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#1 2013-06-10 18:16:37

From: Asunción
Registered: 2010-08-20
Posts: 32

[SOLVED]pgl service error

I'm on a fresh Arch installation that I set up yesterday. I installed KDE and a few applications, including pgl-cli.

When I run systemctl start so that pgl starts working, it hangs for a minute and then errors out with "Job for pgl.service failed."
I tried deleting my settings and using the default ones from the package, but the same thing happens.

Every other service I enabled worked just fine (kdm, networkmanager, etc). Only pgl has this error. The wiki and AUR comments don't mention this error, so I'm stuck.

Does anyone have this issue as well?
Thanks in advance.

Last edited by GRem (2013-06-14 23:02:53)


#2 2013-06-13 07:19:40

From: France
Registered: 2011-12-24
Posts: 8

Re: [SOLVED]pgl service error

It doesn't hang, it’s working really hard to download all the block lists you have selected (or not, the defaults are pretty extensive). You can see it chugging along by taking periodic peeks at “systemctl status pgl.service” to see the different wget being executed.
Anyway, I’ve updated the pgl packages to deactivate the source of the problem (i.e. systemd 90s time out) while I work on a more elegant solution.


#3 2013-06-13 22:44:14

From: Asunción
Registered: 2010-08-20
Posts: 32

Re: [SOLVED]pgl service error

Got it, thanks!

I'll update the package now.

Last edited by GRem (2013-06-13 22:45:03)


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