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Hi, I just noticed that most of my memory was hogged by coredump of a few processes that I had killed recently. I had a systemd-coredump process running for each crashed process (usually the processes were google-chrome, which I had force quit, which explains the large memory consumption).
What I would like to know is why instead of dumping the core of the crashed process to the disk, a new process that holds the entire core in the ram is being started. Is my configuration buggy? or is it supposed to this way and if so how do I change the behavior?
For now I have disabled the storing of core dump by linking /dev/null to /etc/sysctl.d/coredump.conf. Though, I do not see core dumps, but still would like to keep it enabled. Any ideas/hints would be appreciated.
I also had like 4 systemd-coredump processes each taking up ~100 megs of mem. What's going on?
I have the same problem.
Now the question is: why?
Can you find out which process the coredump belongs to? With "pstree -a" you get a tree with childprocesses and passed arguments (package psmisc).
| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |
Can you find out which process the coredump belongs to? With "pstree -a" you get a tree with childprocesses and passed arguments (package psmisc).
Thanks for your reply.
I couldn't find systemd-coredump with pstree, but the weird thing is that I found it in gnome-system-monitor. Anyway, here it is the dump for pstree -a:
|-agetty --noclear tty2 38400 linux
|-agetty --noclear tty3 38400 linux
| |-dbus-daemon --config-file=/etc/at-spi2/accessibility.conf --nofork --print-address 3
| `-3*[{at-spi-bus-laun}]
|-at-spi2-registr --use-gnome-session
| `-{at-spi2-registr}
| |-chromium
| |-(chromium)
| |-chromium
| | `-2*[{chromium}]
| |-(chromium)
| |-(chromium)
| |-(chromium)
| |-chromium-sandbo /usr/lib/chromium/chromium --type=zygote
| | `-chromium
| | |-chromium
| | | |-chromium
| | | | `-3*[{chromium}]
| | | |-chromium
| | | | `-12*[{chromium}]
| | | |-chromium
| | | | `-3*[{chromium}]
| | | |-chromium
| | | | `-3*[{chromium}]
| | | |-chromium
| | | | `-3*[{chromium}]
| | | |-chromium
| | | | `-3*[{chromium}]
| | | `-chromium
| | | `-3*[{chromium}]
| | `-nacl_helper_boo /usr/lib/chromium/nacl_helper --reserved_at_zero=0x0000000040000000--r_debug=0x000000004000
| `-23*[{chromium}]
|-console-kit-dae --no-daemon
| `-64*[{console-kit-dae}]
|-dbus-daemon --system --address=systemd: --nofork --nopidfile --systemd-activation
|-dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
|-dbus-launch --autolaunch 26f25ce8e275912a98fb313600003f0e --binary-syntax --close-stderr
| `-2*[{dconf-service}]
|-dhcpcd -q -w eth0
| `-startx /usr/bin/startx
| `-xinit /home/guihkx/.xinitrc -- /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc :0 -auth /tmp/serverauth.x0S8RYqmTu
| |-X -nolisten tcp :0 -auth /tmp/serverauth.x0S8RYqmTu vt1
| `-sh /home/guihkx/.xinitrc
| |-ck-launch-sessi awesome
| | `-awesome
| | `-{awesome}
| |-redshift -l -23 -47 -m vidmode
| `-xscreensaver -no-splash
|-ntpd -g -u ntp:ntp
|-polkitd --no-debug
| `-4*[{polkitd}]
|-preload --foreground --verbose 1
|-pulseaudio --start
| |-gconf-helper
| `-2*[{pulseaudio}]
| `-2*[{rtkit-daemon}]
`-pstree -a
And if it helps, here are the process properties in gnome-system-monitor:
It's Chromium - needs fixing badly it's leaving processes behind which dump either automatically or when you try and kill them.
For me too most of the processes were google-chorme, but I remember that a systemd-coredump for some other was also there (though I don't remember the exact process).
Anyhow, even if a process wants to leave a dump behind, what's the exact reason for storing the dump in memory? This is my main question. Even if the dump has to be logged why not save in the messages/journald or somewhere in disk. Why memory?
It's Chromium - needs fixing badly it's leaving processes behind which dump either automatically or when you try and kill them.
I see, but is there any way to disable systemd-coredump?
Last edited by guihkx (2013-03-26 20:37:18)
Pages: 1