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#26 2005-12-12 19:29:14

From: NC
Registered: 2005-02-21
Posts: 165

Re: Jacman

I'm interested in this application. The code looks pretty good, more so because I've never used JGoodies before. I really like the look of it. I've been using SWT/JFace at work so I'm a little rusty with AWT/Swing. Unfortunately we still haven't upgraded to Java 5 yet so I'm having to learn the annotation stuff. Overall I think this is a pretty nifty app. I'd like to help with development if any help is needed/desired. Just let me know.


#27 2005-12-12 19:41:30

From: London, UK
Registered: 2005-01-13
Posts: 1,268

Re: Jacman

mmccaskill wrote:

I'm interested in this application. The code looks pretty good, more so because I've never used JGoodies before. I really like the look of it. I've been using SWT/JFace at work so I'm a little rusty with AWT/Swing. Unfortunately we still haven't upgraded to Java 5 yet so I'm having to learn the annotation stuff. Overall I think this is a pretty nifty app. I'd like to help with development if any help is needed/desired. Just let me know.

Well, v0.3 is almost finished now. One thing I'd suggest is to think about what features you'd like to see in future releases and how you would go about implementing them. After 0.3 is released. The devs will have a little chat about the next version, then dish out the tasks accordingly.

You're help is certainly desired. However, I only want people to contribute code that they want to write. Does that make sense? What I mean is I don't want to be dishing out the tasks so much. I'm happier with "Andy, I want to do X." Me: "Good idea. Go ahead!". Of course, I may also say "Not really what I want to see in Jacman. Please don't do that! Anything else?"

There's also going to be a push to improve the documentation within the project. This is a chore, but is also a good task for those to initiate themselves with the code. There's a lot of Swing code involved and so you would need to be confortable with that again. I'm sure it won't be a problem though if you're used to GUI programming with SWT.

Anyway, register a username at and let me know what it is.


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