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#1 2013-06-14 04:06:17

Registered: 2013-04-26
Posts: 10

Netctl and profiles

I have created a nice, basic dhcp profile for a wired network.  My interface is connected via a nice, good, short cable to my Cisco 877W router.  When I run 'netctl start (profile name)', the interface on my router does and up/down and then DHCP on the computer times out and the connection ultimately fails. 

I can, however, connect manually.  After the up/downs on my router stabilize from the netctl initiated mess, I can manually 'dhcpcd eno1' and get an address just fine. 

My question is this.  How can I prevent netctl from taking my interface down and up and just request an IP address?  I'm not running wireless, the wire doesn't get moved around so there is no reason to be taking the interface down like that.

That being said, I'm sure that there is something I could have configured differently on the Cisco to treat the ports as a switch rather than a router and have it behave differently, but I was working fine with netcfg and might just have to go back.

No other network managers are enabled and/or running.


#2 2013-06-14 04:09:07

From: Los Gatos, CA
Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 8,414

Re: Netctl and profiles

If you are using dhcp wth a consistently wired connection, then why do you need to use netctl at all?  Why not just use dhcpcd@.service (or dhcpcd.service)?


#3 2013-06-14 04:23:20

Registered: 2013-04-26
Posts: 10

Re: Netctl and profiles

Because, for shits and giggles, I play with different network configurations.  It's not always going to stay a DHCP configuration and sometimes I connect to my Cisco lab which I'd likely use static IPs.  I figured it'd be nice to use profiles so that when I do happen to be playing around, I can switch it easily via netctl and things would be kosher.  It was just more transparent with netcfg is all and I was hoping someone would have an answer as to what could be done to alleviate the issues that I am having with netctl as opposed to netcfg.

If a netctl profile  has DHCP set as a parameter, it should just request an address.  That's done by broadcast, it shouldn't require an interface down/up.  Netcfg didn't down/up my interface in such a manner that the router down/up'd it's own FE port.


#4 2013-06-14 06:38:34

From: Los Gatos, CA
Registered: 2012-05-19
Posts: 8,414

Re: Netctl and profiles

Are you using ipv6 anywhere (home or work)?  If not you can use a -4 to have dhcpcd scan for only ipv4 addresses.  I'm not sure if this is your actual problem, but it has been known in the past to time out while waiting for an ipv6 address that never comes.  As far as the interface up/down thing, I am really not sure there is a real fix for this besides modifying the scripts themselves.  But they are all in bash, so it is pretty easy.  Just be sure to add netctl to your IgnorePkg line in pacman.conf so you don't get ambushed with update overwrites unexpectedly.  It will still give you a nice colored warning that there is a new package available.


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