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Since a while (I'll say 3 weeks, but I have this computer since one month, so perhaps the issue was already here) I have random freezes of the keyboard and mouse.
My computer is an HP dm1 4xxx something with and AMD E450 (HD 6320) and a wifi card broadcom 4313. I'm using the latest catalyst drivers (12-04) and broadcom-wl drivers from AUR ( I'm upto date for pacman using a testing environment (kernel 3.3.6-1 in core).
It seems to appears more when I'm doing some networking on WiFi, but I'm not really sure, the keyboard and mouse can freeze in many different way:
a) Full freeze of keyboard and mouse
b) Only the keyboard freeze, I'm still able to use the computer with the mouse
c) Full freeze, but the keyboard freeze in a "repeat" state, where it generally spams alt-tab !
In all cases, the computer is still working well for everything except those issues (ie, music still plays, movies continues, any moving stuff on the screen continue to movie, network continue, ...)
Currently I have found two ways to get a working session back:
a) put the laptop in suspend by closing the lid
b) modprobe -r psmouse by ssh gives my back the keyboard. modprobe psmouse gives the mouse back.
I have no message in dmesg, no interesting log in Xorg.conf, so I'm a bit lost.
(last note, I'm also experimenting full computer freeze (with no ssh access or response from closing the lid) when I'm doing some strong GPU work, but I don't think both issues are related)
Have you tried swaping out the keyboard & mouse to rule out a hardware problem?
Anything interesting in the logs, or in the output of dmesg ?
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
The shortest way to ruin a country is to give power to demagogues.— Dionysius of Halicarnassus
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Have you tried swaping out the keyboard & mouse to rule out a hardware problem?
Hum, sorry, I forgot that point. In fact I'm able to get a working keyboard and mouse if I'm connecting a new keyboard/mouse on USB. But the builtin keyboard/mouse of the laptop still stay unusable.
Anything interesting in the logs, or in the output of dmesg ?
Nothing in dmesg or /var/log/messages or Xorg log.
By the way I tried to remove the broadcom-wl driver. The laptop runs all night with CPU, GPU and network at 100% without any freeze. But I did not simulate user input (obviously, I was sleeping , so It may not be a valuable test. I'll do proper testing this evening, but I hope the issues does not comes from the broadcom-wl driver because else I'll be forced to use the kernel builtin driver which does not work correctly (signal strength of the wifi is about 10% when the laptop is at a few centimeters from the hotspot).
I have same problem:
- HP Pavilion dm1-4100sc
- last bios update F.15
- last version of catalyst driver from repository
- broadcom-wl driver from AUR
- all software is up to date
- when I turn notebook on and don't touch anything, I notice keyboard and touchpad freezes during 1 hour
- freezes in xfce but also in pure console (without running X)
- workaround with modprobe -r psmouse or susped works but usually it freezes again during 5 or 10 minutes (when keyboard isn't used)
- external usb mouse or keyboard works without problem
I tried these solutions but without any effect:
- kernel parameters i8042.noloop i8042.nomux i8042.nopnp i8042.notimeout i8042.reset
- blacklist thermal and sp5100_tco
- turn it off and remove batter for few minutes (it should remove static electricity and solve the problem according to hp support)
I tested live Ubuntu 12.04 and it ran 1 hour without freeze. I suppose that problem is in ACPI and energy saving. Perhaps kernel decide that keyboard isn't used and turns it off? But it seems that keyboard isn't totally dead because when it is frozen and I push some keys and than I start "modprobe -r psmouse", pushed keys emerge on terminal. Keys for brightness change and for wifi turn on/off works even when rest of keyboard is frozen.
Btw I also noticed full freeze but only few times and it is hard to reproduce.
Does anybody know how to solve it? It is really annoying problem.
Last edited by libtom (2012-05-29 16:04:53)
The catalyst driver is known to cause strange problems (e.g. this topic). Although it seems unlikely that the catalyst driver causes the mouse and keyboard to freeze, I would check if it also occurs with the open source drivers.
I don't think the issue comes from the catalyst driver. I removed the broadcom-wl driver and have no crash/freeze at all.
But the issue is that the kernel-build-in driver (brcmsmac) does not work at all for me (signal strength is really low).
I'm waiting for catalyst 12.5 which may get released this week, this will enable the upgrade to kernel 3.4 and xorg 1.12 (we are currently blocked to 3.3 and xorg 1.11 with catalyst 12.4). Perhaps the open driver will be better in the 3.4, but I'm not sure.
