You are not logged in.
^ conky
can you share the config ?
+pc: custom | AMD Opteron 175 | nForce4 Ultra | 2GB ram DDR400 | nVidia 9800GT 1GB | ArchLinux x86_64 w/ openbox
+laptop: Apple | MacBook (2,1) | 2GB ram | Mac OS X 10.4 -> DIED
+ultrabook: Dell | XPS 13 (9343) | 8GB ram | 256GB ssd | FullHD display | Windows 8.1 64bit ArchLinux x86_64 w/ Gnome
Back on arch and awesomewm after quite some time :]
what do you have on top ???
+pc: custom | AMD Opteron 175 | nForce4 Ultra | 2GB ram DDR400 | nVidia 9800GT 1GB | ArchLinux x86_64 w/ openbox
+laptop: Apple | MacBook (2,1) | 2GB ram | Mac OS X 10.4 -> DIED
+ultrabook: Dell | XPS 13 (9343) | 8GB ram | 256GB ssd | FullHD display | Windows 8.1 64bit ArchLinux x86_64 w/ Gnome
Gigamo wrote:Back on arch and awesomewm after quite some time :]
what do you have on top ???
Just a standard awesome statusbar.
nTia89 wrote:Gigamo wrote:Back on arch and awesomewm after quite some time :]
what do you have on top ???
Just a standard awesome statusbar.
This is how great Arch Linux is - awesome is standard in here ;P … in_awesome
Last edited by karol (2013-09-19 15:08:58)
Fake Dirty
XMonad and XMobar on top of XFCE without xfce-panel or xfwm
thank you for sharing your desktop -> +1 theme, it's awesome!
+pc: custom | AMD Opteron 175 | nForce4 Ultra | 2GB ram DDR400 | nVidia 9800GT 1GB | ArchLinux x86_64 w/ openbox
+laptop: Apple | MacBook (2,1) | 2GB ram | Mac OS X 10.4 -> DIED
+ultrabook: Dell | XPS 13 (9343) | 8GB ram | 256GB ssd | FullHD display | Windows 8.1 64bit ArchLinux x86_64 w/ Gnome
easysid wrote:^ conky
can you share the config ?
Sure ....
# one liner conky
# - Conky settings - #
background no
update_interval 2
cpu_avg_samples 1
total_run_times 0
override_utf8_locale yes
double_buffer yes
no_buffers yes
text_buffer_size 10240
imlib_cache_size 10240
# For screen size 1366x768
minimum_size 1366 20
maximum_width 1366
gap_x 0
gap_y 2
# - Text settings - #
use_xft yes
xftfont monofur:bold:size=10
xftalpha .8
short_units yes
uppercase no
# Text alignment
alignment top_left
# - Color settings - #
color1 aaaaaa #labels
color2 FFFFFF #Separator
default_color dddddd # Text
# - Window specifications - #
own_window yes
own_window_colour 101010
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_argb_value 150
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
border_inner_margin 0
border_outer_margin 0
# - Graphics settings - #
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
stippled_borders 0
draw_graph_borders no
${color1} Kernel:${color} ${kernel}\
${color1} Uptime: ${color}${uptime_short}\
${goto 287}${color1}CPU: ${color}${cpu cpu0}%\
${goto 352}${color1}RAM: ${color}${mem} [${memperc}%]\
${goto 478}${color1}CPU: ${color}${platform coretemp.0 temp 4}°\
${color1} ATI: ${color}${execi 10 aticonfig --odgt | grep Temp | cut -c 43-44}°\
${color1} HDD: ${color}${execi 15 hddtemp /dev/sda -n }°\
${color1} /: ${color}${fs_used /} [${fs_used_perc /}%]\
${color1} ~/: ${color}${fs_used /home} [${fs_used_perc /home}%]\
${color1} DATA/: ${color}${fs_used /media/DATA} [${fs_used_perc /media/DATA}%]\
${color1} NET: ${color}${if_up wlan0}${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan0}${wireless_essid wlan0}${else}\
${color aaaaaa}None${endif}${else}\
${color aaaaaa}Off${endif}${color}\
${goto 1155}${color1}BAT: ${color}${battery BAT0}\
${font monofur:bold:size=14}${color2}\
${voffset -4}${goto 275}|${goto 466}|${goto 677}|${goto 1048}|\
Last edited by easysid (2013-09-20 11:32:02)
Desktop screenshots :: Origami :: github
thank you
nTia89 wrote:easysid wrote:^ conky
can you share the config ?
