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I have a server running in my home network and want to share my photos accross the network. The photos have to be accessable from linux and windows clients and from different user accounts. The filesystem to share is btrfs right now. I would like to stick to it, but if this should turn out to be an issue, I will change it to else. I could use samba with a dedicated samba user or ftp, but both solutions feel hacky to me. Is there a better approach to the problem?
Last edited by ReedWood (2013-09-13 08:32:26)
What feels "hacky" to you about it? I think the "official" way to share files between Linux computers is with NFS but I haven't done it myself.
As far as I know, your options for a mixed Windows / Linux environment are samba, ssh (or ftp), and http. If you use http then you can access it from ANY device easily, including any phone or tablet.
Personally I'd go with an ftp server since I got that to work in the past but samba might do a decent job, too (don't know, never used it). But you can also just set up a web server to share your pics (maybe with a nice gallery web app?). The technology used itself does not matter that much.
Now, on to the important question: What about security? Do you need some kind of authentication or can you get away without any login stuff (since no bad guys can connect to your network anyway)?
FYI I used vsftp and pam as described at … users.html to get my ftp server running. You might be able to expand this to other solutions as well. I had to password protect my ftp server since I wanted to have write permission, too. For read only I might have been fine with anonymous ftp back then.
Thank you for you answers.
Once I have finalized my setup I will report and mark the thread as solved.
@drcouzelis: I wrote "hacky" since I have never shared data acrross users, and this per se feels strange to me.
@cookies: I though about ftp also. I only expose this service to the local network, but I still want to have user authentication.