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#676 2012-03-19 18:51:53

From: Berlin
Registered: 2005-10-27
Posts: 428

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

Hey there, I have already been folding for a while, but now that summer is approaching I’d like to have my machine cool down a bit and thus would like to only use one of my two cores on an intel i3 (sandy) processor.

However, setting "-smp 1"  in /etc/conf.d/foldingathome-smp and/or /opt/fah-smp/FAH_USER/client.cfg still causes fah to get 4 processes (due to "-np 4" in the final call):

Arguments: -smp -verbosity 9 -forceasm -smp 1
[18:44:39] - Calling './FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 09 -np 4 -checkpoint 10 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 8553 -version 634'

I couldn’t find any help out there.

Best, Jakob


#677 2012-03-21 23:50:34

From: Berlin
Registered: 2005-10-27
Posts: 428

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

jakob wrote:

Hey there, I have already been folding for a while, but now that summer is approaching I’d like to have my machine cool down a bit and thus would like to only use one of my two cores on an intel i3 (sandy) processor.

However, setting "-smp 1"  in /etc/conf.d/foldingathome-smp and/or /opt/fah-smp/FAH_USER/client.cfg still causes fah to get 4 processes (due to "-np 4" in the final call):

Arguments: -smp -verbosity 9 -forceasm -smp 1
[18:44:39] - Calling './FahCore_a3.exe -dir work/ -nice 19 -suffix 09 -np 4 -checkpoint 10 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 8553 -version 634'

I couldn’t find any help out there.

Best, Jakob

I’ve worked around the poblem by cp’ing FahCore_a3.exe to FahCore_a3.exe.orig and created a little shell file for FahCore_a3.exe which says:

./FahCore_a3.exe.orig $@ -np 1

This seems to do the trick: Now, it’s only two cores that are scaled to the maximum frequency granted by the scheduler instead of four, which was the case before. Which seems a bit strange since I set -np to 1 but nevermind.


#678 2012-05-17 14:45:44

Registered: 2010-07-03
Posts: 133

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

Well, after about a half a year (I think), I've finally hit a quarter million.
I should get more clients going, eh?


#679 2012-05-18 06:24:59

From: Italy
Registered: 2009-08-10
Posts: 151

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

nomilieu wrote:

Well, after about a half a year (I think), I've finally hit a quarter million.
I should get more clients going, eh?

congrats big_smile


#680 2012-05-29 12:44:42

Registered: 2011-10-14
Posts: 4

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

Joining the party! 5 units folded.


#681 2012-06-03 06:37:05

Registered: 2010-01-02
Posts: 16

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

I am currently trying to install f@h on my computer, but i am running into problems. I followed the instructions on the first page to install it on a 32 bit, but it is not working.  This message pops up
"This client only supports 64-bit linux machines.  Your machine was detected as ."

How do I fix this?



#682 2012-06-30 14:11:08

Registered: 2010-07-03
Posts: 133

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

schubs wrote:

I am currently trying to install f@h on my computer, but i am running into problems. I followed the instructions on the first page to install it on a 32 bit, but it is not working.  This message pops up
"This client only supports 64-bit linux machines.

What's the version number that you're trying to install?
If it's the newest version, it should have the architecture listed in the package filename.
If you're using an older client, you'll want 6.02 instead of 6.34.

I guess what I'm saying is that, even though you followed instructions for a 32-bit installation, are you absolutely certain you downloaded the 32-bit client?


#683 2012-07-14 01:02:44

Arch Linux f@h Team Member
Registered: 2006-01-23
Posts: 300

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

Has anyone built a package for the new V7 client ?

I downloaded the fahclient-7.1.52-1.x86_64.rpm and fahcontrol-7.1.52-1.noarch.rpm and used rpmextract to extract the files.  I manually put the files in the proper directories, and it works.  Basically I manually did what a package would do.  I only had one problem.  I have both Python 2 and Python 3 installed on Arch.  FAHContol is written in Python 2 and Python 3 is default.  I had to edit the /usr/share/applications/FAHControl.desktop file and specified Python 2 and it worked.

I have never written a package, does anyone familar with packages care to take a stab at building a package for this?

The FAHControl app replaces FAHMON, and is fairly decent.



#684 2012-07-18 15:09:33

Registered: 2010-07-03
Posts: 133

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

No, I haven't started using V7 yet. But, here soon when I get internet connection hooked up at my new place, it would be a useful mini-project if no one else has done so by then.


