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#1 2013-05-09 09:09:00

Registered: 2008-06-25
Posts: 108

No wired network at boot with systemd and dhcp


Since last update I don't have  network after boot. Although It works when I manually start with the command

sudo systemctl restart dhcpcd@eth0.service

Status of the dhcp service right after the boot looks like following.

dhcpcd@eth0.service - dhcpcd on eth0
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcpcd@.service; enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2013-05-09 10:34:34 CEST; 2min 40s ago
  Process: 354 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/dhcpcd -q -w %I (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

May 09 10:33:59 sunshine dhcpcd[354]: version 5.6.7 starting
May 09 10:34:33 sunshine dhcpcd[354]: eth0: waiting for carrier
May 09 10:34:34 sunshine systemd[1]: dhcpcd@eth0.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
May 09 10:34:34 sunshine systemd[1]: Failed to start dhcpcd on eth0.
May 09 10:34:34 sunshine systemd[1]: MESSAGE=Unit dhcpcd@eth0.service entered failed state.

In the daemon logs I can see following lines:

May  9 10:33:59 localhost dhcpcd[354]: version 5.6.7 starting
May  9 10:34:01 localhost dhcpcd[354]: eth0: waiting for carrier
May  9 10:34:33 localhost dhcpcd[354]: eth0: carrier acquired
May  9 10:34:33 localhost dhcpcd[354]: eth0: sending IPv6 Router Solicitation
May  9 10:34:33 localhost dhcpcd[354]: eth0: sendmsg: Network is unreachable
May  9 10:34:33 localhost dhcpcd[354]: eth0: rebinding lease of
May  9 10:34:34 localhost dhcpcd[354]: timed out
May  9 10:34:34 localhost systemd[1]: dhcpcd@eth0.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
May  9 10:34:34 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to start dhcpcd on eth0.
May  9 10:34:34 localhost systemd[1]: MESSAGE=Unit dhcpcd@eth0.service entered failed state

I have a dual boot with Win8 and for Win8 network always works. Also for Archlinux, it works when I start it manually.

Can anybody help me with this ?



#2 2013-05-09 09:13:05

From: Visalia, California
Registered: 2012-10-10
Posts: 241

Re: No wired network at boot with systemd and dhcp


Last edited by ackt1c (2022-11-05 13:53:44)


#3 2013-05-09 09:29:45

Registered: 2008-06-25
Posts: 108

Re: No wired network at boot with systemd and dhcp

This didn't help much.

Now I have following status for eth0 and eno1

dhcpcd@eth0.service - dhcpcd on eth0
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcpcd@.service; enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2013-05-09 11:23:52 CEST; 1min 31s ago
  Process: 350 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/dhcpcd -q -w %I (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

May 09 11:23:52 sunshine systemd[1]: dhcpcd@eth0.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
May 09 11:23:52 sunshine systemd[1]: Failed to start dhcpcd on eth0.
May 09 11:23:52 sunshine systemd[1]: MESSAGE=Unit dhcpcd@eth0.service entered failed state.
dhcpcd@eno1.service - dhcpcd on eno1
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcpcd@.service; enabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)

May 09 11:15:44 sunshine systemd[1]: Stopped dhcpcd on eno1.
May 09 11:17:43 sunshine systemd[1]: Dependency failed for dhcpcd on eno1.
May 09 11:24:38 sunshine systemd[1]: Dependency failed for dhcpcd on eno1.

Although manually starting   dhcpcd@eth0.service works again.


#4 2013-05-10 23:03:06

From: Bxl
Registered: 2013-04-26
Posts: 112

Re: No wired network at boot with systemd and dhcp


I am relatively new to Arch and I am not 100% sure this is related (and whether it is appropriate to post my question here, apologies if not !).

