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I'm using a HP ProBook 4535s. I have Ethernet working, and I would like to configure my wireless connection so it works alongside it (e.g., as a failover; however, I first want to get it working before considering setting up a failover system). My wireless interface is called wlo1, based on the output of ip link, and according to lspci, I believe I'm using ath9k. Following the wiki, I modprobed ath9k. I have also set up my configuration files (see below). However, when I unplug my Ethernet cable, I cannot connect to the Internet.
Here is /etc/netctl/wlo1:
Description='A simple WPA encrypted wireless connection using a static IP'
Key='[removed]' # I do not include the brackets in the actual key.
Routes=('default via') # Not sure about this line
# Uncomment this if your ssid is hidden
Here is the result after I've done sudo ip link set wlo1 down; sudo netctl start wlo1:
Job for netctl@wlo1.service failed. See 'systemctl status netctl@wlo1.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.
Here is sudo journalctl -xn:
-- Logs begin at Sun 2013-05-26 06:51:34 EDT, end at Fri 2013-06-14 05:06:37 EDT. --
Jun 14 05:06:01 archstefan network[521]: Could not set gateway '' on interface 'wlo1'
Jun 14 05:06:01 archstefan kernel: wlo1: deauthenticating from 00:13:10:80:b8:18 by local choice (reason=3)
Jun 14 05:06:01 archstefan kernel: cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
Jun 14 05:06:01 archstefan network[521]: Failed to bring the network up for profile 'wlo1'
Jun 14 05:06:01 archstefan systemd[1]: netctl@wlo1.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jun 14 05:06:01 archstefan systemd[1]: Failed to start Networking for netctl profile wlo1.
-- Subject: Unit netctl@wlo1.service has failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Documentation:
-- Unit netctl@wlo1.service has failed.
-- The result is failed.
Jun 14 05:06:01 archstefan systemd[1]: Unit netctl@wlo1.service entered failed state.
Jun 14 05:06:01 archstefan sudo[515]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 14 05:06:37 archstefan sudo[581]: stefan : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/stefan/Desktop ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/journalctl -xn
Jun 14 05:06:37 archstefan sudo[581]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by stefan(uid=0)
Here is my Ethernet configuration, in /etc/netctl/ethernet-static:
Description='A basic static ethernet connection'
Routes=('default via')
## For IPv6 autoconfiguration
## For IPv6 static address configuration
#Address6=('1234:5678:9abc:def::1/64' '1234:3456::123/96')
A few notes: I believe I am using WPA2, though I'm not sure how to check whether I'm using WPA or WPA2. Also, I've tried using NetworkManager and wifi-menu to automatically set up wifi, but neither worked.
Thanks in advance,
Are you making sure to stop all other network services when you start up a new one? That is, you are trying to use netctl to connect to ths profile, which actually starts a netctl@.service. But if you still have dhcpcd@.service or another netctl ethernet profile running, they will conflict and something is bound to fail. Check waht yuo have going with systemctl and see if there are thigns that might be conflicting.
No; I haven't been aware of that. Here's what I just tried:
498 sudo systemctl stop network.service
501 sudo ip link set wlo1 down
502 sudo netctl start wlo1
507 netctl list
509 sudo netctl stop-all
511 sudo ip link set wlo1 down
513 sudo ip link set enp1s0 down
514 sudo netctl start wlo1
Here is the output of journalctl -xn:
-- Logs begin at Sun 2013-05-26 06:51:34 EDT, end at Fri 2013-06-14 05:29:20 EDT. --
Jun 14 05:29:15 archstefan network[908]: Could not add address '' to interface 'wlo1'
Jun 14 05:29:15 archstefan kernel: wlo1: deauthenticating from 00:13:10:80:b8:18 by local choice (reason=3)
Jun 14 05:29:15 archstefan kernel: cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
Jun 14 05:29:15 archstefan network[908]: Failed to bring the network up for profile 'wlo1'
Jun 14 05:29:15 archstefan systemd[1]: netctl@wlo1.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jun 14 05:29:15 archstefan systemd[1]: Failed to start Networking for netctl profile wlo1.
-- Subject: Unit netctl@wlo1.service has failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Documentation:
-- Unit netctl@wlo1.service has failed.
-- The result is failed.
Jun 14 05:29:15 archstefan systemd[1]: Unit netctl@wlo1.service entered failed state.
Jun 14 05:29:15 archstefan sudo[902]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 14 05:29:20 archstefan sudo[971]: stefan : TTY=pts/4 ; PWD=/home/stefan ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/journalctl -xn
Jun 14 05:29:20 archstefan sudo[971]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by stefan(uid=0)
Is network.service the only other service I need to tell systemctl to stop?