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It's awesome. Can you share the colors and wallpaper?
Thanks. The colors and the wall are available on the first page of my blog.
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
OK100 wrote:It's awesome. Can you share the colors and wallpaper?
Thanks. The colors and the wall are available on the first page of my blog.
i know this is off topic, but how do you get the cool Enterprise starship in the terminal? (from your blog)
Oh like that , what is the gtk theme ? the filemanager quickly nice
@chamber Thanks.
@F34R Gtk theme is "Dyne". I get it from aur. Here it's
Arch x86_64
same old crap. A low contrast derivative of default colors.
On a related note, Terrific Trio vs Rocketeers is an awesome track to listen when hacking hardcore. Sort of like, Ishikawa surfs the system from one of the GiTS albums.
Can you share a vim colors?
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
same ole WMii I've loved it for years!.
Clean Dirt
Nice! Can you share the font both in the bar and the terminals?
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
MreDD wrote:same ole WMii I've loved it for years!.
Clean Dirt! Can you share the font both in the bar and the terminals?
WMii > tamzen
Urxvt > PragmataPro
Shit.. wrong box.
Driving home I'll get the correct info in a few mins
Ok here we go my intel box
WMii > export WMII_FONT="xft:Comfortaa:pixelsize=14:antialias=true:hinting=true"
Urxvt > URxvt*font: xft:PragmataPro:pixelsize=11:antialias=true:hinting=true
was pretty sure the terminal font was right but knew that the wmii font was wrong since I connect via vnc to the other box I tend to use smaller fonts on it.
Last edited by MreDD (2012-06-23 03:38:29)
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
Didn't think anyone would still be using my fonts. Hm. nice.
By the way, bloom, I seriously never expected that anyone would ever use 4thD. There is an updated version called "5thElement" that I never pushed to github, but I just threw it up there for ya, and I let sanderd, my AUR guy know, so that should be updated soon, I hope.
Anyway, This is what I've been noodling with lately. Extra monitor for my laptop, retooling some themes and color scemes. herbstluftwm, the WM that put my hopping to an end almost a year ago now.
And just to see how much we can fit in one scrot with that tiny font...
nice, mind sharing i3 config and conky??
and how you make everything blue?
Last edited by veroke12 (2012-06-23 10:16:54)
It's just ascii art. You can find it and many more on my github in a folder, called, ascii.
Saturday morning Colors revamp shot. Will add the colors on my blog this evening.
Last edited by Daisuke_Aramaki (2012-06-23 11:57:13)
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
thats sick
It's just ascii art. You can find it and many more on my github in a folder, called, ascii.
Saturday morning Colors revamp shot. Will add the colors on my blog this evening.
Sweet colors. What do you actually do with your vim (you use vim, right)? Do you also adjust your colorscheme there, or just use some generic one?
my old box used mostly now as a headless media server.
I use synergy to share keyboard/mouse if I need in thru X
WMii ofcourse.
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
ghost wrote:nice, mind sharing i3 config and conky??
and how you make everything blue?
As browser I'm using firefox with pentadactyl (config). The CSS stylesheet for webbrowsing is between line 132 to 153.
The color in xterm and qt apps is done by this xresources file.
The i3 config is pretty basic, the interesting parts:
# toggle screen of workspace
bindsym $mod+b move workspace to output right
# class border backgr. text
client.focused #b58900 #002b36 #b58900
# yellow base03 base0
client.focused_inactive #073642 #002b36 #839496
# base02 base03 -
client.unfocused #333333 #002b36 #888888
# - base03 -
client.urgent #2f343a #002b36 #ffffff
# - base03 -
bar {
status_command i3status
background #002b36
statusline #657b83
focused_workspace #b58900 #073642
active_workspace #657b83 #002b36
inactive_workspace #888888 #002b36
Edit my conky config and the parser for my todo file
Last edited by ghost (2012-06-24 08:30:00)
Ehh my first post
Just got arch running on my laptop so I thought I would share it with the world
-- mod edit: read the rules and only post thumbnails [jwr] --
^ sorrry
Last edited by gnar (2012-06-24 00:52:33)
Openbox (with good old Tint2) on my Netbook
Nothing fancy but I think it looks simple and easy on the eyes. Menu fonts are Droid Sans and the Menu seperator fonts are just plain Fixed I think.
Last edited by ElderSnake (2012-06-24 02:11:03)
Arch Linux - Intel E5200 Desktop (MATE GTK3) | Fedora 25 - ASUS Core-i7 Optimus Laptop
Just a clean one at the moment. Still working on getting i3 configured, but I'm quite happy with it so far.
Is that "No Updates Available" for the DE/WM that your using?
Happiness Engineer @ System76
Arch Linux + GNOME