My former laptop (an asus 1215B) also have a broadcom 4313 chip but I don't remember having those issues (it was one month before I bought the hpdm1). If I remember well, I was not using broadcom-wl but the b43 module, but I'm unable to make it work with the hpdm1.
Also I though the error was solve when I disabled the wifi power management, but it did the trick for one week and I got back freeze and lock (but I don't know if I was just lucky or if some update really changes thing)
I did another tests and here are results:
- I noticed freeze also in Ubuntu 12.04 after 15 minutes (maybe I was lucky during my first test)
- use kernel driver (brcmsmac) instead of broadcom-wl had no effect
I don't think that problem is in catalyst because it freezes also in pure console without running X. I suppose that in this case catalyst driver isn't loaded.
Problem is also in windows according to HP forum a it could be caused by hardware:
touchpad and keyboard freeze
HP dm1-4003au keyboard and touchpad lock up when CPU is under high workload
I have still warranty so I'll take laptop back to shop and we will see. I'll inform you about result. Anyhow, thank you all for help.
Random thoughts. I think we have two issues here.
a) Sometime keyboard / mouse freeze. It happens with or without the WL driver. This is solved by sleep/resume or modprobe -r psmouse in SSH. I have the feeling that once you modeprobe -r psmouse once, issue will never appear. You can add modprobe -r psmouse; modprobe psmouse in /etc/rc.local
b) Sometime the computer hard lock (ie, you cannot do anything else, the computer does not ping, no SSH, nothing. Video/music just continue playing the last sound buffer and the only solution is hard reboot. This only happen with broadcom-wl driver.
Do we agree on this ? Without broadcom-wl, only light freeze occurs and can be easily solved, with broadcom-wl, big hard lock occurs.
I'm not sure there is any hardware issue at all. I had just spent the last twos weeks playing Diablo III on Windows using WiFi with this computer, and I never had ANY lock...
For the issue a) I think it is a *simple* kernel issue, but I honestly don't know how to track it. For the issue b) it will be solved once the in-kernel driver become usable, but I'm afraid it will take some times.
Weird. After modprobe -r psmouse; modprobe psmouse and disabling power managment on wifi card, I was able to work for 6 hours without any issue but suddenly it freezes. It was a *soft* freeze (ie, I was able to connect to the computer using SSH and do some stuff, except that I was not able to recover the mouse/keyboard by modprobe -r psmouse because modprobe was not working at all (no error message, but modules were not removed)
I agree with 2 different problems, but:
a) modprobe -r psmouse works but only short time. I noticed keyboard/touchpad freezes again after 5 minutes when I used it. IMHO add it to cron and start each minute is useless and ungly workaround.
b) I noticed only few hard locks (perhaps 3 or 4 during few months) so for me it isn't problem. Hard to say if it is caused by broadcom-wl driver because I used wifi often in different networks and everything was ok.
Btw do you have exactly same laptop? I have Notebook HP Pavilion dm1-4100sc Entertainment (A9X93EA)
I'm sure that I have same problem which is described on HP forum in "touchpad and keyboard freeze" (see my previous comment) and it could be hardware problem.
I did also game test - 3 hours Diablo 2 playing in wine in linux. It requires still use the keyboard and I didn't notice any freeze.
Now, my laptop is in shop. I'll get it back on the end of moth and we will see.
I agree with 2 different problems, but:
a) modprobe -r psmouse works but only short time. I noticed keyboard/touchpad freezes again after 5 minutes when I used it. IMHO add it to cron and start each minute is useless and ungly workaround.
Weird, for me, the freeze generally happen in the first minute of use and once I have modprobe -r psmouse, I can work for hours without a freeze.
b) I noticed only few hard locks (perhaps 3 or 4 during few months) so for me it isn't problem. Hard to say if it is caused by broadcom-wl driver because I used wifi often in different networks and everything was ok.
You are more lucky than me. I'm able to have a freeze every ten minutes.
Btw do you have exactly same laptop? I have Notebook HP Pavilion dm1-4100sc Entertainment (A9X93EA)
I'm sure that I have same problem which is described on HP forum in "touchpad and keyboard freeze" (see my previous comment) and it could be hardware problem.
Hp dm1-4131sf. From the spec it is roughly the same thing than your, except I only have 2 GB of Ram.
My laptop is back from shop. They told me that they tested few operating systems for many hours and didn't notice any keyboard or touchpad freeze.
