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sooooo, what do you think about it?
Last edited by andjeng (2012-12-14 10:17:53)
just looking around.
Is there anything to worry about?
:: Registered Linux User No. 223384
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i just wondering about other distro.
umm, will 686 be dead soon, too?
just looking around.
I don't think so. 32bit machines, both real and virtual, are still widely used, and probably won't be dead that soon. x86_64 is obviously the future, though.
:: Registered Linux User No. 223384
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so, i can still use arch 686.
just looking around.
I don't think 386 ever worked on Arch, so this is nothing to worry about.
and the GCC compiler wnt deprecated the i386 too for 4.8/4.9
I think that yes, officially the i386 is death in all Kernels (MS deprecated i386 in Windows 8 if I remmember correctly, and Solaris in solaris10 is I remmember correctly again, and probably I'm wrong but *BSD never suppor any lower than i486)
Well, I suppose that this is somekind of signature, no?
I don't have numbers but I would guess most 386es still in use are being used for non-Internet, high stability applications; if you can tolerate the risk of upgrading your kernel every once in a while, it's reasonable to upgrade your hardware more often than every 20-30 years. And if your 386 hardware still works fine, it's almost certainly not worth upgrading to the latest version of Linux...
Although I can imagine some repercussions for the embedded market, I don't actually know of any embedded devices that attempt to run Linux on a 386.
Certainly the only 386 units I have are in extremely stable, non-networked roles on a manufacturing production line that haven't been touched for years.
($DEITY help us if they ever do die... I'm not going to be able to get spare parts!)
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
and the GCC compiler wnt deprecated the i386 too for 4.8/4.9
Maybe... even probably but it has not been decided yet.
I have a cuestion, Debian use i686 an i386 kernels or i486??
bacause if they use i386 this can hurt them
@Allan I know is a maybe, this is why i use 'wnt' and not 'want' or 'will not'
but who know the resilt of this??
Well, I suppose that this is somekind of signature, no?
Debian supports i486 and up. … 01.html.en
"wnt" doesn't mean anything, so you should not be surprised at the failure to communicate.
Even with redhat, it may call them i386 packages, but it would recognize an i586, and use a i586, even though the remaining packages were still i386.
I may have to CONSOLE you about your usage of ridiculously easy graphical interfaces...
Look ma, no mouse.
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