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#1 2012-09-20 21:57:01

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 238

How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

Hi everyone. smile

In according with this thread, I've created this one.

I've tried to reboot and * run Firefox in Linux Tty and in Fbpad * (that is quite as Fbterm), and it doesn't work.
But, in the case of Tty, it * can't find any display *, in the case of Fbpad it * found "fb0" display *.
In both cases if I set the * "$DISPLAY" variable * (I use Bash), it says to me that can't open the specified display, whatever I set.

What am I missing?

Thank so much in advance.

Last edited by rix (2012-09-20 22:03:54)


#2 2012-09-20 22:51:49

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?


#3 2012-09-20 22:54:57

From: Cymru
Registered: 2011-11-27
Posts: 7,156

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

Is that display available? That is, does it correspond to the value of $DISPLAY in your X session?

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#4 2012-09-20 23:05:37

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

cfr wrote:

Is that display available? That is, does it correspond to the value of $DISPLAY in your X session?

That would open firefox in X and he wants it in tty.


#5 2012-09-20 23:14:32

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 238

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

@ karol: I've already read it and the DFB documentation about how to run Firefox but I didn't have success in make it works. I think it isn't the right (only) way to do that. In the thread I've linked in my first post in this thread, an user said that he's made it works (also with Flash support) with xf86-video-fbdev. So, at least, we know that is possible. @ cfr: display is available and I've tried various combinations setting for the "$DISPLAY" variable but without any success. Thanks for reply to both of you and sorry for errors or incorrect syntax/formatting, I'm posting from my N8.

Last edited by rix (2012-09-20 23:17:24)


#6 2012-09-20 23:24:13

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

Can you post how exactly are you setting the DISPLAY? Something like

export DISPLAY=:0.0

should work.

$ echo $DISPLAY
$ DISPLAY=:1 chromium

opened chromium in another X session (which I have already launched before).

Last edited by karol (2012-09-20 23:25:00)


#7 2012-09-20 23:34:17

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 238

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

I'm not on my home laptop right know but I can tell you that I've tried many solutions for the $DISPLAY ((/dev/)fb,fb0,fd,fbdev,dummy,:0...) and no one works. I haven't tried the ":0.0" but I have to wait tomorrow to give it a try. Thank so much again.


#8 2012-09-21 00:38:44

From: Cymru
Registered: 2011-11-27
Posts: 7,156

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

karol wrote:
cfr wrote:

Is that display available? That is, does it correspond to the value of $DISPLAY in your X session?

That would open firefox in X and he wants it in tty.

Oh. I didn't think that was possible for something like Firefox. Don't applications need to have been designed to work in a frame buffer? I didn't think you could run arbitrary graphical applications there. (Neat if you can, though!)

CLI Paste | How To Ask Questions

Arch Linux | x86_64 | GPT | EFI boot | refind | stub loader | systemd | LVM2 on LUKS
Lenovo x270 | Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz | Intel Wireless 8265/8275 | US keyboard w/ Euro | 512G NVMe INTEL SSDPEKKF512G7L


#9 2012-09-21 01:07:07

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From: Between Thailand and Singapore
Registered: 2009-03-17
Posts: 7,358

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

cfr wrote:

(Neat if you can, though!)

You really should read through the discussion before replying. I had the same thought you did on seeing the topic, but its already been covered above...

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#10 2012-09-21 02:11:16

From: America/Santiago
Registered: 2011-06-11
Posts: 1,022

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

I run th entire xfce + libreoffice, snes,firefox, flash...only using xorg+xf86-video-fbdev and NO ether xf86-video installed and runing startx

Well, I suppose that this is somekind of signature, no?


#11 2012-09-21 02:57:44

From: Los Gatos, CA
Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 8,414

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

I foudn this the other day... looked interesting.  Not firefox though... … -line-css/


#12 2012-09-21 07:56:33

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

Jristz wrote:

I run th entire xfce + libreoffice, snes,firefox, flash...only using xorg+xf86-video-fbdev and NO ether xf86-video installed and runing startx

Just to be 100% sure: you run firefox etc. in X, not in tty, right?


#13 2012-09-21 08:00:12

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,426

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

karol wrote:
Jristz wrote:

I run th entire xfce + libreoffice, snes,firefox, flash...only using xorg+xf86-video-fbdev and NO ether xf86-video installed and runing startx

Just to be 100% sure: you run firefox etc. in X, not in tty, right?

Firefox!? What about Libreoffice?

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#14 2012-09-21 09:12:30

Forum Fellow
From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-07-21
Posts: 9,839

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

rix - I think you're confused. The post that you link to says you installed xf86-video-fbdev (like jristz above), which is a X driver. You still have to run X to use it, and you still have to run your apps inside your X session. When you run X the DISPLAY variable is set automatically. I just closed down X here, removed the radeon driver that I normally use, installed that fbdev driver, and restarted X. Everything came up just fine, including firefox.

If you're really looking for a way to run gui apps e.g. firefox outside X, then afaik DirectFB is your only option.


