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Finally I had spare time to set-up testing VM. So far so good. 4.10 is going to be another nice evolutionary release focused on ironing bugs and improvements all around which is of course good, but those little deficiencies are killing me sometimes. For example I'm like "whoa new lock screen is beaut... wait, actually it looks like it was made by a student as his college project and of course he doesn't heard in his lifetime about design, UI and pixel-perfect layout". Yes I get it, it's FLOSS but those little things are making many FLOSS project looks like... student projects (which they are in many cases). Same thing goes for "get new effects" button in desktop effects KCM... this should be additional somewhere let's say at the bottom where other buttons are, not on the right stealing precious space doing absolutely nothing. End of rant.
Great job everyone.
PS After 4 or 5 years I'm actually thinking about turning nepomuk on.
focused on ironing bugs
The "simple" lockscreen is nice, but unfortunately on dualscreen it's often impossible to focus one of the password fields and you have to press enter, wait for the timeout and then it will be focussed.
Dolphin and all qt filechoosers are extremely slow to open. Tabbing in dolphin too. And sometimes it hangs for a while. But that may be a problem only with the archlinux packages right now because of something with udisks2.
Add the quickstart plasmoid to the desktop, add some starters and try to move the entries in the bottom row around. Plasma segfault. Nobody has even tried using their packaged plasmoids?
I sometimes consider actually reporting bugs to kde but most of the time I would feel silly to describe what I did to trigger the bug and write "just using the basic functionality".
Changing the qt graphics system consistently segfaults kwin on ivy bridge. Has done so for months. None of the developer use intel graphics? Or did just none of them ever try what actually happens using that dropdown box?
฿ 18PRsqbZCrwPUrVnJe1BZvza7bwSDbpxZz
Why do you run a beta if you don't report bugs? To cry in forum threads?
Dolphin laggyness is fixed with latest kdelibs -2 upgrade here.
It's perfectly stable so far. Though I'm not one of those constantly switching the Qt graphics system...
Here automount of internal partitions doesn't work. Anyone with this issue? Shall I report to KDE or is an arch bug?
EDIT: consequently when I mount a partition amarok crashes (and not only if the music library is in the mounted partition). Can someone confirm?
Last edited by R3DKn16h7 (2012-12-06 12:28:51)
Why do you run a beta if you don't report bugs? To cry in forum threads?
Maybe if I encounter one that is not totally obvious within 30 seconds of actually testing your code once.
฿ 18PRsqbZCrwPUrVnJe1BZvza7bwSDbpxZz
Is the screenshot shown on the Beta 2 anouncement actually using the default plasma theme? Air looks completely different (more or less identical to the 4.9 version) on my machine.
Here automount of internal partitions doesn't work. Anyone with this issue? Shall I report to KDE or is an arch bug?
EDIT: consequently when I mount a partition amarok crashes (and not only if the music library is in the mounted partition). Can someone confirm?
works for me (with addition udisks2 rules for mount without password)
Is the screenshot shown on the Beta 2 anouncement actually using the default plasma theme? Air looks completely different (more or less identical to the 4.9 version) on my machine.
Are you talking about this one:
Default theme is oxygen and it looks pretty much the same on my machine as in screenshot. Only difference I can spot is pager and different font, probably oxygen font.
jeorgun wrote:Is the screenshot shown on the Beta 2 anouncement actually using the default plasma theme? Air looks completely different (more or less identical to the 4.9 version) on my machine.
Are you talking about this one:
Default theme is oxygen and it looks pretty much the same on my machine as in screenshot. Only difference I can spot is pager and different font, probably oxygen font.
every time I see a screenshot of the default oxygen theme I wonder what were they thinking when the blue glow was added...
if you have customized the oxygen plasma theme adding stuff in ~/.kde4/share/apps/desktoptheme/oxygen that will overwrite the "official" theme located in /usr/share/apps/desktoptheme/oxygen for your user, so you may miss some changes.
I'm talking about the default plasma theme (which is Air). In that screenshot, the pager and taskbar items look different, and the panel is flat (without the gradient from <=4.9).
There's nothing in ~/.kde4/share/apps/desktoptheme/*, save for an empty directory named `wallpapers', and all the files in /usr/share/apps/desktoptheme/ are fresh from kdebase-runtime 4.9.90.
I'm talking about the default plasma theme (which is Air). In that screenshot, the pager and taskbar items look different, and the panel is flat (without the gradient from <=4.9).