#685 2012-07-18 21:58:25

From: Cornwall, UK
Registered: 2012-07-18
Posts: 6

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

Hi, im new to Arch, but not to Linux (10 years), FAH (since GAH and FAH2).  I have looked at Whaever's AUR PKGBUILD, but am getting nowhere fast.  Up until 3 days ago i was a CentOS user, running GPU and SMP.

I hope no one will consider this as being to cheeky, but does anyone have a guide for installing a specific version of the nvidia driver, specifically the cuda devdriver 256.40?  This is the major stumbling block.  From what ive read on the forums it is extremely hard to install a specific version of a program or in this case a kernel module.  So i tried running the nvidia installer, and it failed (but i gathered it would).  Their is no src package that i can find for that cuda devdriver release, although its also possible i need to be a registered developer to get it.  Also a thread mentioned you had to patch it due to kernel 3.x changes.

I have worked out how to setup the fiendish package signature system, fixed the filesystems fubar, and installed and configured 101 things to make the system very much like it was prior to this (forced) upgrade.  But installing a specific nvidia driver strikes me as being harder than it was on LFS or Slackware.  Sure i could install the latest driver, but then i wouldnt be able to fold on my GPU (but would be able to game once again i guess).

For now im running SMP which is good for 10,000PPD, but i would love the GPU stuff back up and running, as thats worth a further 18,000PPD.

Can anyone point me in the direction i need to go, or as it is point me at some prebuilt packages i can use to get it all working.

Thanks in advance. smile


#686 2012-07-19 07:31:00

From: Italy
Registered: 2009-08-10
Posts: 151

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

MoonDog wrote:

Hi, im new to Arch, but not to Linux (10 years), FAH (since GAH and FAH2).  I have looked at Whaever's AUR PKGBUILD, but am getting nowhere fast.  Up until 3 days ago i was a CentOS user, running GPU and SMP.

I hope no one will consider this as being to cheeky, but does anyone have a guide for installing a specific version of the nvidia driver, specifically the cuda devdriver 256.40?  This is the major stumbling block.  From what ive read on the forums it is extremely hard to install a specific version of a program or in this case a kernel module.  So i tried running the nvidia installer, and it failed (but i gathered it would).  Their is no src package that i can find for that cuda devdriver release, although its also possible i need to be a registered developer to get it.  Also a thread mentioned you had to patch it due to kernel 3.x changes.

I have worked out how to setup the fiendish package signature system, fixed the filesystems fubar, and installed and configured 101 things to make the system very much like it was prior to this (forced) upgrade.  But installing a specific nvidia driver strikes me as being harder than it was on LFS or Slackware.  Sure i could install the latest driver, but then i wouldnt be able to fold on my GPU (but would be able to game once again i guess).

For now im running SMP which is good for 10,000PPD, but i would love the GPU stuff back up and running, as thats worth a further 18,000PPD.

Can anyone point me in the direction i need to go, or as it is point me at some prebuilt packages i can use to get it all working.

Thanks in advance. smile

This is the reason that Tovarlds hates NVIDIA ... :-P

Can you see the compilation error when you install cuda module?


#687 2012-07-19 08:26:43

From: Cornwall, UK
Registered: 2012-07-18
Posts: 6

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

Since ive never dropped myself into either camp, i dont see what his problem is.  If you own a big company that just happens to make a product that everyone wants to use, thats just good business.  If you go to the trouble of making it available to everyone but keeping the source to yourself, i also dont see the problem.  Thats just the way things go in software development within large companies.  I suppose he put out kernel 3.x to break all this stuff purposely (im not a fan of Torvalds, in fact what i think of him cant really be repeated on this forum).  In which case if i can work out how to downgrade i'll just go back to kernel 2.6, as 3.4 offers me no features that i need.

And that leads me to the compile error.  It was the KBUILD error, unable to find kernel sources.  The problem is i dont think the kernel source is there as when i go look for all the c header files there is nothing.  Which i guess leads me to question 2:  Do i need to grab a vanilla 3.4 kernel, repatch it, and then build against that.  I worked out how to have pacman ignore certain packages, so getting it to ignore the kernel wouldnt be a problem.

In short i love the Arch way, but this part (which i would class as a generally basic level task) sucks, but then when things go wrong in Linux they generally do tend to suck, but given enough time expenditure are ultimately fixable in most cases.

