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I've a wireless and an ethernet interface here. After update the system, ethernet interface isn't appearing in any place, except in ip addr command. I noticed that interface name was changed, again, from enp1s0 to ens32. I updated the correspondent profile file in /etc/network.d with new interface name as well as ifplugd INTERFACES variable in it's config file. Now inteface is appearing up in ifconfig, but with no network configs, which should be settted by netctl.
What shall I do to fix this issue?
Thanks for attention, and bye.
Last edited by tsouzar (2013-09-20 00:05:14)
Ops, I mistook the profiles directory of the old Netcfg (/etc/network.d - I forgot to delete it after replace Netcfg) with the Netctl's one (/etc/netctl) and because this the changes I made in profile file wasn't taking effect. Sorry by the inconvenience.
Last edited by tsouzar (2013-09-20 00:06:44)