Since the last update I can not get my wired network to start on boot, even though my wireless works without problem as soon as I enable it.
It seems dhcpcd-service starts allright, but it doesn't set an IP addres. Stopping/starting or restarting the service do not change anything. If I manually run dhcpcd the connection works for a while, but the network manager does not show anything after dhcpcd caused a working connection.
The status of the dhcpcd-service looks as follows:

systemctl status dhcpcd@enp2s0.service
dhcpcd@enp2s0.service - dhcpcd on enp2s0
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcpcd@.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sat 2013-05-11 00:33:25 CEST; 9min ago
  Process: 1284 ExecStop=/usr/sbin/dhcpcd -x %I (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 1310 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/dhcpcd -q -w %I (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 1342 (dhcpcd)
   CGroup: name=systemd:/system/dhcpcd@.service/dhcpcd@enp2s0.service
           ââ1342 /usr/sbin/dhcpcd -q -w enp2s0

in the journals (is that the word ?) I find this:

-- Reboot --
May 11 00:10:04 lumiabox dhcpcd[223]: version 5.6.8 starting
May 11 00:10:08 lumiabox dhcpcd[223]: enp2s0: sending IPv6 Router Solicitation
May 11 00:10:08 lumiabox dhcpcd[223]: enp2s0: rebinding lease of
May 11 00:10:08 lumiabox dhcpcd[223]: enp2s0: Router Advertisement from fe80::c225:6ff:fe08:14be
May 11 00:10:08 lumiabox dhcpcd[223]: enp2s0: did not fork due to an absent RDNSS option in the RA
May 11 00:10:08 lumiabox dhcpcd[223]: enp2s0: fe80::c225:6ff:fe08:14be: expired default Router
May 11 00:10:09 lumiabox dhcpcd[223]: enp2s0: acknowledged from
May 11 00:10:09 lumiabox dhcpcd[223]: enp2s0: checking for
May 11 00:10:14 lumiabox dhcpcd[223]: enp2s0: leased for 864000 seconds
May 11 00:10:15 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: removing IP address
May 11 00:16:57 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: carrier lost
May 11 00:16:59 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: carrier acquired
May 11 00:16:59 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: sending IPv6 Router Solicitation
May 11 00:16:59 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: rebinding lease of
May 11 00:16:59 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: Router Advertisement from fe80::c225:6ff:fe08:14be
May 11 00:16:59 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: adding address fd00::5e26:aff:fe04:be70/64
May 11 00:16:59 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: vltime 1800 seconds, pltime 1200 seconds
May 11 00:16:59 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: adding route to fd00::/64
May 11 00:16:59 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: adding default route via fe80::c225:6ff:fe08:14be
May 11 00:16:59 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: fe80::c225:6ff:fe08:14be: expired default Router
May 11 00:16:59 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: deleting default route via fe80::c225:6ff:fe08:14be
May 11 00:16:59 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: acknowledged from
May 11 00:16:59 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: checking for
May 11 00:17:04 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: leased for 864000 seconds
May 11 00:17:05 lumiabox dhcpcd[296]: enp2s0: removing IP address

so what I understand is that it receives an IP address, but it removes it for some reason ?
I am probably looking in the wrong place, any pointer very much appreciated !

Last edited by nourathar (2013-05-11 00:19:19)


#5 2013-05-11 09:39:19

From: Bxl
Registered: 2013-04-26
Posts: 112

Re: No wired network at boot with systemd and dhcp

a day later and my issue seems to have just gone away.. apologies for the noise if that is True.


#6 2013-05-11 13:26:36

Registered: 2004-06-20
Posts: 1,175

Re: No wired network at boot with systemd and dhcp

The answer from ackt1c is useless so you should issue `sudo systemctl disable dhcpcd@eno1.service` to revert that.

This message indicates that somehow the hardware (or the actual network) isn't ready when your machine boots.

May  9 10:34:33 localhost dhcpcd[354]: eth0: sendmsg: Network is unreachable

What does lspci say about your nic?


#7 2013-05-11 22:58:08

From: Poland, Warsaw
Registered: 2013-05-06
Posts: 159

Re: No wired network at boot with systemd and dhcp

I think that I have the same issue. New Arch 2013 installation - wire connection doesn't work over dhcp after installing kde-plasma-networkmanagement. I trying to find solution.

