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I was at step #6 in the EFISTUB section of the Beginners Guide and made the following typo - I failed to add the quotation mark after "rEFInd"
SUPPOSED to enter: efibootmgr -c -g -d /dev/sdX -p Y -w -L "rEFInd" -l '\EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi'
ACTUALLY entered: efibootmgr -c -g -d /dev/sdX -p Y -w -L "rEFInd -l '\EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi'
This resulted in me no longer having the sh-4.2# command line, leaving me with only >.
I try to exit this > command line, but can't
What happened, where am I, and how can I correct this?
thanks, and goodnight.
The shell is waiting for the rest of the command, which will be terminated by the closing quote mark.
You can Ctrl-c to terminate the process.
thanks jason. that got me back on track
cool, please mark your thread as solved
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !