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#751 2012-09-04 23:54:56

Registered: 2008-11-01
Posts: 60

Re: The i3 thread

I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I can't seem to search specific threads, so I couldn't really check for myself if it has.

Does anyone know how to display colored output when piping i3status to a shell script?

I've tried

echo `ncmpcpp --now-playing $(tput bold)"$(tput setaf 3)[%b] $(tput setaf 2)%a - $(tput setaf 1)%t"` $(tput sgr0)

in the shell script, and

colors true

in i3status.conf but it prints the color prefix instead of coloring the output.


Never mind, I decided to use dzen2 for displaying the information instead of i3status.

Last edited by ixnine (2012-09-06 19:00:14)


#752 2012-09-13 05:21:38

Forum Fellow
From: Chicago
Registered: 2008-06-09
Posts: 9,183

Re: The i3 thread

I went to a pure systemd setup but now my xbindkeys do not work on any desktops where another application is already running. However if I go to another desktop where there are no apps, the xbindkeys work just fine.

I am not sure if this is a problem with xbindkeys, i3 or systemd.

Forum Rules

There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !


#753 2012-09-15 03:03:00

Forum Fellow
From: Chicago
Registered: 2008-06-09
Posts: 9,183

Re: The i3 thread

my wife has the same version of systemd and xbindkeys and there is no problem so I assume that this is an issue with i3 but I am using the same i3 config that I was using on my other drive with initscripts.

Forum Rules

There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !


#754 2012-09-15 05:26:31

From: Los Gatos, CA
Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 8,414

Re: The i3 thread

Inxsible wrote:

my wife has the same version of systemd and xbindkeys....

Totally off topic: I find your shared Linux love pretty awesome.  When my family asks what I am doing on my computer I ask "Do you really want to know?"

Edit: BTW, I just started trying out i3 (which lead me here), and it is pretty awesome.  I do miss being able to "tag" a window with multiple spaces like wmii, but 'tis a small price to pay.  Unless of course it is possible and I have simply overlooked a configuration.

Last edited by WonderWoofy (2012-09-15 05:39:19)


#755 2012-09-15 06:52:45

Registered: 2010-05-06
Posts: 6,309

Re: The i3 thread

Try starting xbindkeys later. If I put setxkbmap in the .xinitrc, it does not work, but it works if I call it from there. Did you try starting it from inside the .i3/config? I remember a similar problem in Openbox (before some magic patching happened), where I had to start xbindkeys two or three seconds delayed with sleep.

@ family linux:
Since I gave my mother Ubuntu, I rarely have to come to her place and fix things, she rather asks me to explain new things to her, so she can do more. The safety of a repository is a family friendly Linux feature.

Last edited by Awebb (2012-09-15 06:54:48)


#756 2012-09-15 15:13:33

From: Los Gatos, CA
Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 8,414

Re: The i3 thread

Actually, I just tried xbindkeys in my super fresh new i3 and it no worky either. 

I realized that i3 won't let you 'bindsym' unless you have some kind of mod key.  But I want to make the special keys (ie. volume, play/pause, etc) work without that.  xbindkeys seemed like the solution...

I tried to run from my i3 config as well as simply just running it, and neither worked.  So I think that if it doesn't work while running it from my cli, it won't do any better when running it from .xinitrc.

@Awebb/family linux:
I never thought of how much easier it probably is having software repositories for family to obtain necessary programs.  It did occur to me that the stability would result in far fewer fixes, but I am slightly afraid of goind from "Can you fix this?" to "How do I move a file, or open this document, and where is Microsoft Word?"  I guess it would just be one of those things that would improve over time though.

Last edited by WonderWoofy (2012-09-15 15:14:12)


#757 2012-09-15 16:44:47

From: Los Gatos, CA
Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 8,414

Re: The i3 thread

WonderWoofy wrote:

I realized that i3 won't let you 'bindsym' unless you have some kind of mod key.  But I want to make the special keys (ie. volume, play/pause, etc) work without that.  xbindkeys seemed like the solution...

