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#1 2013-06-11 20:13:47

Registered: 2012-12-11
Posts: 54

Openvpn to evade NAT

Hi I have a simple problem. I have no my own public IP address, only provider's local ip under dynamic NAT. I don't want to pay for public ip and want to have a remote access to my home PC. I decide to use openvpn to resolve this issue. I have access to university's openvpn server, but when I connect to it, using one profile from two different machines, both has the same IP. So I tried to use public openvpn server like this but there no route between my two machines.
Maybe I don't understand concepts of vpn and vpn is bad solution. Maybe I do smth wrong. Maybe there no suitable configurations on the servers and I need to try create my own openvpn server on university's machie.

Sorry for my english


#2 2013-06-11 20:50:08

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,355

Re: Openvpn to evade NAT

May I offer a different approach?  How about a reverse tunnel (Described here)  All you need to do is come up with a creative trigger whereby you send your computer a message that allows it to find the address of the computer from which you want to reach it.  You could do this by sending an email with a specific subject and the address in the body of the message.  When your computer automatically checks its mail, it finds the message, gets the address and opens a reverse tunnel.  Or, how about DropBox?  Create a file on your Dropbox with a specific name containing the IP from which you want to connect.  A cron job or a daemon running on your system watches for that file to appear and, when it does, grabs the address and opens a reverse tunnel; and it deletes the file from Dropbox.

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#3 2013-06-12 10:00:10

From: Sydney, Australia
Registered: 2010-01-15
Posts: 18

Re: Openvpn to evade NAT

You could also use Logmein Hamachi.

cross platform, easy to setup, free (5pc's per network)

I have been using hamachi for years now and it has never failed me.


#4 2013-06-12 20:19:18

Registered: 2012-12-11
Posts: 54

Re: Openvpn to evade NAT

ewaller wrote:

May I offer a different approach?  How about a reverse tunnel (Described here)  All you need to do is come up with a creative trigger whereby you send your computer a message that allows it to find the address of the computer from which you want to reach it.  You could do this by sending an email with a specific subject and the address in the body of the message.  When your computer automatically checks its mail, it finds the message, gets the address and opens a reverse tunnel.  Or, how about DropBox?  Create a file on your Dropbox with a specific name containing the IP from which you want to connect.  A cron job or a daemon running on your system watches for that file to appear and, when it does, grabs the address and opens a reverse tunnel; and it deletes the file from Dropbox.

Good Idea, but there one problem can appear: remote machine can be Itself under the NAT. But it can work when I need to make simple connection between 2 computers with one not under NAT. For gaming for example. But can I create tunnel without enciphtion? Telnet, as I know can not built tunnels but is there another tool?

Dissident85 wrote:

You could also use Logmein Hamachi.

cross platform, easy to setup, free (5pc's per network)

I have been using hamachi for years now and it has never failed me.

I know about hamachi and It no so cross platform, as we would like, for last several years. And I have some prejudices about it. So I don't want to use it. Thanks.

Sorry for my english


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