Sure ....
# one liner conky # ###################### # - Conky settings - # ###################### background no update_interval 2 cpu_avg_samples 1 total_run_times 0 override_utf8_locale yes double_buffer yes no_buffers yes text_buffer_size 10240 imlib_cache_size 10240 # For screen size 1366x768 minimum_size 1366 20 maximum_width 1366 gap_x 0 gap_y 2 ##################### # - Text settings - # ##################### use_xft yes xftfont monofur:bold:size=10 xftalpha .8 short_units yes uppercase no # Text alignment alignment top_left ###################### # - Color settings - # ###################### color1 aaaaaa #labels color2 FFFFFF #Separator default_color dddddd # Text ############################# # - Window specifications - # ############################# own_window yes own_window_colour 101010 own_window_argb_visual yes own_window_argb_value 150 own_window_transparent yes own_window_type desktop own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager border_inner_margin 0 border_outer_margin 0 ######################### # - Graphics settings - # ######################### draw_shades no draw_outline no draw_borders no stippled_borders 0 draw_graph_borders no TEXT ${color1} Kernel:${color} ${kernel}\ ${color1} Uptime: ${color}${uptime_short}\ ${goto 287}${color1}CPU: ${color}${cpu cpu0}%\ ${goto 352}${color1}RAM: ${color}${mem} [${memperc}%]\ ${goto 478}${color1}CPU: ${color}${platform coretemp.0 temp 4}°\ ${color1} ATI: ${color}${execi 10 aticonfig --odgt | grep Temp | cut -c 43-44}°\ ${color1} HDD: ${color}${execi 15 hddtemp /dev/sda -n }°\ ${color1} /: ${color}${fs_used /} [${fs_used_perc /}%]\ ${color1} ~/: ${color}${fs_used /home} [${fs_used_perc /home}%]\ ${color1} DATA/: ${color}${fs_used /media/DATA} [${fs_used_perc /media/DATA}%]\ ${color1} NET: ${color}${if_up wlan0}${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan0}${wireless_essid wlan0}${else}\ ${color aaaaaa}None${endif}${else}\ ${color aaaaaa}Off${endif}${color}\ ${goto 1155}${color1}BAT: ${color}${battery BAT0}\ ${font monofur:bold:size=14}${color2}\ ${voffset -4}${goto 275}|${goto 466}|${goto 677}|${goto 1048}|\
+pc: custom | AMD Opteron 175 | nForce4 Ultra | 2GB ram DDR400 | nVidia 9800GT 1GB | ArchLinux x86_64 w/ openbox
+laptop: Apple | MacBook (2,1) | 2GB ram | Mac OS X 10.4 -> DIED
+ultrabook: Dell | XPS 13 (9343) | 8GB ram | 256GB ssd | FullHD display | Windows 8.1 64bit ArchLinux x86_64 w/ Gnome
This is mine.
Claire is fine.
Problems? I have dysgraphia, so clear and concise please.
My public GPG key for package signing
My x86_64 package repository
Mind sharing your configs for the "Arch Linux with bspwm" setup?
My subtle wm scrots
(Trying to upload with google - hope it works)
Mind sharing your configs for the "Arch Linux with bspwm" setup?
