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fsckd wrote:How the forums look to me:
Very nice! Is this pentadactyl or vimperator? How did you configure the tabs?
That's not Firefox, but here's how you can mimic the look:
Last edited by Earnestly (2012-08-16 09:04:40)
Uploaded with
The newly open sourced CDE.
desktop OPENBOX (custom theme)
dock WBAR
panel TINT2
gtk2&3 PLASTIQ
-- mod edit: read the rules and only post thumbnails [jwr] --
hsngrms edit: I already posted linked thumbnails, but sorry for thumbnails over 250px in MyOpera
Thumbnails: … _scrot.png … _scrot.png
Linked images: … _scrot.png … _scrot.png
Last edited by hsngrms (2012-08-17 14:04:46)
what font is this? looks great!
Cross post from dwm thread , but this time I changed some configs and applied some patches.
I hope I am not spamming.Clean:
Hey, great setup!
Could you share your TO_DO script or know-how with us please? Really like it.
segrived wrote:What is your vims colorscheme?
Gummybears, my favorite 256-colors theme.
Last edited by segrived (2012-08-17 17:45:17)
Gummybears, my favorite 256-colors theme.
Thank you. I really like this.
Last edited by FirePhoenix (2012-08-17 17:58:39)
melw wrote:what font is this? looks great!
That would be tamsyn
I know I'm paranoid, but am I paranoid enought....
Been awhile since I posted any screenshots, but that is because it has been awhile since I made any changes. I decided to adopt back some activities and go for a darker look this time... here are my results. And yes, this is a KDE 4.9 desktop.
Lazy, empty screenshot of desktop 1 in my main web-use activity.
Fake Busy
Me faking being busy. Same activity, same desktop.
Desktop Grid View
Desktop Grid View of my web activity, with desktop 1 in fake busy pose still.
Activity 2 (Book Activity) View
Here is my second activity, the Book & Game Night (Tabletop RPG) activity, showing desktop 1.
Now some explanation:
I am a bit of an organization freak, I admit. I use my web activity for website stuff. I have my browser on desktop one, dolphin opened to website files on desktop 2, editors for website work on desktop 3 and leaving desktop 4 for the odds and ends (system maintence and the like). Of course you don't see that in these screenshots cause I took them after changing my desktop look, updating my system (with a kernel update) and rebooting my system. But that is how I use my first activity.
My second activity is there for working on my RPG books and for when I host a tabletop RPG game night. I have all such related files open in only that activity. I use desktop 1 as my staging point, thus the twin folder views shoing different collection of files. I also do my working on the book in desktop 1. Desktop 2 is for my maps and map making. Desktop 3 is for my character sheets and PDF files and such. Desktop 4 is for my music player of choice, Clementime.
I have Kopete set to all activites. I have my hidden panel, shown in some of those screenshots, that provide a point&click means to move to different activities. Furthermore I have shortcuts to them: Super + B for book activity, Super + N for NorOva (internet activity).
Legends of Nor'Ova - role playing community devoted to quality forum-based and table-top role play, home of the Legends of Nor'Ova Core Rule Book and Legends of Nor'Ova: Saga of Ablution steam punk like forum based RPG
I'm in WM/DE hopping-mode once again. Right now trying to make e17 usable without getting on my nerves with its bling-e-di-bling.
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
Wall please.
#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.
^ I like how your GTK theme integrates with your DWM bar
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres