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later is a small (242 sloc) perl script that saves and manages URLs to be opened later.
optional dependencies (see -t command-line option)
command-line options
later [options] [URL] [memo ...]
General options:
-h, --help print this message and exit
-v, --version print version and exit
-q, --quiet disable output
-f FILE file on which to operate (default is $HOME/.later)
Add options:
-a append entry to FILE (default is prepend)
-t add URL title to entry (requires curl, HTML::Parser)
Open options:
-o NUMBERS* open entries with given NUMBERS
-O ENTRY open given ENTRY
-k keep entries after opening (default is remove)
Manipulate options:
-l [d] list contents of FILE with numbered lines,
descending if d is given (default is ascending)
-r NUMBERS* remove from FILE entries with given NUMBERS
*accepts a range of numbers separated by a hyphen (e.g. 1-9)
example entry
arch linux is best linux >>> Arch Linux >>> >>> Sat, 26 Jan 2013 00:04:44 EST
potentially useful scripts
Copy URL from clipboard and use dmenu to prompt for memo:
later -q -t "$(xsel -b)" "$(dmenu -p memo: <&-)"
Pipe file into dmenu and open selected entry:
if [[ -f "$1" ]]; then
later -q -O "$(dmenu -l 30 < $FILE)"
I bind both of the above scripts to keys using my window manager of choice.
Hopefully someone else will find this useful!
I use linux and I dont understand nothing in this post.