I dont have that time to expend currently so i might try and go back to the 2.6 kernel i installed when i first put Arch on.  It was more than adequate, and better than that, probably easier to get working.


#688 2012-07-23 18:47:49

Arch Linux f@h Team Member
Registered: 2010-03-22
Posts: 66

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

MoonDog wrote:


No need to install a specific nvidia driver or cuda version... note that the 256.40 version you mention relates to lib32-nvidia-utils (available in the multilib repo) and not either of the cuda package dependencies.  One other thing of note is that the lib32-nvidia-utils version dependency is ">=" so any version from 256.40 to the current version will work.  Just install the Dependencies listed on the page for the GPU client, foldingathome-gpu-nvidia 6.41-1, AUR package then install the GPU client.  Set the options and go.

I've got two of the cheapo Fermi cards on a headless fully up to date fileserver with no X environment doing nothing but folding 24/7 so I can vouch that GPU folding works on an Arch system.


#689 2012-07-29 01:32:19

From: Cornwall, UK
Registered: 2012-07-18
Posts: 6

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

Sorry i havent checked back, i actually gave up on it and pushed onwards with SMP.  I will now have a go again at it, as ive now learnt a little more about arch, explored things a bit more and now understand a whole lot more about stuff than i did when i first posted.

Which leads me on to something else.  We now have access to a standalone v7 client, should that be of any interest to the people on here.  Their is no support for the version though besides what we help each other with. 

I currently run the Debian 64 Package and that works currently with Arch 64, but with an error about libssl and libcrypto, which im guessing is related to the filesystems fiasco, due to probably the fahclient seeing the symlink to /usr/lib as a symlink and not a directory.  It doesnt affect me so far, but YMMV.

So here are some links to the thread and the downloads page.

Discussion Thread:
Client Tarballs: … llReleases

PS. Pandegroup regards this the same as GPU on Wine (and they regard Arch as never being supported officially), so if you need help with something, ask here, ask on that thread, but if nothing comes from it, you might have to seek out your own solution.


#690 2012-08-01 18:58:21

Registered: 2010-07-03
Posts: 133

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

How long have those 7.1 tarballs been on their web server?
I found them just today while poking through their directories; it's silly they don't provide the links on their download page.

In any case, it seems to work just fine. (Since it's again a simple matter of extract and execute, I can't be bothered to desire a PKGBUILD for the new version.)


#691 2012-08-19 09:25:14

From: Vegas
Registered: 2005-11-09
Posts: 116

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

Can someone help me write a PKGBUILD for the new version?

EDIT: I built a working PKGBUILD, but I'm having problems getting the rc.d script to work.

.install script
rc.d script

I put together a PKGBUILD for FAHControl if anybody is interested.

EDIT3: Got the rc.d script working and uploaded it the AUR.

Last edited by paul2lv (2012-08-20 20:37:48)


#692 2012-08-22 19:42:40

From: Wasatch Front, USA
Registered: 2012-08-22
Posts: 20

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

I have a working v7 client PKGBUILD, I haven't AURd it since there's a cert error, but you can find it at github, under the account jnbek and the aur-pkgbuilds repo

Last edited by jnbek (2012-08-22 19:43:38)

If you can not able use Perl for answer, you are ask wrong question.


#693 2012-09-07 11:06:05

From: UK
Registered: 2012-08-15
Posts: 8

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

Hi guys, I recently started using Arch, what a great OS. I used to fold a few years ago and acquired almost 10 Million points under the names AJ256/AJW256. I'm wanting to start up again soon when I move somewhere where I get free electricity. The reason I stopped last time was due to electricity costs sad

Hopefully I'll have a watercooled 2600K at 4.8GHz up within the next few weeks, and possibly a GTX 560. I'd sure like to see us pass the Ubuntu team big_smile

Last edited by ARandomOWL (2012-09-07 11:06:48)


#694 2012-09-10 18:39:56

From: Denmark
Registered: 2012-01-18
Posts: 539

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

Hello F@rcHers!
Just wanted to let you know that I'm aboard the Arch team as well, assuming that my netbook cam handle the work, as it's the only machine I have I dare have running 24/7. (electricity is expensive) It Shouldn't be a problem though, but it may be that I can not make the current task before the deadline as 59% of the given time has passed, but I'm only at 57% in regards to progress.
I've been trying to do what I can to give it the last boost it needs, but without much luck, so I'm going to drop X for the time being and hope for the best. wink

Anyway, any tips and tricks you can provide would be nice and lastly, wouldn't it be best to get V7 up and running? the one available i AUR don't seem to work.

