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#1 2012-05-18 19:32:02

Registered: 2011-10-22
Posts: 39

Internet connection is intermittent- only works ~ %20 of the time

Hi forum, it's been a long time! ;D
I just got my new arch box, and to my dismay i find that the internet connection is incredibly intermittent, it seems to not work i'd say 8 out of 10 times i boot up. I beleive it to be a problem with that fiddly DHCP but cant be sure.
Arch definately finds my ethernet controller, and the kernel driver it uses is "sky2".
When i run

sudo dhcpcd eth0

when the internet connection is broken i get

dhcpcd[907]: Version 5.5.6 starting
dhcpcd[907]: eth0: waiting for carrier
dhcpcd[907]: timed out 

I remember having dhcp problems a few months back when I used arch, but i cant remember what I did to get it working!!! tongue
Thanks for your time,
Live long and prosper.

Tea, Earl Grey, hot


#2 2012-05-18 22:50:53

Registered: 2011-08-16
Posts: 1,456

Re: Internet connection is intermittent- only works ~ %20 of the time

Just to determine if it's actually dhcp related or not; does everything work fine when you use a static ip setup?



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