Right, my bad. I must say I like new one better. Maybe they rewrote it in QML and all of the taskbar bugs went away? I think they plan to move plasma UI to QML entirely in the future. There is in fact plan to port a lot of interface to QML for 4.10 and task manager too but it's marked as work in progress for now.
Oh and btw air theme looks like 4.9 on my testing VM (clean installation, not 4.9 upgrade).
every time I see a screenshot of the default oxygen theme I wonder what were they thinking when the blue glow was added...
Personally I turn glow off right away ("regular" oxygen shadows are awesome though). I don't think it's ugly I just don't need it. But I think it's safe default and rather nice touch of design for regular users - by default oxygen has no obvious fool-proof indication of active window. For regular computer users it's easier to spot active window if it's glowing.
Last edited by masteryod (2012-12-08 15:01:24)
Is the screenshot shown on the Beta 2 anouncement actually using the default plasma theme? Air looks completely different (more or less identical to the 4.9 version) on my machine.
Yes, kde designers removed gradients from air plasma theme. so it will look flat all over in plasma just like windows 8. Say goodbye to radial shiny gradients...
Personally I turn glow off right away ("regular" oxygen shadows are awesome though). I don't think it's ugly I just don't need it. But I think it's safe default and rather nice touch of design for regular users - by default oxygen has no obvious fool-proof indication of active window. For regular computer users it's easier to spot active window if it's glowing.
we're in the realm of opinions here, but I think a much cleaner way to identify the active window would be to use the "outline active window title" setting from the oxygen decoration with kde-blue as the outline color.
But I'd change to a dark theme anyway so you know, who cares
we're in the realm of opinions here, but I think a much cleaner way to identify the active window would be to use the "outline active window title" setting from the oxygen decoration with kde-blue as the outline color.
Yes of course but blue outline would be very Windows-ish (or less like MacOS). That's why I like KDE i.e either way you are a winner because there's a lot of options to choose from - glow is just default.
Well, i've upgrade to 4.10 yesterday, everything is ok, stable and fast. Nice work!
For those who can't find appmenu settings in System settings -> Style -> Fine Tuning tab you need appmenu-qt package.
God damn it, once upon a time I saw a horizontal hover-on aware appmenu right on window decoration and there is no such option Button is nice but require additional click and I like classic horizontal menu better. On the other hand MacOS fans will be thrilled about "Top screen menubar" option.
God damn it, once upon a time I saw a horizontal hover-on aware appmenu right on window decoration and there is no such option
Button is nice but require additional click and I like classic horizontal menu better. On the other hand MacOS fans will be thrilled about "Top screen menubar" option.
I'd say "top screen menubar" is the hover-on thing. It doesn't have much to do with MacOS.
I'd say "top screen menubar" is the hover-on thing. It doesn't have much to do with MacOS.
It is hover-on but it's global (global as in MacOS and I'm not a fan of that solution). I saw some preview of appmenu in KDE and it was hover-on horizontal menu right there on the window decoration which was awesome and unique (AFAIK).
I still can't open remote files with Dolphin. It always copies them locally first. Is this a bug or a feature?
It's expected behavior. To workaround this, you have to put your shares in /etc/fstab, using cifs as the filesystem, like this:
//<remote_machine>/<share> /mnt/<mountpoint> cifs users,noauto,username=<username>,password=<password>,ip=<ip>,workgroup=<workgroup> 0 0
Last edited by ifaigios (2012-12-11 19:14:24)
Some explanation about air theme changes for 4.10: … h_some_air
Last edited by masteryod (2012-12-12 23:00:09)
Kernel panic when power change from A/C to battery and again to A/C.
Not sure if this is KDE related. Somebody could confirm?
Kernel panic when power change from A/C to battery and again to A/C.
Not sure if this is KDE related. Somebody could confirm?
Same issue here, but I think this is a kernel bug.
Do you use kernel 3.7 from [testing]?
Edit: tested on a Thinkpad T420s (Core i5 2520M)
Last edited by wander (2012-12-14 08:58:38)
Do you have laptop-mode-tools installed? For me, after kernel 4.7 update it always showed a kernel panic, until I removed it.
Do you use kernel 3.7 from [testing]?
Yes. Kernel 3.7.0-1-ARCH and 3.7.0-1-ck. both with the same issue.
Do you have laptop-mode-tools installed? For me, after kernel 4.7 update it always showed a kernel panic, until I removed it.
Yes. I have it installed. Thanks for the advice.
Last edited by ontobelli (2012-12-14 11:55:18)