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#1 2013-07-20 12:59:58

Registered: 2013-07-20
Posts: 3

Two wifi adapters. One is bridged for vbox. How to seperate traffic?

Hello arch-community!

Thank you <3 Arch is a blessing. Surely it's a great piece of work, but it's the wiki and community which makes ARCH unbeatable. Anyways, after over a year I have to ask a question for the first time, tho it also may have been answered already, but I have no idea what to search...
I run arch as host, and arch as guest in virtualbox. I have to wifi-adapters and one of them is bridged to the vbox guest.

EX: (wl1 is bridged to guest OS/vbox)
wl0 - BSSID1
wl1 - BSSID2

Of course ALL connections the guest makes go through wl1 to BSSID2. How can I make sure that all connections the host makes (with exception of virtualbox) go through wl0 to BSSID1? E.G.: If I surf a website, use IM, VOIP on my host, I must be completely sure that none of that traffic goes through wl1 to BSSID2.

Thank you in advance for suggestions, pointers, help!


#2 2013-07-20 14:07:59

Registered: 2012-05-17
Posts: 5,280

Re: Two wifi adapters. One is bridged for vbox. How to seperate traffic?

You can try to remove wl1 from the hosts routing table. If that does not work, you'll have to create a new user for virtualbox and filter network traffic with iptables. Assign different interfaces for different users.

| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |


#3 2013-07-20 20:18:43

Registered: 2013-07-20
Posts: 3

Re: Two wifi adapters. One is bridged for vbox. How to seperate traffic?

Thank you for the pointers! I will look into hosts routing table and iptables. I'll keep you posted!

I chose to remove the default routing for for wl1 as suggested. This works for now. I will look into iptables and separate vbox-user as time allows me to. Thank you for your help!!!

Last edited by tkh23 (2013-07-20 20:53:37)


#4 2013-07-20 21:04:06

Registered: 2013-07-20
Posts: 3

Re: Two wifi adapters. One is bridged for vbox. How to seperate traffic?

Should I mark this solved somehow?


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