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After upgrading to gnome 3.6 the keyboard layout toggle shortcut key (alt+shift in my case) stopped working.
1. When I try to set the shortcyt through gnome gui (keyboard->Shortcuts->Typing) alt+shift is not registered. (but strangely enough any other combination is ok)
2. Tried to set the shortcut using xkb
3. Tried setting the shortcut using the dconf editor
None of these methods worked, any suggestions?
Last edited by Greed1sGood (2012-11-04 20:24:37)
It seems like some other action is binded to that combination or even more than one. Or maybe you have some keyboard layout that overwrites it? In my case (polish layout) Alt+shift means upper, diacrytic letters.
Last edited by doman18 (2012-11-03 16:01:11)
It seems like some other action is binded to that combination or even more than one. Or maybe you have some keyboard layout that overwrites it? In my case (polish layout) Alt+shift means upper, diacrytic letters.
That was exactly my initial guess, but I've double checked the existing keybindings and alt+shift is not used by any of them, so I have no idea why is this happening.
Then i cant help because im on lxde and things here are a little bit diffrent (simpler). The only thing i can say that i had similar problem on debian long time ago. I couldnt get my additional media keys work in lxde so the simplest solution i found is installing xbindkeys program. Installed, downloaded some script for key recognizing, tried what is the code of every media key, put some simplest commands script for players , put xbindkeys in autostart and it worked like a charm for long time. Until after some upgrade stopped. After long researchs i found that someone finally put those bindings in LXDE and they starting to conflict with xbindkeys bindings. Removing xbindkeys was a solution for me.
As for the "alt-shift" combination in particular, you can set it through gnome-tweak-tool
I posted a more radical solution to that kind of problems here … 0#p1186590
Another, possibly easier way to fix this:
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.keyboard input-sources-switcher alt-shift
I've sort of solved it:
system settings -> keyboard -> shortcuts
1. set "switch to next source" to disabled .
2. set "switch to previous source" to disabled
in dconf editor go to org->gnome->desktop->input-sources
1. set the xkb options to
The problem with this solution is that the language indicator in the taskbar is not changed when you change the keyboard layout, but that doesn't really bother me.
Last edited by Greed1sGood (2012-11-04 20:26:03)
I have this peroblem too but this guide
system settings -> keyboard -> shortcuts1. set "switch to next source" to disabled .
2. set "switch to previous source" to disabled in dconf editor go to org->gnome->desktop->input-sources
1. set the xkb options to ['grp:alt_shift_toggle']
can not help me
what I must do ?
my gnome is up to date and I use last
Last edited by mfaridi (2012-12-28 22:48:58)
can I do this wih xorg.conf
Actually a couple of days ago I've found what I was looking for:
gnome-tweak-tool -> Typing -> Modifiers-only input sources -> select Alt-shift
So you don't have to use Xorg.conf
Last edited by Greed1sGood (2012-12-29 20:54:38)
How to set it on right win key?