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Pages: 1
Internet Connection at home is not free but it is free and fast in my office. don't inform about this post to my boss
I want to install Arch on my Desktop at home without any charges for internet connection.
Is there any way to get URIs list of base packages which are supposed to be installed on my Desktop.
After I read these two pages: … f_Packages
I hope it is possible to download Arch's base system packages on other computer with free internet connection
like the one in my office
My Desktop is currently running Ubuntu and my plan is to dual boot Ubuntu and Arch.
So, after setting up connection and preparing partitions, is it possible to do like this, for example:
pacstrap -Sp base > /path/to/ubuntu/home/archbasepkgs
pacman -Sp base > /path/to/ubuntu/home/archbasepkgs
it is just example
Last edited by mshan (2013-06-29 00:55:23)
Amazing !
Updating Arch will be a PITA, maybe stick with another distro.
If you can run Python 3 at work, then you should be able to use bacpac to retrieve packages and databases.
I think you still need to manually download the database files themselves, but I'll probably add an option to do that too at some point.
I agree that it will be a pita though if you don't have unlimited internet access.
My Arch Linux Stuff • Forum Etiquette • Community Ethos - Arch is not for everyone
it's clear, better try other.
thanks for answers...
Amazing !
Pages: 1