[updated] bspwmrc: [/updateted]
## Initiate workspaces:
REMAINING_DESKS='www irc mail foo bar'
bspc desktop Desktop01 -n $FIRST_DESK
bspc monitor -a $REMAINING_DESKS
#bspc monitor -p 13 0 0 0
bspc config top_padding 13
bspc monitor -n :0
## Rules:
bspc rule -a dwb -d www --follow
bspc rule -a mplayer -d bar --follow --floating
## Settings:
#+ focus
#bspc set history_aware_focus true
#bspc set focus_by_distance false
#+ splitting
bspc set split_ratio 0.50
#+ decoration
bspc config border_width 3
bspc config window_gap 13
#bspc set borderless_monocle true
#bspc set gapless_monocle true
#+ colors
bspc config focused_border_color "#745e54"
bspc config presel_border_color "#8eb0aa"
#+ stuff
bspc config wm_name "bspwm"
$HOME/.bin/sh/ &
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
function statusbar() {
function tags() {
des=$(wmctrl -d | awk '/*/ {print $9}')
if [[ "$des" == "main" ]]; then
echo -e '^fg(#918B88)main ^fg(#54746E)www irc mail foo bar'
elif [[ "$des" == "www" ]]; then
echo -e '^fg(#54746E)main ^fg(#918B88)www ^fg(#54746E)irc mail foo bar'
elif [[ "$des" == "irc" ]]; then
echo -e '^fg(#54746E)main www ^fg(#918B88)irc ^fg(#54746E)mail foo bar'
elif [[ "$des" == "mail" ]]; then
echo -e '^fg(#54746E)main www irc ^fg(#918B88)mail ^fg(#54746E)foo bar'
elif [[ "$des" == "foo" ]]; then
echo -e '^fg(#54746E)main www irc mail ^fg(#918B88)foo ^fg(#54746E)bar'
elif [[ "$des" == "bar" ]]; then
echo -e '^fg(#54746E)main www irc mail foo ^fg(#918B88)bar'
echo "$(tags)"
while true
echo "$(statusbar)"
sleep 0.5
done | dzen2 -bg '#191716' -fn '-*-gohufont-medium-r-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -ta l -tw 167 -p
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
function statusbar {
function clock() {
time=$(date "+%e.%m %R")
echo $time
function link() {
AP=$(iwconfig wlp3s3 | grep "Quality" | awk '/Quality/ {print $2}' | sed 's/Quality//g;s/=//g;s/\///g;s/100//g')
echo $AP
function mem() {
free=$(free -m | grep Mem: | awk '{print $3}')
echo $free
function bat() {
acp=$(acpi | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/,//g')
echo $acp
function temp() {
tem=$(acpi -t | awk '{print $4}')
echo $tem
function sda() {
dfh=$(dfc | grep "/dev/sda1" | awk '{print $3}')
echo $dfh
function vol() {
ami="$(amixer get Master | awk '/Front Left:/ {print $5}' | tr -d "[]")"
echo $ami
function ncc() {
mus=$(mpc current)
echo $mus
function mal() {
var1=$( ls $HOME/Mail/web/Unbekannt/new/ | wc -l)
var2=$( ls $HOME/Mail/riseup/INBOX/new/ | wc -l)
echo "$var1/$var2"
echo "^fg(#745e54) :bspwm ^fg(#6e5474) :mem $(mem)M ^fg(#54746e) :sda $(sda) ^fg(#5e5474) :link $(link)% ^fg(#5474e) :mail $(mal) ^fg(#aa8eb0) :temp $(temp)°c ^fg(#746e54) :load $(ncc) ^fg(#8eb0aa) :vol $(vol) ^fg(#998eb0) :bat $(bat) ^fg(#918B88) :clock $(clock)"
while true
echo "$(statusbar)"
sleep 1
done | dzen2 -bg '#191716' -fn '-*-gohufont-medium-r-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -tw 1235 -x 167 -ta r -p &
Did I forget something?
Last edited by Neuromatic (2013-09-22 11:46:13)
/* No Comment */
okubax wrote:Mind sharing your configs for the "Arch Linux with bspwm" setup?
