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#1 2013-07-21 08:52:10

From: Yorkshire, UK
Registered: 2012-02-02
Posts: 1,279

Important files for chrony seem not created by default install

I have had a number of arch systems that were installed over the past year or so and I use chrony as my time sync daemon in all of them.  I noticed that when I had not used laptops for a while then booting up gave time not that close to the correct time until after a few minutes post-bootup, during which the chrony daemon synced up with the external time servers. I was puzzled and poked around to see what was going on.

I found that two files that are needed by chrony were not present and had to create them manually:

# touch /var/lib/chrony/rtc
# touch /var/lib/chrony/drift

Since I have not installed the chrony package on my systems recently but noticed that the package was updated to chrony 1.28-1 recently, I wondered if this issue still remains for a new install of chrony? (I did merge the .pacnew files that were created in the recent update so that is not an issue here)

The chrony daemon seems to start up and run OK without these files present but clearly they should be there otherwise for example the output of

# systemctl status chrony

shows that the drift data was not available on startup.

If this issue should be in a flyspray report let me know and I will put a report in.

Last edited by mcloaked (2013-07-21 08:53:24)

Mike C


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