Nevermind, it was just a typo... gotta learn to push the buttons better...


#758 2012-09-16 07:49:26

Registered: 2011-12-24
Posts: 189

Re: The i3 thread

For some reason, I cannot get certain key combinations to work. Mod4+p and Mod4+h and maybe a few others don't work. I'm on a nearly vanilla i3 setup with pure systemd. Everything else works just fine though...

Edit: Silly error on my part. All fixed.

Last edited by Hspasta (2012-09-16 17:55:32)


#759 2012-09-16 14:08:52

From: GER
Registered: 2012-03-05
Posts: 1,138

Re: The i3 thread

If you want to lock your screen with i3lock after waking up from systemd's suspend, you need a custom unit file.


ExecStart=/usr/bin/i3lock -c 000000


I thought it might be interesting for i3 users, so i post it here, although it was plagiarized from another thread. ( sorry 65kid ).


#760 2012-09-16 19:15:18

Registered: 2010-05-06
Posts: 6,309

Re: The i3 thread

Wow, that's nice, teateawhy! I always called a script that starts i3lock and then suspends the system. Well done.


#761 2012-09-17 02:04:59

Forum Fellow
From: Chicago
Registered: 2008-06-09
Posts: 9,183

Re: The i3 thread

Awebb, thanks for pointing out about a delayed start. I manually started xbindkeys and now it works even on desktops which have other apps. But the question still remains, why would the same keybind work on an empty workspace but not on 1 with an app ??

I am starting xbindkeys in my i3 config. I'll see if starting it from the .xinitrc makes any difference

EDIT : starting from xinitrc didn't make any difference. Keybinds work only on workspaces where no other apps are already running. It wasn't like this earlier. What changed?

Last edited by Inxsible (2012-09-17 02:15:41)

Forum Rules

There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !


#762 2012-09-17 06:44:39

Registered: 2012-09-17
Posts: 2

Re: The i3 thread

ixnine wrote:

I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I can't seem to search specific threads, so I couldn't really check for myself if it has.

Does anyone know how to display colored output when piping i3status to a shell script?



Never mind, I decided to use dzen2 for displaying the information instead of i3status.

Good idea. I was stubborn and made colored output work.

In your /etc/i3status.conf add:

general {
    output_format = i3bar

This forces i3status to output in the i3bar format.

Now, we need to create a script.
In your ~/.i3/config change status_command i3bar to point to that script:

bar {
   status_command ~/scripts/ 

Basically, status_command reads the stdout of this file. Make sure this file can be executed(via chmod +x <file>)

Now for the script itself. Be warned, it's not very pretty: … 814ec269fb
I had to do some formatting for i3 to accept the new text.

EDIT: updated script
EDIT: The script doesn't work when the text changes? This was a bad idea. I'm going to use dzen2

Last edited by azrathud (2012-09-17 07:45:14)


#763 2012-09-17 06:48:37

Registered: 2010-05-06
Posts: 6,309

Re: The i3 thread

Inxsible, do you use the same modifier in xbindkeys as you do in i3? I have the feeling the WM takes priority. Also, check your key combinations again with "xbindkeys -mk", the left super used to be identified with "Super_L" only in openbox and compiz standalone, now it's "Mod2+Mod4 + Super_L" if pushed alone and "Mod2+Mod4 + $BUTTON" if pressed in combination.


#764 2012-09-18 15:51:16

Registered: 2011-12-24
Posts: 189

Re: The i3 thread

Can someone explain how resizing works? When I have 3 windows up, 1 main and 2 subs (1 on top of the other), there is only 1 window that I can resize both horizontally and vertically. 1 of them only works 1 direction and other last usually is stuck (the big one usually). I'm still trying to get used to the container setup (I get random "another container"s when I mess around with stacked windows).

Also, does anyone know how to setup colors for i3status with i3bar? The man page says I can set colors for "good" "degraded" and "bad", but how can I set what values are considered good, degraded and bad?


