a ball at random, expecting them to collide in midair. A connection has to be established somehow. At least that is what my understanding of such things tell me.

I am a philosopher, of sorts, not a troll or an imbecile.
My apologies that this is not always obvious, despite my best efforts.


#7 2012-05-14 15:29:02

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 19,983

Re: VPN, gaming and such (hamachi?) - help very much needed

I think you are looking for Avahi to provide address discovery.

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Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
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#8 2012-05-14 15:29:53

Registered: 2011-08-16
Posts: 1,456

Re: VPN, gaming and such (hamachi?) - help very much needed

A vpn is simply a way of setting up a (secure) connection between 2 or more parties; it's not a product or commercial service per se.

So even if you and your friend both have dynamic ip's; this isn't an issue (other than the fact that'll you'll have to change the peer ip for the vpn connection each time your dynamic ip changes).



#9 2012-05-14 15:35:08

From: Denmark
Registered: 2012-01-18
Posts: 539

Re: VPN, gaming and such (hamachi?) - help very much needed

This is clear way more complicated than expected, but thanks for now. I'll meet with my buddy shortly and maybe well figure out something.

I am a philosopher, of sorts, not a troll or an imbecile.
My apologies that this is not always obvious, despite my best efforts.


#10 2012-05-14 15:40:13

Forum Fellow
From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-07-21
Posts: 9,839

Re: VPN, gaming and such (hamachi?) - help very much needed

zacariaz wrote:

So what you are saying, after careful consideration I'm sure, is that what I want to do can indeed be achieved without involving any third party server?

I'm sorry, but that just don't make sense. It's like two people throwing a ball at random, expecting them to collide in midair. A connection has to be established somehow. At least that is what my understanding of such things tell me.

So either I'm wrong, or your understanding is wrong.

Follow Step 1, and then check your understanding again.


#11 2012-05-14 19:01:56

From: Denmark
Registered: 2012-01-18
Posts: 539

Re: VPN, gaming and such (hamachi?) - help very much needed

okay, so this isn't really relevant anymore, as it would seem I found my self a decent VPS.

I am a philosopher, of sorts, not a troll or an imbecile.
My apologies that this is not always obvious, despite my best efforts.


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