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I am using autofs to mount a CIFS share over a network. When I shutdown/reboot, the system hangs with "Unmounting file system" for a very long time (e.g. 2 minutes) before doing so.
My situation requires that the mountpoint might be in use when shutdown is commenced. It looks to me as if umount is waiting for something which is not happening.
I am using pure-systemd setup.
I have almost the same problem. I got a NFS share in fstab and it also hangs for around 2 minutes on shutdown/reboot.
fstab /home/maxim/pogo-heddson nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,noauto,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=2min 0 0
Don't know exactly how autofs works, but for me I beleve the problem was that my user didn't have the rights to unmount that share. Since root is running fstab, then only root can unmount it. My solution was to shutdown/reboot as root or add users in fstab (which allows every user to unmount it).
Hope some of this can help. I should also point out that sometimes my regular user is able to reboot without it hanging.. So it's possible I missed something.
Anyone looking at this should also check and
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