#15 2012-09-21 09:14:29

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 238

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

Good morning to everyone and thanks for the reply.

I'm becoming confused. smile

@ Jristz:
have you run all those stuff in X or in the Tty?
I'm talking about how to run them in Tty.

@ WonderWoofy:
I'm reading the link. Thanks.

@ jasonwryan:
I don't understand your post. Did you mean that you can run also Libreoffice in Tty?


@ tomk:
Yeah, I'm confused right now. smile
So it's as I thought. It's possible just via DirectFb.
Now the question is: how?
I've already tried with Firefox, with DFB documentation without luck.

My goal would just be to have a "graphical" browser * outside * X. Just to have a decent Javascript support.
I already can read my mail, pdf, images, browsing the web (W3m for inline image and Elinks for navigation via hints), watching video (Flash too) anche listen to music. And for panels, session and keyboard shortcuts I use a scripted Tmux.
I know that support for "Office files" still left but it's not so important and we do what we can.
But what about Javascript?

Thank so much. smile

Last edited by rix (2012-09-21 09:28:08)


#16 2012-09-21 09:45:18

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

netsurf link provided by WonderWoofy looks interesting. You will have to modify the PKGBUILDs a bit, because the project uses -git instead of -svn. If the current builds allow

make TARGET=framebuffer

it may work.


#17 2012-09-21 10:53:26

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 238

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

I can't install Netsurf.
The version from Arch repo just doesn't work w/ Framebuffer.
Trying from source, it says that Libnsfb is missing but when I try to install it via Git (git clone git://, compilation fails w/:

Makefile:10: /opt/netsurf/share/netsurf-buildsystem/makefiles/ File or directory don't exist.
Makefile:83: / File or directory don't exist.
make: *** No rules for generate target «/».  Stop.  

Suggestions would be really appreciate.
Thank so much. smile

Last edited by rix (2012-09-21 10:56:44)


#18 2012-09-21 11:07:09

Forum Fellow
From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-07-21
Posts: 9,839

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

Why aren't you using the AUR packages?


#19 2012-09-21 11:44:35

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 238

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

@ tomk:
because svn packages require Libnsfb and the problem w/ it, it's the same w/ the source.
The git package need Lemon which I don't even know what's it.

Last edited by rix (2012-09-21 12:37:02)


#20 2012-09-21 12:49:47

Forum Fellow
From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-07-21
Posts: 9,839

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

Please search, it's not hard:

aur/lemon 1.69-2 (90)
    The LEMON LALR Parser Generator used in sqlite 1.69

And as mentioned already, the svn packages are obsolete.


#21 2012-09-21 12:56:05

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 238

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

@ tomk:
you're right, sorry. Often I serach everywhere forgetting Aur...

I'm trying that.
Sorry for that stupid mistake and thank so much for reply.


Lemon installed (thank tomk). Now the git Netsurf Aur package requires Libhubbub which I downloaded from Aur (I'm learning the lesson big_smile ). But the Libhubbub installation returns me this error:

Makefile:10: /usr/share/netsurf-buildsystem/makefiles/ Permission denied.
Makefile:44: / File or directory don't exist.
make: *** No rules to generate target «/».  Stop.

Thank so much. U^U

Last edited by rix (2012-09-21 13:04:46)


#22 2012-09-21 13:01:53

Registered: 2010-10-22
Posts: 2,141

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

So, just because I'm that kind of jerk, I have to ask:  Any reason you need to run Firefox through a tty, rather than just using something like w3m (which supports images)?  Seems like a hell of a lot of hassle for no payoff at all, and if your machine's resources are so limited that running from tty is a necessity, then Firefox isn't the best choice in the first place.

Anyhoo, you could just follow karol's instructions using the Netsurf PKGBUILD from ABS if not the AUR.


#23 2012-09-21 13:14:37

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 238

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

I need some kind of graphical browser (Firefox, Netsurf...) in the hope to reach to have a better Javascript (and so on) support in Tty web browsing.
As mentioned above I already use W3m (for inline images) and Elinks (for hints) for "normal" browsing.

And also we can say I need Tty because my Vaio it's quite old (just 1Gb of Ram) and X have a problem that I can't resolve (see this thread).

Last edited by rix (2012-09-21 13:19:45)


#24 2012-09-21 13:34:29

From: WAIS
Registered: 2009-10-23
Posts: 1,847

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

Have you tried Links2? ELinks is based on Links 0.9 (I think) so Links2 has a different base set and supports at least some forms of javascript.
The problem is that you need to compile Links and specifically enable js support as it was buggy, apparently.

There's a Links package in Community (I think it is) that is, not js enabled, and a framebuffer & js enabled package in AUR -

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#25 2012-09-21 13:46:58

Registered: 2012-07-25
Posts: 238

Re: How to have Firefox working in Frame Buffer?

@ skanky:
sincerly I haven't tried Links2. I leaved it apart at the moment of choosing a text web browser.

I start to think that give it a try it's my last chanche to get a more decent Js support.

Thank so much for reply. wink


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