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On a fresh install of Arch (new computer). Initally the wireless network was called wlp0s26f7u2, so I set up the netctl profile using that. It would start manually, so I enabled the profile using the basic method ("home" is the name of the profile file):
netctl enable home
That didn't work - it doesn't start at boot. I checked the journal and something was complaining that "wlan0 doesn't exist".
So I disabled the connection based naming and now the network adapter is called wlan0. I changed the netctl profile to use the new name and disabled, then re-enabled the services. Again, the network will connect properly when started manually, but not when connecting during boot. I checked the journal again and it looks like the dhcpcd service is starting and timing out before the wlan0 interface is brought up.
So I installed wpa_actiond and tried using that to set things up. I disabled the netctl@home profile and enabled the netctl-auto@home profile. It still doesn't start at boot. The journal now gives me the error
Job sys-subsystem-net-devices-home.device/start timed out.
In searching for a solution to that error message, I came across this post … 0#p1303720. So I ran the command
grep -ir wlp0s26f7u2 /etc/systemd/*
It didn't come back with anything though.
Any other thoughts?
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Doesn't netctl handle dhcpcd itself? So you shouldn't have dhcpcd.service enabled if you are using netctl. In general, if two or more things are trying to manage your connection, they will get in each other's way and it likely won't work.
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dhcpcd is disabled.
# systemctl is-enabled dhcpcd
I don't understand why it would be starting dhcp before the network adapter is started. That is just what I saw in the journal log.