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#1 2013-09-16 05:06:15

Registered: 2013-09-16
Posts: 1

How to connect to a network that requires sign-on--i.e. Starbucks

I tried to connect to a Univ. "OPEN" guest-network but failed with Arch.
The network is open but requires to check a box on the welcome page to be able to get online.

Other distros like Mint, Ubuntu and even Kali work fine. I used NetworkManager. It connects but fails to load the page on the Browser. The bottom of the browser gives the message:
"Resolving Hosts". After that within 2 min, it hangs...

I tried to troubleshoot before posting this question. So far here is what was tried and failed:

1. Different browsers failed: Chromium, Firefox.
2. Restarting NM failed
3. Rebooting did not help
4. Pasting the link (and different parts of it) saved from using a different distro failed.

The NATted address of the network seem to be of the kind:

It seems this needs to be done manually. Here is some info about the ip address pulled from a different distro:

inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

The login page is:

I don't know where the mac addr in the link came from. It is not mine and neither it is the mac of the AP the machine is connected to which is:
00:00:0c:08:90:dd [ether]

BTW the IP addr of the Gateway is

How should I proceed? Thank you

Last edited by Quester (2013-09-16 05:40:39)


#2 2013-09-16 10:01:50

From: A comfortable couch
Registered: 2010-10-09
Posts: 1,033

Re: How to connect to a network that requires sign-on--i.e. Starbucks

What worked for me in a similar situation:

I brought the connection up with wifi-menu.
I opened a browser and opened .
The login web page popped up and when I was done with that it redirected me to my 'home' page which was according to them.

You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.


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