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Latest nvidia update (304.60-1):
$ nvidia-settings
"nvidia-settings: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
Closest thing is libpango, libpangoxft....
Quick fix, try this:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
Quick fix, try this:
*facepalm*. Don't do that. EVER!
The third comment on that bug is the only correct solution, install the package the comment mentions. Well, there's another solution, compile nvidia-settings yourself from source, but the solution in that comment is much simpler.
Last edited by Gusar (2012-10-31 19:12:33)
I got this error too, and just installed
pangox-compat 0.0.2-1
According to the bug report it was fixed, pangox-compat is now an optdepend but I don't get how that makes any sense because nvidia-settings requires that lib to do anything at all. I know nvidia-settings isn't the only thing in nvidia-utils but still, it seems a little counter intuitive to me.
nvidia-settings also requires gtk to do anything at all, and yet gtk has always been under optdepends. Only this makes sense - nvidia-settings is optional.
I don't know why you can't just *recompile*, and have the dep on "pangox" automatically fix itself:
$ ldd /usr/bin/nvidia-settings | grep pango => /usr/lib/ (0xb6efb000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb6eef000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb6d7a000)
Edit: This is with nvidia 304.64 (also worked with 304.60) and pango 1.32.1
Last edited by brebs (2012-11-08 13:14:36)
nvidia-settings also requires gtk to do anything at all, and yet gtk has always been under optdepends. Only this makes sense - nvidia-settings is optional.
That's true, I hadn't thought about that.
nvidia-settings also requires gtk to do anything at all, and yet gtk has always been under optdepends. Only this makes sense - nvidia-settings is optional.
I don't understand this. With this logic, when a package is optdepends of any other package, automatically all its dependencies should be optdepends?
For example, "python2" is in the optdepends list of "alsa-lib", does it mean that the 8 packages that "python2" depends should be put in "optdepends", this doesn't make sense.
I don't understand this. With this logic, when a package is optdepends of any other package, automatically all its dependencies should be optdepends?
Err, no, how did you get to that conclusion? pangox-compat is *not* a dependency of gtk. That's why both gtk and pangox-compat need to be listed here.
Or recompile nvidia-settings. Here's a snippet of how I do it (in a totally different distro), from nvidia's nvidia-settings sourcecode:
if module_installed "gtk+-2" ; then
# Build nvidia-settings from source
cd nvidia-settings-$VERSION &&
# xf86vmode.h has been removed in xf86vidmodeproto 2.3
if [[ ! -e /usr/include/X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h ]] ; then
sed -i -e "s:#include <X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h>:#include <X11/extensions/xf86vmproto.h>:" src/libXNVCtrlAttributes/NvCtrlAttributes{,VidMode,Glx}.c
fi &&
make clean &&
make -C src/libXNVCtrl &&
make || exit 1
module_installed is distro-specific - of course, it's checking whether gtk+-2 is available, FYI.
Edit: Corrected sourcecode file
Last edited by brebs (2012-11-17 23:32:30)
Offline … ra.core.19
Last edited by beta (2014-05-16 12:04:03)
Welcome to the forums beta. Linking to someone's Fedora install notes without any explanation is not particularly helpful. Furthermore, if you read the thread you'll see people already mention pangox-compat as a solution.
Please take the time to read our forum rules, for this case Forum Etquette: Old Threads / Necro-Bumping. Closing.
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