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I have created my own Arch Linux Live Image with Xfce4 and Compiz using mkarchiso. I would like to configure it (background image etc.), but I don't know how to do this kind of stuff. I know how to configure system settings (enable systemd services, add user, install packages and so on), but how do I configure compiz without a graphical interface?
So: I have a live image with the user "arch". The live image starts the loginmanager slim, logs in the user "arch" and finally the X server with Compiz starts. But the Xfce4 DE starts empty (with this default dialog, where you can add either the default panel or start from scratch). I would like to configure the desktop, like mouse theme, appearence, emerald theme, font etc..
But how could I do this?
I did this in a very weird way. I booted the image in Virtualbox, configured it properly, copied the home directory of the user "arch" back to the root directory of the image and built a new image.
Help is appreciated.
Use a Live system to change the settings you want, then copy the relevant settings files as noted in the wiki:
Thanks for the answer. I know how to add files to the image. I want to configure compiz and xfce4 and I do not know, where these programs keep their configuration files (probably ~/.config) and which format etc. I would like to use the GUI to configure them.
Well for xfce, I would try ~/.config/xfce4 and for compiz, check ~/.gconf/apps/
I would just start googling for where apps save their settings.
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