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My wifi used to connect to my home network automatically after I had logged in (using xfce). However, I used a different wifi connection a week ago, connected using
wifi-menu -o
- which worked well.
However, now, my home wifi won't connect on login. I've tried
systemctl enable wireless-wpa@wlan0.service
- where wireless-wpa is my netctl profile.
Is there anything else I am missing?
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'the machine is not the end to the means., we are. In history, in board rooms and politic the greatest decision and effort
evolves from passion, lust for life, and a common sense of humanity. Never forget what you are and why'. -me
Thanks Rufus. I have read that wiki page as it how I got netctl set up initially. wpa_actiond is installed and I have set
ystemctl enable netctl-auto@interface.service
However, it is still not working.