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I used to use E17 or xfce4. Today I upgraded my system wirh pacman -Syu then I install gnome. But it didnt work with these errors:
Total Package Size: 33.2 MB
Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n]
checking package integrity... done.
loading package data... done.
checking for file conflicts...
error: the following file conflicts were found:
gtk-engines: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/engines/ exists in filesy stem
gtk-engines: /usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc: exists in filesystem
gnome-themes: /usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/index.theme: exists in filesystem
errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
Anyone can help me?
Do a
pacman -Qo /path/to/file
to see to wich packages the files belong to.
'pacman -Syuf' will replace the files.
Frumpus ♥ addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]