#!/bin/sh ## Initiate workspaces: FIRST_DESK='main' REMAINING_DESKS='www irc mail foo bar' bspc desktop Desktop01 -n $FIRST_DESK bspc monitor -a $REMAINING_DESKS bspc monitor -p 13 0 0 0 bspc monitor -n :0 ## Rules: bspc rule -a dwb -d www --follow bspc rule -a mplayer -d bar --follow --floating ## Settings: #+ focus #bspc set history_aware_focus true #bspc set focus_by_distance false #+ splitting bspc set split_ratio 0.50 #+ decoration bspc config border_width 3 bspc config window_gap 13 #bspc set borderless_monocle true #bspc set gapless_monocle true #+ colors bspc config focused_border_color "#745e54" bspc config presel_border_color "#8eb0aa" #+ stuff bspc config wm_name "bspwm" $HOME/.bin/sh/ &
#!/usr/bin/env zsh function statusbar() { function tags() { des=$(wmctrl -d | awk '/*/ {print $9}') if [[ "$des" == "main" ]]; then echo -e '^fg(#918B88)main ^fg(#54746E)www irc mail foo bar' elif [[ "$des" == "www" ]]; then echo -e '^fg(#54746E)main ^fg(#918B88)www ^fg(#54746E)irc mail foo bar' elif [[ "$des" == "irc" ]]; then echo -e '^fg(#54746E)main www ^fg(#918B88)irc ^fg(#54746E)mail foo bar' elif [[ "$des" == "mail" ]]; then echo -e '^fg(#54746E)main www irc ^fg(#918B88)mail ^fg(#54746E)foo bar' elif [[ "$des" == "foo" ]]; then echo -e '^fg(#54746E)main www irc mail ^fg(#918B88)foo ^fg(#54746E)bar' elif [[ "$des" == "bar" ]]; then echo -e '^fg(#54746E)main www irc mail foo ^fg(#918B88)bar' fi } echo "$(tags)" } while true do echo "$(statusbar)" sleep 0.5 done | dzen2 -bg '#191716' -fn '-*-gohufont-medium-r-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -ta l -tw 167 -p
#!/usr/bin/env zsh function statusbar { function clock() { time=$(date "+%e.%m %R") echo $time } function link() { AP=$(iwconfig wlp3s3 | grep "Quality" | awk '/Quality/ {print $2}' | sed 's/Quality//g;s/=//g;s/\///g;s/100//g') echo $AP } function mem() { free=$(free -m | grep Mem: | awk '{print $3}') echo $free } function bat() { acp=$(acpi | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/,//g') echo $acp } function temp() { tem=$(acpi -t | awk '{print $4}') echo $tem } function sda() { dfh=$(dfc | grep "/dev/sda1" | awk '{print $3}') echo $dfh } function vol() { ami="$(amixer get Master | awk '/Front Left:/ {print $5}' | tr -d "[]")" echo $ami } function ncc() { mus=$(mpc current) echo $mus } function mal() { var1=$( ls $HOME/Mail/web/Unbekannt/new/ | wc -l) var2=$( ls $HOME/Mail/riseup/INBOX/new/ | wc -l) echo "$var1/$var2" } echo "^fg(#745e54) :bspwm ^fg(#6e5474) :mem $(mem)M ^fg(#54746e) :sda $(sda) ^fg(#5e5474) :link $(link)% ^fg(#5474e) :mail $(mal) ^fg(#aa8eb0) :temp $(temp)°c ^fg(#746e54) :load $(ncc) ^fg(#8eb0aa) :vol $(vol) ^fg(#998eb0) :bat $(bat) ^fg(#918B88) :clock $(clock)" } while true do echo "$(statusbar)" sleep 1 done | dzen2 -bg '#191716' -fn '-*-gohufont-medium-r-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-*' -tw 1235 -x 167 -ta r -p &
Did I forget something?
I think that about covers it. Thanks!
Neuromatic wrote:Did I forget something?
I think that about covers it. Thanks!
Just be aware that you may need to update bspwmrc if you update to a later git version. Things such as "monitor -p"may not work anymore depending on the commit and you'll need "config top_padding" etc. for the same results. Just check manpage to be sure of your setup! You could also look in the contrib folder of source for the example bspwmrc. </interruption>
you may need to update bspwmrc
Thank you for remembering that I have to update bspwm-git.
I've updated my post for working with the actual bspwm-git package.
/* No Comment */
My September screenshot.
This irssi theme looks awesome. Would you consider sharing it?
cross post from the share your bspwm desktop thread.
First time Bspwm user, haven't gotten into getting bar to work or anything, so am using conky for now. Was using openbox before this, and I have to say that I was looking for a tiling window manager for a long time and am so glad that I found this one. Thanks guys, as it was this thread that prompted me to try this.
fake dirty:
-- mod edit: read the rules and only post thumbnails [jwr] --
This irssi theme looks awesome
There is a another version of this theme, that fixes the gap between the Nick-Seperator and your prompt. You only have to set the at the top.