So I did some testing yesterday:
- live Ubuntu 12.04 (wifi driver broadcom-wl, graphics driver radeon) - 1 hour without freeze
- arch (wifi driver brcmsmac, graphics driver radeon) - freeze after 50 minutes
- live Ubuntu 12.04 (wifi driver broadcom-wl, graphics driver radeon) - 1 hour without freeze
Really strange. I looked at software versions in Ubuntu. It has kernel 3.2 therefore I downgraded Arch kernel to 3.2.14 from ARM:
- arch (wifi driver brcmsmac, graphics driver radeon, kernel 3.2.14 from ARM) - 1,5 hour WITHOUT FREEZE
And next tests yesterday:
- arch (wifi driver brcmsmac, graphics driver radeon, kernel 3.4 from testing) - freeze after 30 minutes
- arch (wifi driver brcmsmac, graphics driver radeon, kernel 3.3 from core) - freeze after 40 minutes
Last test today:
- arch (wifi driver brcmsmac, graphics driver radeon, kernel 3.2.14 from ARM) - 5 hours WITHOUT FREEZE
I'll install catalyst and broadcom-wl driver and I hope that everything will work. It was really annoying problem and hard work but it seems that problem is fixed - finally.
I would say that something strange is in HP laptops or in 3.3 and 3.4 kernels.
Guibou, perhaps kernel downgrade could fix also your freezing problem or try live Ubuntu 12.04 (broadcom-wl driver is included) and you will see if it helps.
Last edited by libtom (2012-06-08 15:17:38)
What are you meaning by kernel from ARM ?
I'll try lts kernel and/or ubuntu this week-end and gives you result. Thank you.
What are you meaning by kernel from ARM ?
Arch Rollback Machine.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
I used downgrade package for load kernel 3.2.14 from ARM.
I installed the linux-lts kernel. It runs without any issue during one hour with wifi uage at 100%, cpu usage at 100% (video encoding) and GPU usage at 100% (GL 4 tesselation test) with wl driver and catalyst driver.
Weirdly it just freeze at the moment I moved the laptop from one place to another. So perhaps the builtin accelerometer is an issue.
I'm a bit hopeless. The previous few minutes results in a freeze (soft) every ten seconds and a hard freeze after ten minutes. I then reboot and in console (without wl neither catalyst module loaded) it froze three times in one minute.
I'll try the 3.2 kernel (lts is 3.0), but I'm not really sur that it will improves stuffs.
I noticed freeze also with kernel 3.2.14. It seems that problem is in btusb module which is loaded automatically in 3.3 (3.4) but isn't loaded in 3.2. I loaded it manually and it froze after 30 minutes. I'll explore it more.
I installed new kernel 3.3.8, catalyst and broadcom-wl driver and I din't notice any freeze for 1.5 hour (wifi was connected to access point). I hope that new kernel really solved the problem. If it emerges again, I'll inform you.
Next tests:
- kernel 3.3.8, catalyst and broadcom-wl driver, blacklist btusb, wifi enabled but not connected, no external usb mouse nor dvd - 7 hours without freeze (during night)
- kernel 3.3.8, catalyst and broadcom-wl driver, blacklist btusb, wifi enabled but not connected, external usb mouse and dvd connected - 7 hours without freeze (dvd rip during night)
- kernel 3.3.8, catalyst and broadcom-wl driver, blacklist btusb, wifi enabled and connected to AP, external usb mouse and dvd connected - HARD FREEZE after 2 hours during loading data from dvd :-(
Perhaps problem is somewhere id usb when combination connected wifi + dvd + mouse is used?
This stuff is Weird.
Since a few week I'm using the preinstalled windows 7 for some tasks (proprietary apps for the work and Diablo III). I only experimented two full freezes, but never the keyboard/mouse freeze.
On Linux, I'm generally generating the keyboard/mouse freeze in a few minutes with a real simple method, I'm watching a movie with mplayer + I generate lot of network/cpu usage with a simple python script. Usually the keyboard froze in a few minutes.
If, instead of generating network event on the ethernet or wifi card, I'm generating them on the loopback interface, no freeze. I have ran a test for 45 minutes (with a movie playing, a GPU stress test playing (Unigene engine + a tesselation test I wrote) + CPU test (all of the previous + my network test on *lo* device)) And it does not freeze.
I'm pretty sure now that it is not an hardware issue (or perhaps that hardware sucks in its linux compatibility or in the way it implements norms, but windows handle this pretty well, so linux may be able to do so)
So now I'm wondering why the network can generate the mouse freeze. Is the ethernet AND wifi card broken, is it the driver ? Is it something on the kernel which is not used because of some optimization of the local loopback ?