#765 2012-09-19 02:16:51

Forum Fellow
From: Chicago
Registered: 2008-06-09
Posts: 9,183

Re: The i3 thread

awebb, I did notice the change in the keybind values and I was wondering if that was how it was because I remembered it differently.

I do use the Mod4 key as the modifier in xbindkeys. I'll investigate more or maybe use a different modifier. Thanks for all the pointers.

Forum Rules

There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !


#766 2012-09-20 14:21:30

Registered: 2010-08-27
Posts: 12

Re: The i3 thread


The problem was due to one lousy line in my ~/.xinitrc: unclutter -root -idle 2 &.
I commented out that line and i3 seems to work fine now.
My thanks to joepvd who took the time to reply

I've been trying out i3 and am having a few problems. Hoping someone can give me a clue.

I open 3 xterms, one on the left, 2 on the right one above the other. Every key combination works as far as stacking, tabbing, full screen, etc. What doesn't work is moving from one xterm to another. I'm stuck in the lower xterm on the right side and that's it.

However, if I move to another work space, open up another app such as chromium, geany, whatever and the move back to work space 1, movement keys suddenly work.

I have not touched the config file; all I can add is when I close i3 and come back to the console, I have a string of "socket (): address family not supported by protocol" messages.

I start X using ~/.xinitrc if that means anything.


Last edited by augie (2012-09-21 00:08:47)


#767 2012-09-20 17:19:11

Registered: 2011-10-06
Posts: 31

Re: The i3 thread

augie, this does not sound familiar to me.

Are there any errors on TTY1? If not, you can start i3 with the -V flag to increase verbosity.

I suspect the error is fixable in your ~/.xinitrc. Could you post it?


#768 2012-09-20 18:28:30

Registered: 2010-08-27
Posts: 12

Re: The i3 thread

I'm probably doing this wrong, but:
exec i3 -v:

