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Hi, I've read the wiki for wireless networks, I've read it for ad-hoc.
I have managed to get my wifi device to activate and scan using wpa-config and wpa_supplicant.
However none of the approaches (or combinations of that I have tried) seem to give me a working ad-hoc wifi spot that I can use with my laptop/phone, to connect them to the internet.
I do the "rfkill unblock wifi", that works.
I do the " wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant-adhoc.conf -D nl80211,wext"
I run wpa_gui and if I scan I can see my network "aComputerVirus" in there, however it doesn't seem to show up on my other devices, if i "connect to a hidden network" with my ubuntu laptop, it does seem to connect, but the internet does not work.
I also ran avahi-autoipd, but it didn't seem to have any effect.
If everything is working correctly I should be able to see my ad-hoc network normally and connect to it with my phone/ubuntu/windows laptop.
I heard there is a yaourt program that can make life a little easier here? however I am concerned that I don't wont to effect or disrupt my currently working perfectly wired connection into my arch desktop computer, I just want other computers to connect into it, not have it access the internet via wifi.
# wpa_supplicant-adhoc.conf
ctrl_interface=DIR=/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wheel
# use 'ap_scan=2' on all devices connected to the network
#key_mgmt=WPA-NONE does not work either
Pages: 1