# Beastie's irssi theme.
# Thanks to crshd.
# Visit #unixhub :)
# default foreground color (%N) - -1 is the "default terminal color"
default_color = "-1";
# print timestamp/servertag at the end of line, not at beginning
info_eol = "false";
# these characters are automatically replaced with specified color
# (dark grey by default)
replaces = { "[]" = "%g$*%n"; };
abstracts = {
############# generic ###############################
#indent_default = " + ";
indent_default = "";
# text to insert at the beginning of each non-message line
# line_start = "%g//%n ";
line_start = "";
# timestamp styling, nothing by default
#timestamp = "%K$0-%n";
timestamp = "";
# any kind of text that needs hilighting, default is to bold
hilight = "%_$*%_";
# any kind of error message, default is bright red
error = "%R$*%n";
# channel name is printed
channel = "%b$*%n";
# nick is printed
#nick = "%_$*%_";
nick = "";
# nick host is printed
nickhost = "%g$*";
# server name is printed
server = "%_$*%_";
# some kind of comment is printed
comment = "%n(%b\"$*\"%n);";
# reason for something is printed (part, quit, kick, ..)
reason = "{comment $*}";
# mode change is printed ([+o nick])
mode = "{comment $*}";
## channel specific messages
# highlighted nick/host is printed (joins)
channick_hilight = "%g$*%N";
chanhost_hilight = "{nickhost $*}";
# nick/host is printed (parts, quits, etc.)
channick = "$*";
chanhost = "{nickhost $*}";
# highlighted channel name is printed
channelhilight = "%g$*%n";
# ban/ban exception/invite list mask is printed
ban = "$*";
########### messages #################################
# the basic styling of how to print message, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
# msgnick = "$1-$0%K·%N %|";
#msgnick = "%K$0%N $1 %K│ %|%N";
# msgnick = "%K$0%N $1 %K· %|%N";
msgnick = "%K%N $1 %K│ %N";
# $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
ownmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1}";
ownnick = "%Y$*%n";
# public message in channel, $0 = nick mode, $1 = nick
pubmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1}";
pubnick = "%N$*%n";
# public highlighted message in channel
pubmsghinick = "{msgnick $0 $1}%r";
menick = "%R$*%n";
# channel name is printed with message
msgchannel = "%K:%m$*%n";
# private message, $0 = nick, $1 = host
privmsg = "$0=%b\"$1-\"%n ";
# private message from you, $0 = "msg", $1 = target nick
ownprivmsg = "$0=%b\"$1-\"%n ";
# private message in query
# privmsgnick = "{msgnick $*}";
privmsgnick = " %g<%N ";
# own private message in query
#ownprivmsgnick = "{privmsgnick $*}";
ownprivmsgnick = " %r>%N ";
#ownprivnick = "$*";
########## Actions (/ME stuff) #########################
# used internally by this theme
action_core = " %n$* │";
# generic one that's used by most actions
action = "{action_core $*} ";
# own action, both private/public
ownaction = "{action %p$*}";
# own action with target, both private/public
ownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%Y:%c$1%n ";
# private action sent by others
pvtaction = "%y (*) $*%n ";
pvtaction_query = "{action $* }";
# public action sent by others
pubaction = "{action $*}";
# generic one that's used by most actions
# action = " %m$* │ %N%m";
# own action, both private/public
# ownaction = "{action $*}";
# ownaction = " %m$* │ %N%m";
# own action with target, both private/public
# ownaction_target = " {action $*}";
# private action sent by others
# pvtaction = "{ $*}";
# pvtaction_query = "{ $*}";
# public action sent by others
# pubaction = " {action}";
########## other IRC events #############################
# whois
whois = "%# $[8]0 = $1-;";
# notices
ownnotice = "%NNote n = %Mnew%n $0 ($1-) ";
notice = "%M$*%n ";
pubnotice_channel = " %N($*)";
pvtnotice_host = " %N($*)";
servernotice = " %N($*)";
ownctcp = "%NCTCP c = %Mnew%n $0 ($1-) ";
ctcp = "%N$*%n";
# wallops
wallop = "%K$*%n: ";
wallop_nick = "%n$*";
wallop_action = "%K * $*%n ";
# netsplits
netsplit = " %Knsplit %R│ %b\"$*\"%n";
netjoin = " %Knjoin %G│ %b\"$*\"%n";
# /names list
names_prefix = " %Y│%n ";
names_nick = "%_$2$0%_%n$1- ";
names_nick_op = "{names_nick $* %R}";
names_nick_halfop = "{names_nick $* %C}";
names_nick_voice = "{names_nick $* %K}";
names_users = " %Y│%n $1";
names_channel = "\"%b$*\"%n";
dcc = "%g$*%n";
dccfile = "%_$*%_";
# DCC chat, own msg/action
dccownmsg = "%g /* $0 ($1-) */";
dccownnick = "$*%n";
dccownquerynick = "$*%n";
dccownaction = "{action $*}";
dccownaction_target = "{action $*}";
# DCC chat, others
dccmsg = "%g/* $1- ($0) */";
dccquerynick = "%g$*%n";
dccaction = "{action $*}";
