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recently I upgraded to MariaDB, and general logging stopped working. As I read it has the same syntax and everything else according to the manuals.
Here are my settings in my.cnf:
general_log = 1
general_log_file = /tmp/mysql_query.log
..and no such file is being created. I tried without setting file path, so it should write to /var/lib/mysql/localhost.log, but it doesn't log there as well (although it creates the file).
Anyone with a similar problem out there?
I had the same thing. What worked for me is
MariaDB [(none)]> set @@global.general_loge=ON;
This way you don't have to restart your mariadb server, but this setting won't persist across restarts either. But this isn't something you'd have on by default anyway, is it?
What does your
MariaDB [(none)]> show variables like '%general_log%';
show you? I believe by default the file name will be your host name and it will be in /var/lib/mysql/.
Hope this helps (even though this is a somewhat older thread).