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Pages: 1
I'm in the process of installing and setting up openvpn to work with private internet access.
So of the features that I really like in their client for windows are the protection against DNS leaks and the automatic kill if the VPN disconnects.
Since I'm new to arch linux I'm stumbling my way through things and trying to learn in the process. I was going to use Network Manager, but decided I would rather do things manually. Could someone point me in the general direction of things I need to do to protect against DNS leaks? And to "kill" the connection if the VPN fails, would I just set that up in ip tables?
Thanks in advance.
Interstingly, under the list of threads when I hit the "New" link, your question ended up right above this one. I think this may be what you are looking for.
I will look into that. Thanks for the suggestion. Somehow I didn't notice that post =/
Pages: 1