09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - i3 (tree) version 4.2 (2012-04-25, branch "release-4.2") starting
09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - Parsing configfile /home/aalinovi/.i3/config
deciding for version 4 due to this line: # i3 config file (v4)
font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key Return and command exec i3-sensible-terminal
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key Q and command kill
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key d and command exec dmenu_run
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key j and command focus left
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key k and command focus down
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key l and command focus up
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key semicolon and command focus right
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key Left and command focus left
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key Down and command focus down
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key Up and command focus up
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key Right and command focus right
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key J and command move left
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key K and command move down
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key L and command move up
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key colon and command move right
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key Left and command move left
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key Down and command move down
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key Up and command move up
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key Right and command move right
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key h and command split h
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key v and command split v
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key f and command fullscreen
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key s and command layout stacking
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key w and command layout tabbed
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key e and command layout default
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key space and command floating toggle
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key space and command focus mode_toggle
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key a and command focus parent
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key 1 and command workspace 1
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key 2 and command workspace 2
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key 3 and command workspace 3
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key 4 and command workspace 4
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key 5 and command workspace 5
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key 6 and command workspace 6
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key 7 and command workspace 7
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key 8 and command workspace 8
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key 9 and command workspace 9
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key 0 and command workspace 10
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key exclam and command move container to workspace 1
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key at and command move container to workspace 2
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key numbersign and command move container to workspace 3
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key dollar and command move container to workspace 4
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key percent and command move container to workspace 5
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key asciicircum and command move container to workspace 6
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key ampersand and command move container to workspace 7
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key asterisk and command move container to workspace 8
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key parenleft and command move container to workspace 9
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key parenright and command move container to workspace 10
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key C and command reload
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key R and command restart
	Found keysym binding mod65 with key E and command exit
	Found keysym binding mod0 with key j and command resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
	Found keysym binding mod0 with key k and command resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
	Found keysym binding mod0 with key l and command resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
	Found keysym binding mod0 with key semicolon and command resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
	Found keysym binding mod0 with key 113 and command resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
	Found keysym binding mod0 with key 116 and command resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
	Found keysym binding mod0 with key 111 and command resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
	Found keysym binding mod0 with key 114 and command resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
	Found keysym binding mod0 with key Return and command mode "default"
	Found keysym binding mod0 with key Escape and command mode "default"
	 now in mode resize
	 current bindings = 0x125e7d0
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol j, command resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol k, command resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol l, command resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol semicolon, command resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol 113, command resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol 116, command resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol 111, command resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol 114, command resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Return, command mode "default"
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Escape, command mode "default"
	Found keysym binding mod64 with key r and command mode "resize"
	 new bar configuration finished, saving.
09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - Used number 1 for workspace with name 1
09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - Starting bar process: i3bar --bar_id=bar-edqurs --socket="/run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.4453"
09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - executing: i3bar --bar_id=bar-edqurs --socket="/run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.4453"
09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - IPC: looking for config for bar ID "bar-edqurs"
09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1268660, ws = 0x1268660
09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - WM_CLASS changed to i3bar (instance), i3bar (class)
09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - WM_NAME changed to "i3bar for output VGA1"
09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - This window is of type dock
09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - Checking window 0x00c00007 (class i3bar)
09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - dock status does not match
09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - Checking window 0x00c00007 (class i3bar)
09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - dock status matches
09/20/2012 02:10:40 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x000000c0
09/20/2012 02:10:43 PM - startup id = i3/dmenu_run/4453-0-Glenda_TIME3641832
09/20/2012 02:10:43 PM - executing: dmenu_run
09/20/2012 02:10:43 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:10:47 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e00036
09/20/2012 02:10:47 PM - WM_CLASS changed to chromium (instance), Chromium (class)
09/20/2012 02:10:47 PM - WM_NAME changed to "The i3 thread (Page 31) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:10:47 PM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
09/20/2012 02:10:47 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "The i3 thread (Page 31) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:10:47 PM - WM_WINDOW_ROLE changed to "browser"
09/20/2012 02:10:47 PM - WM_HINTS.input changed to "1"
09/20/2012 02:10:47 PM - Checking window 0x00e00036 (class Chromium)
09/20/2012 02:10:47 PM - dock status does not match
09/20/2012 02:10:47 PM - Checking window 0x00e00036 (class Chromium)
09/20/2012 02:10:47 PM - dock status does not match
09/20/2012 02:10:47 PM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1268660, ws = 0x1268660
09/20/2012 02:10:48 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "The i3 thread (Page 31) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:10:48 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "The i3 thread (Page 31) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:10:48 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "The i3 thread (Page 31) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:10:48 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "The i3 thread (Page 31) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:10:49 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "The i3 thread (Page 31) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:00 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "The i3 thread (Page 31) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:00 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:00 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:00 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:11 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:11 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum & Wiki discussion (Page 1) / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:11 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum & Wiki discussion (Page 1) / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:11 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum & Wiki discussion (Page 1) / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:31 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum & Wiki discussion (Page 1) / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:31 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:31 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:32 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e00878
