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I ported my solid working server to a kvm and had no issues so far except for Minidlna. It works fine but then all of a sudden doesnt... it is still running and the stat page on 8200 works, but its not connectable or discoverable. If I restart the service it pops right back up, then stops a short time later again... My firewalls should be set right and i get nothing in my logs, so i am confused on what is going on...
Last edited by DeletedUser210616 (2013-07-21 04:56:08)
while i can be wrong, i bet on bridge ( witch you did not point out ).
echo 0 >> /sys/devices/virtual/net/br0/bridge/multicast_snooping
O' rly ? Ya rly Oo
while i can be wrong, i bet on bridge ( witch you did not point out
echo 0 >> /sys/devices/virtual/net/br0/bridge/multicast_snooping
that seems to be working so far, is there a correct way for me to be setting that or do i have to echo it every time (scripted or otherwise)
Last edited by DeletedUser210616 (2013-07-21 01:08:57)
Or a bug? im good for running into those...
You should use either a udev rule, or alternatively, you might be able to get away with using tmpfiles.d. But I assume that the creation of the bridge itself is probably pretty late into userspace, and well after the systemd-tmpfiles service is run.
Edit: Although, if you only need this set on the occasion that minidnla is started, then you could also probably just echo the value into the file using ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/bash -c "echo 3 > /stuff/goes/here". Though this might not be the "preferred" solution.
Last edited by WonderWoofy (2013-07-21 01:18:35)
if i do
w /sys/devices/virtual/net/br0/bridge/multicast_snooping - - - - 0
as a tmpfile it doesnt work, but that would have been an acceptable solution.
Note: This method may not work to set options in /sys since the systemd-tmpfiles-setup service may run before the appropriate device modules is loaded. In this case you could check whether the module has a parameter for the option you want to set with modinfo module and set this option with a config file in /etc/modprobe.d. Otherwise you will have to write a udev rule to set the appropriate attribute as soon as the device appears.
(After way to much time) I ended up with this, which still probably not the cleanest.
KERNEL=="br0", RUN="/bin/sh -c 'echo 0 >> /sys/devices/virtual/net/br0/bridge/multicast_snooping'"
Last edited by DeletedUser210616 (2013-07-21 05:06:36)