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Regardless, the moderation staff is here to try an appease everyone. I stand behind Penguin's decision. I actually recall seeing your thumbnail while I was at work and quickly scrolling past it while checking to see if anyone saw.
I would appretiate it if screenshots such as that are linked to and not thumbnailed, along with a "Not Safe For Work" [NSFW] warning.
And I fully apologize for my part in that...
Dude it's sorted why bring it back up? =/
phrakture wrote:Regardless, the moderation staff is here to try an appease everyone. I stand behind Penguin's decision. I actually recall seeing your thumbnail while I was at work and quickly scrolling past it while checking to see if anyone saw.
I would appretiate it if screenshots such as that are linked to and not thumbnailed, along with a "Not Safe For Work" [NSFW] warning.
And I fully apologize for my part in that...
Dude it's sorted why bring it back up? =/
didn't see the whole thing.... this thread had advanced about 3 pages since I last checked it
/me slaps phrakture wrists
Back to the cubby hole with you, shoo, shoo!
·¬»· i am shadowhand, powered by webfaction
Oh crap, I have to add another one because I forgot to have IRC and a movie in it.
Yes, that's a full copy of Advent Children. 8)
·¬»· i am shadowhand, powered by webfaction
Uh... What's that in your terminal? Looks a bit like Super Mario in ascii...
It looks like asciiquarium. It's in AUR, haven't tried it myself though cause I don't want to install the perl libs required by it.
After trying out pekwm I switched back to Openbox:
Full size
where did you get that wallpaper?
After trying out pekwm I switched back to Openbox:
Full size
What are your terminal color settings?
It looks like asciiquarium. It's in AUR, haven't tried it myself though cause I don't want to install the perl libs required by it.
yep thats right...
its only two perl deps tho and easily built from aur...
smoon wrote:After trying out pekwm I switched back to Openbox:
Full sizewhere did you get that wallpaper?
I got it from
What are your terminal color settings?
Here's the color section of my Eterm user.cfg:
begin color
foreground #d6d6d6
background #2f3430
cursor #d6d6d6
cursor_text #2f3430
pointer white
video normal
color 0 #000000
color 1 #9e1828
color 2 #aece91
color 3 #968a38
color 4 #7196bf
color 5 #963c59
color 6 #418179
color 7 #bebebe
color 8 #666666
color 9 #cf6171
color 10 #c5f779
color 11 #fff796
color 12 #9db7d0
color 13 #cf9ebe
color 14 #71bebe
color 15 #ffffff
color 0 rgb:0/0/0
end color
I found it on a page that said, it was Rasterman's settings. I changed some of the colors, though.
LOL... you forgot cowsay with something like "ARCHLINUX ROx0RZ"
PS Is that fan-subbed at all?
edit whoops just looked at the shot! you DO have cowsay, LOL
I downloaded and watched Advent Children yesterday, and it was awesome.
Unconfigured pekwm the with the Airlock theme + conky pretending to be a status bar :-)
niCE.... good theme
In the end, I found out how to fetch gdm login screenshots. Others may wonder how to do that, too, so I post my solution here.
As superuser, add the line
import -window root -pause 5 /screenshot.jpg &
to /opt/gnome/etc/gdm/Init/default, just before the 'exit 0' statement.
Here is an example (garGANTuan greetings with changes in /opt/gnome/share/gdm/themes/garGANTuan/gargantuan.xml):
And here my gdesklets:
Frumpus ♥ addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]
Any cool anime movies to put in my screen? Plus I need to go make my screen something interesting...
Phrake: Well, the movie was released with Japenese subs, and someone from the release team translated them, so I guess that's a "yes". They seem to be fairly accurate though, judging from the trailers that were released (the subtitles have the same meaning).
·¬»· i am shadowhand, powered by webfaction