Last edited by infoslaw (2013-05-11 22:58:30)


#8 2013-05-16 23:02:02

From: Bxl
Registered: 2013-04-26
Posts: 112

Re: No wired network at boot with systemd and dhcp

here a twist I find is intriguing:

I have two arch installs on the same machine, one is with a full KDE install (let's say A), the other with a minimal KDE install in an effort to keep it is clean as possible, (let's say install 'B').

As I wrote above, my problem went away for no clear reason on install A, but since i've updated install 'B' too, I have a very similar problem: on boot dhcpcd does not connect automatically to the wired network, but there is no problem as soon as I switch on the wireless interface, and also I can connect when i run

sudo dhcpcd

manually (which results in a connection that doesn't last long btw).

the weird thing is that the /etc/dhcpcd.conf files, the /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf files and the kdeplasma NetworkManager settings are identical, but still it works on one install and not the other. How weird is that ?
Below a typical failure, they always end with a lease of an ip address (which sounds like good news to me ?) and then it gets removed (which sounds like bad news, but I do not really know what I am talking about. Does anybody know what is going on ? And why is the pid of the dhcpcd process suddenly different in the last line ?

May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox systemd[1]: Starting dhcpcd on enp2s0...
May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox dhcpcd[1059]: version 5.6.8 starting
May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox dhcpcd[1059]: all: disabling Kernel IPv6 RA support
May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox dhcpcd[1059]: enp2s0: sending IPv6 Router Solicitation
May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox dhcpcd[1059]: enp2s0: rebinding lease of
May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox dhcpcd[1059]: enp2s0: Router Advertisement from fe80::c225:6ff:fe08:14be
May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox dhcpcd[1059]: enp2s0: adding address fd00::5e26:aff:fe04:be70/64
May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox dhcpcd[1059]: enp2s0: vltime 1800 seconds, pltime 1200 seconds
May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox dhcpcd[1059]: enp2s0: adding route to fd00::/64
May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox dhcpcd[1059]: enp2s0: adding default route via fe80::c225:6ff:fe08:14be
May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox dhcpcd[1059]: enp2s0: did not fork due to an absent RDNSS option in the RA
May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox dhcpcd[1059]: enp2s0: fe80::c225:6ff:fe08:14be: expired default Router
May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox dhcpcd[1059]: enp2s0: deleting default route via fe80::c225:6ff:fe08:14be
May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox dhcpcd[1059]: enp2s0: acknowledged from
May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox dhcpcd[1059]: enp2s0: leased for 864000 seconds
May 17 00:46:10 lumiabox systemd[1]: Started dhcpcd on enp2s0.
May 17 00:47:07 lumiabox dhcpcd[1091]: enp2s0: removing IP address

Last edited by nourathar (2013-05-16 23:04:02)


#9 2013-08-03 20:12:33

From: San Diego
Registered: 2012-05-23
Posts: 18

Re: No wired network at boot with systemd and dhcp

Sorry to revive an old thread, but I am having a similar problem.

I don't currently have an internet connection in my room, so I am using internet sharing through my 13" Macbook Pro.

When I did a fresh install, 2 days ago, the interface was eth0. I was able to connect fine until earlier today, when apparently, my interface changed to enp2s0.

I think I have made all the appropriate changes...

I try:

#systemctl restart dhcpcd@snp2s0.service 

and get:

Job for dhcpcd@snp2s0.service failed. See 'systemctl status dhcpcd status dhcpcd@enp2s0.service' and journalctl -xn' for details.

#systemctl status dhcpcd status dhcpcd@enp2s0.service:

dhcpcd@enp2s0.service - dhcpcd on enp2s0
    loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcpcd@.service; enabled)
    active: failed (result: resources) since Sat 2013-08-03 20:08:25 UTC; 1min 45s ago
    process: 491 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/dhcpcd -q -w %I (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Aug 03 20:08:25 archer systemd[1]: Starting dhcpcd on enp2s0. . .
Aug 03 20:08:25 archer systemd[1]: PID file /run/ not readable (yet?) after start.
Aug 03 20:08:25 archer systemd[1]: failed to start dhcpcd on enp2s0.
Aug 03 20:08:25 archer systemd[1]: Unit dhcpcd@enp2s0.service entered failed state.