Best regards.

I am a philosopher, of sorts, not a troll or an imbecile.
My apologies that this is not always obvious, despite my best efforts.


#695 2012-09-11 11:20:18

From: Vegas
Registered: 2005-11-09
Posts: 116

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

zacariaz wrote:

the one available i AUR don't seem to work.

What's wrong with the v7 package on the AUR? (Other than the fact that Stanford can't figure out how to issue a valid SSL certificate...)


#696 2012-09-11 20:41:32

From: Denmark
Registered: 2012-01-18
Posts: 539

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

paul2lv wrote:
zacariaz wrote:

the one available i AUR don't seem to work.

What's wrong with the v7 package on the AUR? (Other than the fact that Stanford can't figure out how to issue a valid SSL certificate...)

Probably nothing. I'm really not good at interpreting those: "Something failed for no apparent reason. Please make a note of it..." messages. wink

==> ERROR: An unknown error has occurred. Exiting...
User defined signal 1

Anyway, if you say it works, I'm gonna fiddle a bit more with it.

Nope, I've tried everything I can think of, but no cigar. Maybe you would care to share exactly how you got it to work?

Last edited by zacariaz (2012-09-11 20:51:11)

I am a philosopher, of sorts, not a troll or an imbecile.
My apologies that this is not always obvious, despite my best efforts.


#697 2012-09-12 18:30:19

From: Denmark
Registered: 2012-01-18
Posts: 539

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

Ok, so I may have gotten it to work, though I don't no exactly where the error is, apart from that it's in the PKGBUILD file.

basically I change i686 to x86_64 and 23bit to 64bit and then with the --skipinteg param, it stopped complaining.

So definently a problem with the PKGBUILD (thought not exclusively)

Best regards.

I am a philosopher, of sorts, not a troll or an imbecile.
My apologies that this is not always obvious, despite my best efforts.


#698 2012-10-03 03:58:33

Arch Linux f@h Team Member
Registered: 2010-03-22
Posts: 66

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

A belated congratulations to Pudge, 40,000,000 points is a significant milestone.  Well done sir.


#699 2012-10-03 11:51:03

From: Denmark
Registered: 2012-01-18
Posts: 539

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

imatechguy wrote:

A belated congratulations to Pudge, 40,000,000 points is a significant milestone.  Well done sir.

Lol, 40,000,000. I'm around 50,000, going 24/7 for a month or so.

But gratz anyway.

I am a philosopher, of sorts, not a troll or an imbecile.
My apologies that this is not always obvious, despite my best efforts.


#700 2012-10-05 23:43:21

Arch Linux f@h Team Member
Registered: 2006-01-23
Posts: 300

Re: F@H Arch Linux Team - Recruitment & Stats thread - HELP US !.

Thanks guys.

ALS (Lou Gherig's disease) in my wife's family is what got me started folding.

So, the 40,000,000 is dedicated to my Mother-in-Law, R.I.P.

Setting my sights on 50 Million, it will be interesting to see if I can beat quad3datwork to 50 Million or not.
quad3datwork has been burning it up lately,  as has imatechguy.


Everyone has to start somewhere.  The important thing isn't the PPD or total points, the important thing is the fact that
you (and everyone folding for Arch) have the empathy and compassion to do what you can to help.  Thanks for that and keep on folding.



After posting this, I went to the Extreme Overclocking stats page for Arch.  I was looking at the stats and thinking about has has transpired since I started folding for Arch.
If you look at my stats page on Extreme Overclocking
you will see that my first work unit was completed on 03/08/2006.  At that point I couldn't even look up team stats for Arch Linux on Extreme Overclocking because your team
had to be in the top 800 teams to appear on the list.  I think we were ranked 888 at the time. 

Looking at the Arch Linux team today, we have 218,854,947 points, 276,011 work units completed, and our team ranking is 119.  The Arch Linux folding team
has come a long way since then.  From 888th to 119.  Everyone folding for Arch, and every one who has folded for Arch should feel proud of what our little team has done.

Thanks everyone.

Last edited by Pudge (2012-10-06 00:10:59)


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