09/20/2012 02:11:32 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:11:40 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:40 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:40 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:40 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Newbie Corner (Page 1) / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:40 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Newbie Corner (Page 1) / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:48 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Newbie Corner (Page 1) / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:48 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "README: Forum Rules (Page 1) / Newbie Corner / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:11:48 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "README: Forum Rules (Page 1) / Newbie Corner / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:09 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "README: Forum Rules (Page 1) / Newbie Corner / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:10 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "README: Forum Rules (Page 1) / Newbie Corner / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:10 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "README: Forum Rules (Page 1) / Newbie Corner / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:10 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "README: Forum Rules (Page 1) / Newbie Corner / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:10 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:11 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:11 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:21 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:21 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:22 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:52 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:52 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:52 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:52 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:53 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:54 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e00f4b
09/20/2012 02:12:57 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:12:58 PM - using child 0x1273740 / #ff0000 instead!
09/20/2012 02:12:59 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e010c5
09/20/2012 02:12:59 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:12:59 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:59 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e010c5
09/20/2012 02:12:59 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:12:59 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:13:00 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:13:16 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:13:16 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:13:17 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:13:25 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e01487
09/20/2012 02:13:27 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:13:27 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:13:27 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e00036
09/20/2012 02:13:28 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:13:30 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:13:31 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e017ae
09/20/2012 02:13:33 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:13:33 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e017ae
09/20/2012 02:13:36 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:13:36 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e017ae
09/20/2012 02:13:38 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:13:38 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e017ae
09/20/2012 02:13:38 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:13:55 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:13:55 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:13:55 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions] - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:13:55 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions] - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:13:55 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions] - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:14:51 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions] - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:14:51 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions] - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:14:51 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:14:51 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:14:51 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:14:53 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e01cc3
09/20/2012 02:14:57 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:15:54 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:15:54 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:15:54 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Tools & Applications - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:15:54 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Tools & Applications - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:15:55 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Tools & Applications - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:15:55 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Tools & Applications - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:15:55 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Tools & Applications - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:15:55 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Tools & Applications - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:15:55 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Tools & Applications - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:16:52 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Tools & Applications - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:16:52 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Tools & Applications - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:16:52 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Login Page - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:16:52 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Login Page - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:16:53 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Login Page - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:16:53 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Login Page - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:17:08 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Login Page - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:17:08 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Login Page - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:17:08 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:17:08 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:17:08 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:17:11 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e02317
09/20/2012 02:17:12 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:17:29 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:17:30 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e02462
09/20/2012 02:17:32 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:17:32 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e02462
09/20/2012 02:17:34 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:17:34 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e02462
09/20/2012 02:17:38 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:17:38 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e02462
09/20/2012 02:17:41 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:17:49 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e0264e
09/20/2012 02:17:50 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:17:50 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:17:50 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e0264e
09/20/2012 02:17:52 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:17:52 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e0264e
09/20/2012 02:17:52 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:17:53 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:17:53 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e027e7
09/20/2012 02:17:54 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:18:08 PM - using child 0x1273740 / #ff0000 instead!
09/20/2012 02:18:10 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:10 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:10 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:10 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:10 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:12 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e02b79
09/20/2012 02:18:18 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:18:18 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:18 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:19 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to ",mod=19&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:19 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "arch how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:19 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "arch how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:19 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "arch how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:41 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:41 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:41 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:50 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:50 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e00036
09/20/2012 02:18:50 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:50 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:50 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:51 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:51 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "How to use code tags - C++ Forum - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:51 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "How to use code tags - C++ Forum - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:51 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "How to use code tags - C++ Forum - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:52 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "How to use code tags - C++ Forum - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:52 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "How to use code tags - C++ Forum - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:18:52 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "How to use code tags - C++ Forum - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:31 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "How to use code tags - C++ Forum - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:31 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:31 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "arch how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:31 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "arch how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:32 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:33 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e046ad
