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Pages: 1
Hi guys
Now that systemd has taken over the duties of syslog / metalog and the likes, have there been any attempts at porting logwatch to systemd, or can anyone suggest steps on how to do this?
I think the only option you have currently is to have systemd forward the logs to syslog-ng or similar.
Yeah I've thought of that, seems wasteful though, doesn't it
Yep, interested in this
Looking for something like that as well.. probably is definitely coming when RHEL switches to systemd, I think
Has anyone found a solution yet? Or some other tool like logwatch?
This thread motivated to start a small project which can simply filter out uninteresting lines and then send you an email: journalwatch.
There's also a patch and a hack available for logwatch in their bugtracker.
>>> from __future__ import braces
File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: not a chance
Pages: 1