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Just did a fresh install of Arch out of the box. I noticed that my cron jobs haven't been working.
I dropped them in /etc/cron.daily and /etc/cron.hourly .
No cron logs are present under /var/log
I also ran crontab -e and put in a job of:
*/1 * * * * /bin/echo test >> /tmp/testing
No /tmp/testing file gets created.
I also don't see any cron process running on the system with:
ps -ef |grep -i cron
I don't see any cron process registered in systemctl after running:
systemctl | grep -i cron
I also reinstalled cronie with:
pacman -Syu cronie
No change after reinstalling cronie.
I'm sure that I could play around with cronie and get it working, but according to the guides that I've's working out of the box with Arch.
Did you start cronie?
I'm not sure, but please be aware of this little catch that caught me a while back: … 5#p1011365
I'm not sure, but please be aware of this little catch that caught me a while back: … 5#p1011365
Possibility there...mine are links to file names and the link names do have spaces in them.
I removed the names with periods though I don't think it's getting that far along to actually execute them.
Last edited by vectox (2013-10-06 16:06:45)
You have to properly quote the filenames with spaces or remove the spaces and use e.g. underscores, if possible.
Did you start cronie?
Sure, I ran crond and now it's ruuning, though my
*/1 * * * * /bin/echo test >> /tmp/testing
didn't yield any results.
Keep in mind here that I'm reporting, what I suspect is, an installation bug.
My outdated copy of arch that got buggered during the systemd transition was just out of date so I did a fresh install with the latest image.
Cron doesn't appear to be enabled with systemd....which may be the main problem.
karol wrote:Did you start cronie?
Cron doesn't appear to be enabled with systemd....which may be the main problem.
That's what I'm asking about: … _autostart
I enabled everything just fine by running:
systemctl start cronie
systemctl enable cronie
All the crons are now working just fine....which I think is what karol was getting at.
Thanks for your help all.
You're welcome :-)
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