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#1 2012-05-28 01:14:11

Registered: 2010-11-20
Posts: 22

XAMPP to Apache + ProFTP

I recently had to reinstall arch linux due to swapping out a dying hard drive. I took the opportunity to make some changes I'd considered before (eg. switching window managers). One of the things I decided to do differently was set up an actual LAMP environment instead of XAMPP. The reasons being that I figured it'd be a good learning experience and I could never get Amarok to work with XAMPP.

My Apache, PHP, and Mysql are all already setup and working well as far as I can see. However, I'm not sure about how to go about setting up ProFTP to host Apache's /srv/http directory for a specific user. I understand that Apache's httpd is using the user and group http/http to run under. ProFTP seems to be configured to run under both the user/groups  nobody/nobody and ftp/ftp, the latter being for anonymous login. The question is, should I just create a new user, set their home folder to /srv/http (the same as the http "system user"), and change the permissions on /srv/http from root/root to the new user? Should I somehow modify the http user so that ProFTP uses it? Is there some way to limit ProFTP to only allowing logins on that specific user?

I wasn't sure if I should've added this to the newbie corner or here.

here's some info.

$ grep http /etc/passwd
$ grep nobody /etc/passwd
$ grep ftp /etc/passwd

Also, I did not create these users. They were created by either Apache or ProFTP when they were installed (the LAMP article in the wiki is a little out of date and instructs the reader to create the user themselves it seems). Looking around the net I keep finding guides for other distros that seem to differ substantially as well as guides that talk about integrating ProFTP with MySQL (though I think this is for virtual hosting).


#2 2012-06-08 09:52:48

Registered: 2010-11-20
Posts: 22

Re: XAMPP to Apache + ProFTP



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