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When I open a new zsh session it is listing all aliases known to it.
the only change is placing my aliases in a separate file & sourcing it in my ~/.zsrch
even if I put the aliases back in the .zsrc file the same behaviour occurs.
Is this trying to tell me I have syntax issue's or too many ???
I only ask because it is just dumping them all to stdout upon startup (including ones I never knew I had!) without error & the aliases still work.
here is what it looks like:
...='cd ../../'
aur='pacaur -y'
auri='pacaur -ii'
aurs='pacaur -s'
aurup='pacaur -u'
aurupc='pacaur -k'
config='git --git-dir=/home/t0m5k1/.arch-config.git/ --work-tree=/home/t0m5k1'
da='du -sch'
dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
dnstop='sudo dnstop -l 5 eth1'
egrep='egrep --color=auto'
ethtool='sudo ethtool eth1'
fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
grep='grep --color=auto'
iftop='sudo iftop -i eth1'
insecscp='scp -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"'
insecssh='ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"'
j='jobs -l'
keep='noglob keep'
l='ls -CF'
la='ls -Al'
lad='ls -d .*(/)'
lc='ls -lcr'
lh='ls -hAl --color=auto'
lk='ls -lSr'
ll='ls -l'
lm='ls -al |more'
lr='ls -lR'
ls='ls -hF --color'
lsa='ls -a .*(.)'
lsbig='ls -flh *(.OL[1,10])'
lsd='ls -d *(/)'
lse='ls -d *(/^F)'
lsl='ls -l *(@)'
lsnew='ls -rtlh *([1,10])'
lsnewdir='ls -rthdl *(/om[1,10]) .*(D/om[1,10])'
lsold='ls -rtlh *(D.Om[1,10])'
lsolddir='ls -rthdl *(/Om[1,10]) .*(D/Om[1,10])'
lss='ls -l *(s,S,t)'
lssmall='ls -Srl *(.oL[1,10])'
lsw='ls -ld *(R,W,X.^ND/)'
lsx='ls -l *(*)'
lt='ls -ltr'
lu='ls -lur'
lx='ls -lXB'
mdstat='cat /proc/mdstat'
meminfo='free -m -l -t'
nocomment='sudo grep -Ev '\''\'\'\''^(#|$)'\''\'\'\'
ns='sudo netstat -alnp --protocol=inet | less'
pac='sudo pacman -S'
pacc='sudo pacman -Sc'
pacf='sudo pacman -Ql'
paci='sudo pacman -Sii'
pacl='sudo pacman -Sl'
pacld='sudo pacman -Qi'
pacll='sudo pacman -Qqm'
paclo='sudo pacman -Qdt'
pacm='sudo makepkg -fci'
paco='sudo pacman -Qo'
pacp='sudo pacman -Rns'
pacr='sudo pacman -Rs'
pacs='sudo pacman -Ss'
pacu='sudo pacman -Syu'
ports='sudo netstat -nape --inet | less'
poweroff='sudo power off'
pscpu='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 3'
pscpu10='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 3 | head -10'
psmem='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 4'
psmem10='ps auxf | sort -nr -k 4 | head -10'
reboot='sudo reboot'
rmcdir='cd ..; rmdir $OLDPWD || cd $OLDPWD'
root='sudo sudo -s'
scat='sudo cat'
screen='/usr/bin/screen -c /home/t0m5k1/.screenrc'
sless='sudo less'
snan='sudo nano'
svim='sudo vim'
tcpdump='sudo tcpdump -i eth1'
term2iso='echo '\''Setting terminal to iso mode'\'' ; print -n '\''\e%@'\'
term2utf='echo '\''Setting terminal to utf-8 mode'\''; print -n '\''\e%G'\'
tree='tree -Csu'
url-quote='autoload -U url-quote-magic ; zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic'
vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
vnstat='sudo vnstat -i eth1'
I see this in a new window or even if I start zsh from a bash session.
any clues here
packages used relating to ZSH:
extra/grml-zsh-config 0.8.2-1 [installed]
grml's zsh setup
extra/zsh 5.0.2-2 [installed]
A very advanced and programmable command interpreter (shell) for UNIX
community/zsh-lovers 0.8.3-2 [installed]
A collection of tips, tricks and examples for the Z shell.
Config files:
my .zsrc & alias file
unedited /etc/zsh/zshrc
Last edited by t0m5k1 (2013-07-16 15:50:58)
ROG Strix (GD30CI) - Intel Core i5-7400 CPU - 32Gb 2400Mhz - GTX1070 8GB - AwesomeWM (occasionally XFCE, i3)
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Linux User: 401820 FM-Reddit
Uuuhhh... what does the alias file look like... and your zshrc?
sorry forgot them:
my .zsrc & alias file
unedited /etc/zsh/zshrc
ROG Strix (GD30CI) - Intel Core i5-7400 CPU - 32Gb 2400Mhz - GTX1070 8GB - AwesomeWM (occasionally XFCE, i3)
If everything in life was easy, we would learn nothing!
Linux User: 401820 FM-Reddit
So additionally, you also use grml... that would have been some nice info to have shared up front.
well like I said all was fine until I moved my aliases to a separate file & since then I faced problems which made me think I caused the issue not something I had been using since I installed zsh!
Will edit main post to show
In the meantime if this happened to you what do you think the cause could be?
ROG Strix (GD30CI) - Intel Core i5-7400 CPU - 32Gb 2400Mhz - GTX1070 8GB - AwesomeWM (occasionally XFCE, i3)
If everything in life was easy, we would learn nothing!
Linux User: 401820 FM-Reddit
Yes, grml itself isn't likely the problem. And moving a couple aliases (by itself) should not be a problem. But combined, it adds a layer of complexity that could be part of the explanation, so it is important.
I would suspect the problem is in the configuration file(s). Given that there seems to be *several* hundred lines there (do you use all that?) I would not pour through it looking for potential issues. Instead, rename/move the configs, and restart zsh - is the problem gone? If so, start adding things back little by little: add back the first half of the config, is the problem still there? etc, etc.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Given that there seems to be *several* hundred lines there (do you use all that?)
lol yea got fed up with searching my history!
rename/move the configs, and restart zsh - is the problem gone? If so, start adding things back little by little: add back the first half of the config, is the problem still there? etc, etc.
yup just decided to do that & have found 2 possible issue's
1) changed all " for ' to follow the same syntax as /etc/zsh/zshrc
2) found a blank alias so removed it
all working thanks trilby for pointers/logic & wonderwoofy for pointing out the lack of info
ROG Strix (GD30CI) - Intel Core i5-7400 CPU - 32Gb 2400Mhz - GTX1070 8GB - AwesomeWM (occasionally XFCE, i3)
If everything in life was easy, we would learn nothing!
Linux User: 401820 FM-Reddit
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