09/20/2012 02:19:33 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:19:39 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:39 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e00036
09/20/2012 02:19:40 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:40 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:40 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:40 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:40 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:40 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:41 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:41 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:41 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:41 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:42 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:42 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:42 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:43 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:43 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:43 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:43 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:44 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:44 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:44 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:44 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:44 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:44 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:45 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:45 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:45 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:46 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:46 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:19:59 PM - using child 0x1273740 / #ff0000 instead!
09/20/2012 02:20:01 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:01 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:01 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:02 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e04f71
09/20/2012 02:20:02 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:20:02 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags | DaniWeb - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:02 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e04f71
09/20/2012 02:20:02 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:20:02 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:02 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e04f71
09/20/2012 02:20:02 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "arch how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:02 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "arch how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:03 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:04 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:20:22 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "how to use code tags - Google Search - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:22 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e00036
09/20/2012 02:20:22 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:22 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:23 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:23 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:23 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:23 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:24 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:24 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:24 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:24 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Users to the Forums - How to use Code Tags - MODS STICKY PLEASE! | CodeIgniter Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:25 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Users to the Forums - How to use Code Tags - MODS STICKY PLEASE! | CodeIgniter Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:25 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Users to the Forums - How to use Code Tags - MODS STICKY PLEASE! | CodeIgniter Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:25 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Users to the Forums - How to use Code Tags - MODS STICKY PLEASE! | CodeIgniter Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:39 PM - using child 0x1273740 / #ff0000 instead!
09/20/2012 02:20:39 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:41 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Users to the Forums - How to use Code Tags - MODS STICKY PLEASE! | CodeIgniter Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:42 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:44 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x00e05933
09/20/2012 02:20:45 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:20:52 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:53 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:53 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Forum Etiquette - ArchWiki - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:53 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:53 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:53 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:59 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:59 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:59 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Search results (Page 1) / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:20:59 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Search results (Page 1) / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:21:06 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Search results (Page 1) / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:21:06 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Search results (Page 1) / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:21:06 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "The i3 thread (Page 1) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:21:06 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "The i3 thread (Page 1) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:21:10 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "The i3 thread (Page 1) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:21:10 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "The i3 thread (Page 31) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:21:10 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "The i3 thread (Page 31) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:21:36 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Users to the Forums - How to use Code Tags - MODS STICKY PLEASE! | CodeIgniter Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:21:42 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "The i3 thread (Page 31) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Chromium"
09/20/2012 02:21:44 PM - Creating new workspace "2"
09/20/2012 02:21:44 PM - got output 0x1267cc0 with content 0x1268180
09/20/2012 02:21:44 PM - num = 2
09/20/2012 02:21:44 PM - switching to 0x1273c20
09/20/2012 02:21:44 PM - focused now = 0x1273c20 / 2
09/20/2012 02:21:44 PM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1273c20, ws = 0x1268660
09/20/2012 02:21:44 PM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1273c20, ws = 0x1273c20
09/20/2012 02:21:44 PM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1273c20, ws = 0x1268660
09/20/2012 02:21:44 PM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1273c20, ws = 0x1273c20
09/20/2012 02:21:46 PM - startup id = i3/dmenu_run/4453-1-Glenda_TIME4304731
09/20/2012 02:21:46 PM - executing: dmenu_run
09/20/2012 02:21:46 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:21:50 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x01400003
09/20/2012 02:21:50 PM - WM_CLASS changed to geany (instance), Geany (class)
09/20/2012 02:21:50 PM - WM_NAME changed to "urls - /home/aalinovi/.newsbeuter - Geany"
09/20/2012 02:21:50 PM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
09/20/2012 02:21:50 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "urls - /home/aalinovi/.newsbeuter - Geany"
09/20/2012 02:21:50 PM - WM_HINTS.input changed to "1"
09/20/2012 02:21:50 PM - Checking window 0x01400003 (class Geany)
09/20/2012 02:21:50 PM - dock status does not match
09/20/2012 02:21:50 PM - Checking window 0x01400003 (class Geany)
09/20/2012 02:21:50 PM - dock status does not match
09/20/2012 02:21:50 PM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1273c20, ws = 0x1273c20
09/20/2012 02:21:52 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Geany"
09/20/2012 02:21:54 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x0140009d
09/20/2012 02:21:55 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:21:55 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x0140009d
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x014000d8
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - WM_CLASS changed to geany (instance), Geany (class)
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - WM_NAME changed to "Open File"
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Open File"
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - WM_WINDOW_ROLE changed to "GtkFileChooserDialog"
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - WM_HINTS.input changed to "1"
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - Checking window 0x014000d8 (class Geany)
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - dock status does not match
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - Checking window 0x014000d8 (class Geany)
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - dock status does not match
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1273c20, ws = 0x1273c20
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - This window is a dialog window, setting floating
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - This window is transiert for another window, setting floating
09/20/2012 02:21:57 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x0140009d
09/20/2012 02:21:58 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:21:58 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x0140009d
09/20/2012 02:21:58 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
09/20/2012 02:21:59 PM - ClientMessage for window 0x0140009d
09/20/2012 02:21:59 PM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event