######## statusbar/topicbar ############################
# default background for all statusbars. You can also give
# the default foreground color for statusbar items.
sb_background = "%9";
# default backround for "default" statusbar group
#sb_default_bg = "%4";
# background for prompt / input line
sb_prompt_bg = "%n";
# background for info statusbar
#sb_info_bg = "%8";
# background for topicbar (same default)
#sb_topic_bg = "%4";
# text at the beginning of statusbars. sb-item already puts
# space there,so we don't use anything by default.
sbstart = "";
# text at the end of statusbars. Use space so that it's never
# used for anything.
sbend = "";
topicsbstart = "%BChannel: %b\"$*";
topicsbend = "$*%b\"";
prompt = "$c%K └─ ";
sb = "[$*]";
sbmode = " %K[%g%g+%n$*%K]";
sbaway = " %g/* zZzZ */%n";
sbservertag = ":%g$0%n";
sbnickmode = "$0";
# Usercount
sb_usercount = "{sb %_$0%_ nicks ($1-)}";
sb_uc_ircops = "%_*%_$*";
sb_uc_ops = "%_@%r$*%n";
sb_uc_halfops = "%_%%%g$*%n";
sb_uc_voices = "%_+%y$*%n";
sb_uc_normal = "%w$*%n";
sb_uc_space = " ";
# activity in statusbar
# ',' separator
sb_act_sep = " ";
# normal text
sb_act_text = "%K%9$*%n";
# public message
sb_act_msg = "%Y%9$*%n";
# hilight
sb_act_hilight = "%R%9$*%n";
# hilight with specified color, $0 = color, $1 = text
sb_act_hilight_color = "%R%9$1-%n";
formats = {
"fe-common/core" = {
line_start = "{line_start}";
line_start_irssi = "{line_start}";
join = " join %g│ %n {channick $0}";
part = " part %r│ %n {channick $0}";
kick = " kicked %r│ %n {channick $0}";
quit = " quit %r│ %n {channick $0}";
quit_once = "{channel $3} {channick $0} {chanhost $1} %kquit {reason %C$2}";
nick_changed = "%K{channick $[-13]0}%G│ %n {channick $1}";
your_nick_changed = "%K you %G│ %n {channick $1}";
pubmsg = "{pubmsgnick $2 {pubnick \00313$[-11]0}}$1";
own_msg = "{ownmsgnick $2 {ownnick $[-11]0}}$1";
own_msg_channel = "{ownmsgnick $3 {ownnick $[-11]0}{msgchannel $1}}$2";
own_msg_private_query = "{ownprivmsgnick {ownprivnick $[-11]2}}$1";
pubmsg_me = "{pubmsghinick $2 {menick $[-11]0}}$1";
pubmsg_me_channel = "{pubmsghinick $3 {menick $[-11]0}{msgchannel $1}}$2";
pubmsg_hilight = "{pubmsghinick $3 {menick $[-11]1}}$2";
pubmsg_hilight_channel = "{pubmsghinick $0 $[-11]1$4{msgchannel $2}}$3";
pubmsg_channel = "{pubmsgnick {pubnick %G$[-11]0}$2}$1";
msg_private_query = "{privmsgnick $[-11]0}$2";
new_topic = " %ctopic %K│ %B'$2' %non %b$1%n%K[set by {nick %y$0}]";
endofnames = " names %Y│%m Total: {hilight $2} ops, {hilight $3} halfops, {hilight $4} voices, {hilight $5} normal%n";
"fe-common/irc" = {
chanmode_change = " mode %y│ %n {channick $1}";
server_chanmode_change = "% mode %y│ %n {channick $1}";
own_action = "{ownaction $[-11]0} $1";
action_private = "{pvtaction $[-11]0}$1";
action_private_query = "{pvtaction_query $[-11]0} $2";
action_public = "{pubaction $[-11]0}$1";
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