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I have recently updated the packages on my system and after reboot, I have lost my wireless connection.
This is the situation:
I have a laptop Fujitsu/Siemens C1020 with Arch Linux stable 0.7.1 Noodle and a wireless pcmcia SL-2511CD Plus ext2.
Before upgrading, using hermes and orinoco modules, wireless was working fine, and gnome booting ok.
After upgrading the kernel, and following the wiki page for initrd config, wireless has stopped working and gnome is not booting.
I have restarted the wireless config as indicated in the wiki but there's no way to start the wireless connection.
Here is what I got:
ifconfig gives me the wlan0 connection ok.
iwconfig too but essid is empty.
I have tried to fix it, but I get always an error.
modules are correctly loaded and pcmcia service started.
What has happened?
try running as root
iwconfig essid WHATEVER_YOURS_IS
iwconfig essid any
is your wifi card pcmcia or built in ?
on mine is pcmcia i think it was kernel 2.6.12 i had to pop it out then back in it worked no prob
most of the time
you said you did an upgrade did you run lilo if thats what your using?
if your using grub i dont believe you need to run grub-install but i could be wrong
Thanks for the reply.
The computer boots ok, as I followed the wiki entry fot initrd. The problem is that after the boot, the pcmcia card is not more recognised...and thus, gnome does not start...
there's no way to use iwconfig it looks like the card is not recognised. under hwd -e the module listed is unknown.
Normally, hermes, orinoco and orinoco_cs modules should work fine with this card, but they does not now.
I have tried to use host_ap but I receive the same answer.
Under ifconfig and iwconfig, it seems that the card is well installed on the system but any command to iwconfig returns an error.
Anyone has an idea?
I just have seen there's a discussion for Arch on laptops...this post should be there. Sorry.
I managed to solve it.
I upgraded again to kernel 2.6.14-1 and had a look to rc.conf.pacnew and saw all the changes in it.
Reconfigured and rebooted again...
Now I can connect.