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#1 2013-08-13 14:39:24

Registered: 2009-01-18
Posts: 33

[SOLVED] Loading xt_recent with arguments using modprobe.d fails

I was reading the kernel modules wiki page and it suggested that arguments to kernel modules should be added in /etc/modprobe.d. I want xt_recent to support more than the default 100 entrys in iptables. It works fine when I modprobe xt_recent ip_list_tot=1000000 but when using modprobe.d the module gets loaded without any options.

# cat /etc/modprobe.d/xt_recent.conf
option xt_recent ip_list_tot=1000000

# cat /proc/net/xt_recent/blocklist | wc -l

Iptables is loaded via systemd along with my firewall rules. I assume this problem occurs because iptables loads the module before modprobe.d. Is there any good way of resolving this rather than adding another systemd unit which is started before iptables?

Should be "options" and not "option" in the modprobe configuration file. Works fine now.

Last edited by nullvoid (2013-08-14 10:30:25)


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