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#1 2013-07-15 18:46:22

Registered: 2013-06-29
Posts: 70

Configuring the ftp access for a website in arch server.

I have archlinux in virtualbox(Windows 8 host). Virtual box is configured in bridge mode. I have the vsftp daemon running and everything works fine. Now i want to create a http server, and upload files to /srv/http from windows 8. Maybe using eclipse or netbeans to edit and upload.
the /srv/http directory is owned by root. I have developed web pages in arch but i chmod 777  permisions to my /srv/http folder and i have some issues between http user and the local user editing the files.
How should have the property of that directory? And What user do i need to setup to access ftp to that directory?

Last edited by felipe (2013-07-15 19:02:16)


#2 2013-07-15 19:07:56

From: Connecticut, USA
Registered: 2009-11-09
Posts: 4,092

Re: Configuring the ftp access for a website in arch server.

If your setup is like mine, then the "http" user doesn't have a password and can't be used to login.

You can set it up however you want. Are you very familiar with Linux file ownership and permissions?

I think your question is a little vague. For example, "What user do i need to setup to access ftp to that directory?" Which user owns that directory? That's the user that can write to it.

What are the "some issues between http user and the local user editing the files"?

Does vsftpd disable logging in as root?


#3 2013-07-15 19:17:32

Registered: 2013-06-29
Posts: 70

Re: Configuring the ftp access for a website in arch server.

Yes, its a permision and ownership trouble. I should learn more about that.

the trouble that i remeber is can't edit a file generated by an php script. But  i guess it was badly created, i mean should i create and grant 777 permisions or something in the php script.

XD: Where should i edit to grant access to my user to /srv/http/ ?

Last edited by felipe (2013-07-15 19:47:18)


#4 2013-07-16 05:38:37

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2009-08-15
Posts: 4,587

Re: Configuring the ftp access for a website in arch server.

$ man gpasswd
$ man chown

You need to do some reading.


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