Id rather not type out all of the #journalctl -xn by hand, but here is what I think is relevant

Aug 03 20:08:25 archer systemd[1]: Unit dhcpcd@enp2s0.service entered failed state.
Aug 03 20:08:47 archer systemd[1]: Job sys-subsystem-net-devices-eth0.device/start timed out.
Aug 03 20:08:47 archer systemd[1]: Timed out waiting for device sys-subsystem-net-devices-eth0.device.
Aug 03 20:08:47 archer systemd[1]: dependance failed for dhcpcd on eth0.

I see that in the journal, it is still refering to eth0, do I need to change eth0 to enp2s0 somewhere?

Also, trying #dhcpcd enp2s0 results in:

dhcpcd[511]: sending commands to master dhcpcd process

If anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be awesome.


Please forgive any typos I may have made.


#10 2013-08-03 22:05:16

From: Great White North
Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 881

Re: No wired network at boot with systemd and dhcp

You probably should start your own thread, Xleafr. 

This may be applicable: … cial.7.txt

    When started, this unit tries to start the profiles that were
    running when the unit was last stopped. In some cases, the interface
    a profile binds to might not be available yet, when netctl.service
    tries to bring a profile up. A simple, hackish, solution is to do:
echo "[[ -t 0 ]] || sleep 3" > /etc/netctl/interfaces/<interface>
chmod 755 /etc/netctl/interfaces/<interface>
    A more concise solution is to first enable a profile through netctl
    and then disable it again through systemctl:
netctl enable <profile>
systemctl disable netctl@<profile>
    This way the unit configuration file for the profile remains in
    existence, while the profile is not enabled.


#11 2013-08-03 23:53:31

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,354

Re: No wired network at boot with systemd and dhcp

xleafr wrote:

I try:

#systemctl restart dhcpcd@snp2s0.service 

and get:

Job for dhcpcd@snp2s0.service failed. See 'systemctl status dhcpcd status dhcpcd@enp2s0.service' and journalctl -xn' for details.

Please forgive any typos I may have made.

It may be a typo, but if so, you did it twice.  snp2s0 is clearly wrong.  Is that what you actually commanded?

Last edited by ewaller (2013-08-03 23:53:52)

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#12 2013-08-04 19:31:40

From: San Diego
Registered: 2012-05-23
Posts: 18

Re: No wired network at boot with systemd and dhcp

ewaller wrote:

It may be a typo, but if so, you did it twice.  snp2s0 is clearly wrong.  Is that what you actually commanded?



#13 2013-08-05 17:19:33

Registered: 2008-10-22
Posts: 704

Re: No wired network at boot with systemd and dhcp

I have a similiar problem, just want to share it, maybe it helps.

I have a quadruple boot system (Arch, Arch test, Kubuntu, Win7). Since last week or so, whenever I boot to Windows 7 and "boot back" to Arch Linux, I can't connect to the network and like in the OP, dhcpcd fails. If I, on the other hand, boot to my Arch test (not really updated) or to Kubunt (13.04), I have a network connection, which I have in Arch, when I boot back after that. And again, network is gone, when booting Win7 and then Arch.

It's really odd and I guess one or the other here in this thread had the exact same problem with the network magically return to normal.

Edit: Well or not the exact problem. I know, that this happens to me since the Kernel 3.10 update.

Last edited by ChemBro (2013-08-05 17:20:53)


#14 2013-08-06 12:29:05

From: Holsworthy, Devon
Registered: 2011-12-31
Posts: 252

Re: No wired network at boot with systemd and dhcp

Have you tried just the command:

systemctl enable dhcpcd.service

The latest systemd may not even allow the dhcpcd@snp2s0.service & if you are using network manager you'll need to disable dhcpcd.service

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