My ~/.xinitrc:


xset s off &
xset +dpms &
xsetroot -solid grey &
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr &
unclutter -root -idle 2 &

/usr/bin/xscreensaver -no-splash &
sleep 1 &


# merge in defaults and keymaps

if [ -f "$userresources" ]; then
    xrdb -merge "$userresources"

# if we have private ssh key(s), start ssh-agent and add the key(s)

if [ -x /usr/bin/ssh-agent ] && [ -f $id1 -o -f $id2 -o -f $id3 ];
	eval `ssh-agent -s`
	ssh-add < /dev/null

exec i3



#769 2012-09-20 18:42:16

Registered: 2010-08-27
Posts: 12

Re: The i3 thread

Here is another strange thing I just came across:
If I open 2 xterms I am unable to switch between them. However, if I open 3 (provided they are all oriented the same way ie vertically or horizontally) I can then switch between them. Close one of those xterms, leaving me with two and I'm back to being unable to switch.

There seems to be a delay somewhere. Having written this post and then gone back to work space 1 I can now switch with no problem.

I am totally lost...


#770 2012-09-20 20:52:20

Registered: 2011-10-06
Posts: 31

Re: The i3 thread

The log file uses two different modifier keys: Mod64 and Mod65. Should be correctable in i3/config.

Also: There is a fresh new version in the repos, I'd recommend to update smile


#771 2012-09-21 05:36:32

Registered: 2009-02-14
Posts: 234

Re: The i3 thread

is anyone else having trouble setting the default layout for new containers? i have:

workspace_layout tabbed

in my ~/.i3/config, but i still get a split layout.


#772 2012-09-21 05:53:01

Registered: 2011-10-06
Posts: 31

Re: The i3 thread

This could very well be fixed in current i3-git (4.3.2). Did not test it with this configuration directive, but making an empty workspace tabbed manually, now actually has effect on the layout of the future windows.


#773 2012-09-28 07:46:15

From: Tijuana, Mexico
Registered: 2009-07-07
Posts: 374

Re: The i3 thread

Sup archers, I have a little problem with i3bar and I hope you can help me.

I have a tiny script just to display the current Temp because the default cpu_temperature doesn't work on my laptop since I don't have the path that the manual suggests: "/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.*"

The problem is that the bar refreshs only the i3status.conf, and the external script I have is being ignored.

In the main config I have:

status_command ~/.i3/

#!/usr/bin/env bash

temp="$(acpi -t | awk '{print $4}')"

	BATT=$(acpi -b | awk '{print $4}' | tr -d ',') 
	if [[ -z "${BATT}" ]] ; then
		echo -n 'AC'
		echo -n "${BATT}"

i3status | while : 
		read line
		lol="$(echo -n "$temp °C | $(funcBatt)")"
		echo "${lol} | $line" || exit 1

the i3status.conf

general {
        colors = true
        interval = 5

order += "wireless wlan0"
order += "load"
order += "time"

wireless wlan0 {
        format_up = "W: (%quality at %essid) %ip"
        format_down = "W: down"

time {
        format = "%d-%m %H:%M"

load {
        format = "%1min"

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by teh (2012-09-28 07:49:46)



#774 2012-09-28 13:24:21

Registered: 2010-02-02
Posts: 99

Re: The i3 thread

The temperature variable is only set in the beginning of the script. The "while"-loop isn't checking it again.

Try something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
i3status | while read
   # Temperature
   T="$(acpi -t | awk '{print $4}')"
   # Battery
   B="$(acpi -b | awk '{print $4}' | tr -d ',')"
   [ -z "$B" ] && B="AC"

   echo "$T °C | $B | $REPLY" || exit 1


#775 2012-09-28 13:51:02

Registered: 2009-02-14
Posts: 234

Re: The i3 thread

joepvd wrote:

This could very well be fixed in current i3-git (4.3.2). Did not test it with this configuration directive, but making an empty workspace tabbed manually, now actually has effect on the layout of the future windows.

you're right, but the problem reappears after rebooting.


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