I'm also wondering something. When I did the network test on linux, it gaves me ten times bandwith that what was returned by windows, so perhaps it is just that on windows our devices are limited in a way which avoid freeze. And perhaps that people which have freezes on Windows have deactivated this limitation.
I'll have to sleep. More tomorrow.
This stuff is Weird.
...So now I'm wondering why the network can generate the mouse freeze. Is the ethernet AND wifi card broken, is it the driver ? Is it something on the kernel which is not used because of some optimization of the local loopback ?
Interrupt conflicts? See what is sharing interrupts with what.
...I'll have to sleep. More tomorrow.
Sleep is overrated.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
The shortest way to ruin a country is to give power to demagogues.— Dionysius of Halicarnassus
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
my /proc/interrupt with only the ethernet card looks like:
0: 52 0 IO-APIC-edge timer
1: 24 3264 IO-APIC-edge i8042
8: 0 1 IO-APIC-edge rtc0
9: 1438 187822 IO-APIC-fasteoi acpi
12: 81 4478 IO-APIC-edge i8042
16: 2 413 IO-APIC-fasteoi snd_hda_intel
17: 3 101 IO-APIC-fasteoi ehci_hcd:usb1, ehci_hcd:usb2, ehci_hcd:usb3
18: 1 26 IO-APIC-fasteoi ohci_hcd:usb4, ohci_hcd:usb5, ohci_hcd:usb6
19: 120 52539 IO-APIC-fasteoi ahci
41: 5536 5047134 PCI-MSI-edge fglrx[0]@PCI:0:1:0
42: 2 97 PCI-MSI-edge snd_hda_intel
43: 826 1014193 PCI-MSI-edge eth0
NMI: 3756 3761 Non-maskable interrupts
LOC: 13869735 13879818 Local timer interrupts
SPU: 0 0 Spurious interrupts
PMI: 3756 3761 Performance monitoring interrupts
IWI: 0 0 IRQ work interrupts
RTR: 0 0 APIC ICR read retries
RES: 1421768 1364352 Rescheduling interrupts
CAL: 331 23 Function call interrupts
TLB: 1717 2771 TLB shootdowns
TRM: 0 0 Thermal event interrupts
THR: 0 0 Threshold APIC interrupts
MCE: 0 0 Machine check exceptions
MCP: 129 129 Machine check polls
ERR: 0
MIS: 0
So eth0 is on its own line, so there may be no issue. Can you confirm I'm right ?
And with the broadcom wl driver, it is interesting:
0: 54 0 IO-APIC-edge timer
1: 54 2642 IO-APIC-edge i8042
8: 0 1 IO-APIC-edge rtc0
9: 4 632 IO-APIC-fasteoi acpi
12: 35 1665 IO-APIC-edge i8042
16: 306 55309 IO-APIC-fasteoi snd_hda_intel, eth0
17: 0 104 IO-APIC-fasteoi ehci_hcd:usb1, ehci_hcd:usb2, ehci_hcd:usb3
18: 1 26 IO-APIC-fasteoi ohci_hcd:usb4, ohci_hcd:usb5, ohci_hcd:usb6
19: 59 21582 IO-APIC-fasteoi ahci
41: 0 2 PCI-MSI-edge fglrx[0]@PCI:0:1:0
42: 2 98 PCI-MSI-edge snd_hda_intel
NMI: 4 7 Non-maskable interrupts
LOC: 28796 44487 Local timer interrupts
SPU: 0 0 Spurious interrupts
PMI: 4 7 Performance monitoring interrupts
IWI: 0 0 IRQ work interrupts
RTR: 0 0 APIC ICR read retries
RES: 29199 25170 Rescheduling interrupts
CAL: 58 19 Function call interrupts
TLB: 871 1006 TLB shootdowns
TRM: 0 0 Thermal event interrupts
THR: 0 0 Threshold APIC interrupts
MCE: 0 0 Machine check exceptions
MCP: 3 3 Machine check polls
ERR: 0
MIS: 0
eth0 is on the same line as snd_hda_intel.
By the way, my previous test runs all night and this morning when I touched the keyboard, it lags for half a second and get me a key input.... Then I modprobe r8169 and dhcpcd eth0 and after 2 minutes, it keyboard freezes. So there is definitly something here.
Last edited by guibou (2012-06-12 09:21:33)
Weird, since yesterday I'm unable to get the freeze in a few minutes as previously. Instead it happen after approximatly one hour.
Also I had a totally different freeze, the mouse was not frozen at all, only the keyboard, but modprobe -r psmouse did not bring the keyboard back... I had to sleep the computer to get it back.